This file defines the generic machine intrinsics.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
intrinsic: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> { .. }
These helper functions simplify unit-returning intrinsics.
fn unit_value<M: Memory>() -> Value<M> {
fn unit_type() -> Type {
Type::Tuple { sized_fields: list![], sized_head_layout: TupleHeadLayout {
end: Size::ZERO, align: Align::ONE, packed_align: None,
}, unsized_field: None }
See this blog post for why this is needed.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_intrinsic(&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::PointerExposeProvenance: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 1 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `PointerExposeProvenance` intrinsic");
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: ptr, metadata: None }) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid argument for `PointerExposeProvenance` intrinsic: not a thin pointer");
if ret_ty != Type::Int(IntType { signed: Unsigned, size: M::T::PTR_SIZE }) {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `PointerExposeProvenance` intrinsic")
fn eval_intrinsic(&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::PointerWithExposedProvenance: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 1 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `PointerWithExposedProvenance` intrinsic");
let Value::Int(addr) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid argument for `PointerWithExposedProvenance` intrinsic: not an integer");
let Type::Ptr(ret_ptr_ty) = ret_ty else {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `PointerWithExposedProvenance` intrinsic");
if ret_ptr_ty.meta_kind() != PointerMetaKind::None {
throw_ub!("unsized pointee requested for `PointerWithExposedProvenance` intrinsic");
let ptr = self.intptrcast.int2ptr(addr)?;
We start with the Exit
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn exit(&self) -> NdResult<!> {
// Check for memory leaks.
// No leak found -- good, stop the machine.
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::Exit: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
Currently Panic
carries no message and aborts directly.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::Panic: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
// Stop machine immediatly without any additional checks.
throw_abort!("we panicked");
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::Assume: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 1 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `Assume` intrinsic");
let Value::Bool(b) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid argument for `Assume` intrinsic: not a Boolean");
if ret_ty != unit_type() {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `Assume` intrinsic")
if !b {
throw_ub!("`Assume` intrinsic called on condition that is violated");
These are the PrintStdout
and PrintStderr
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::PrintStdout: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if ret_ty != unit_type() {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `PrintStdout` intrinsic")
self.eval_print(self.stdout, arguments)?;
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::PrintStderr: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if ret_ty != unit_type() {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `PrintStderr` intrinsic")
self.eval_print(self.stderr, arguments)?;
fn eval_print(
&mut self,
stream: DynWrite,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
) -> Result {
for (arg, _) in arguments {
match arg {
Value::Int(i) => write!(stream, "{}\n", i).unwrap(),
Value::Bool(b) => write!(stream, "{}\n", b).unwrap(),
_ => throw_ub!("unsupported value for printing"),
These intrinsics can be used for dynamic memory allocation and deallocation.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::Allocate: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 2 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `Allocate` intrinsic");
let Value::Int(size) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid first argument to `Allocate` intrinsic: not an integer");
let Some(size) = Size::from_bytes(size) else {
throw_ub!("invalid size for `Allocate` intrinsic: negative size");
let Value::Int(align) = arguments[1].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid second argument to `Allocate` intrinsic: not an integer");
let Some(align) = Align::from_bytes(align) else {
throw_ub!("invalid alignment for `Allocate` intrinsic: not a power of 2");
let Type::Ptr(ret_ptr_ty) = ret_ty else {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `Allocate` intrinsic");
if ret_ptr_ty.meta_kind() != PointerMetaKind::None {
throw_ub!("unsized pointee requested for `Allocate` intrinsic");
let alloc = self.mem.allocate(AllocationKind::Heap, size, align)?;
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::Deallocate: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 3 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `Deallocate` intrinsic");
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: ptr, metadata: None }) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid first argument to `Deallocate` intrinsic: not a thin pointer");
let Value::Int(size) = arguments[1].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid second argument to `Deallocate` intrinsic: not an integer");
let Some(size) = Size::from_bytes(size) else {
throw_ub!("invalid size for `Deallocate` intrinsic: negative size");
let Value::Int(align) = arguments[2].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid third argument to `Deallocate` intrinsic: not an integer");
let Some(align) = Align::from_bytes(align) else {
throw_ub!("invalid alignment for `Deallocate` intrinsic: not a power of 2");
if ret_ty != unit_type() {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `Deallocate` intrinsic")
self.mem.deallocate(ptr, AllocationKind::Heap, size, align)?;
These intrinsics let the program spawn and join threads.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn spawn(&mut self, func: Function, data_pointer: Value<M>, data_ptr_ty: Type) -> NdResult<ThreadId> {
// Create the thread.
let args = list![(data_pointer, data_ptr_ty)];
let thread_id = self.new_thread(func, args)?;
// This thread got synchronized because its existence startet with this.
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::Spawn: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 2 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `Spawn` intrinsic");
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: ptr, metadata: None }) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid first argument to `Spawn` intrinsic: not a thin pointer");
let func = self.fn_from_ptr(ptr)?;
let (data_ptr, data_ptr_ty) = arguments[1];
if !matches!(data_ptr_ty, Type::Ptr(_)) {
throw_ub!("invalid second argument to `Spawn` intrinsic: not a pointer");
if !matches!(ret_ty, Type::Int(_)) {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `Spawn` intrinsic")
let thread_id = self.spawn(func, data_ptr, data_ptr_ty)?;
fn join(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> NdResult {
let Some(thread) = self.threads.get(thread_id) else {
throw_ub!("`Join` intrinsic: join non existing thread");
match thread.state {
ThreadState::Terminated => {},
_ => {
self.threads.mutate_at(self.active_thread, |thread|{
thread.state = ThreadState::BlockedOnJoin(thread_id);
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::Join: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 1 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `Join` intrinsic");
let Value::Int(thread_id) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid first argument to `Join` intrinsic: not an integer");
if ret_ty != unit_type() {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `Join` intrinsic")
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn load_raw_data(&mut self, ptr : Pointer<<M as Memory>::Provenance>, ptr_ty : PtrType) -> Result<List<u8>> {
// We need the pointee layout to determine how many bytes to load.
let PtrType::Ref { pointee, .. } = ptr_ty else {
throw_ub!("invalid argument to `RawEq` intrinsic: not a reference");
let PointeeInfo { layout: LayoutStrategy::Sized(size, align), .. } = pointee else {
throw_ub!("invalid argument to `RawEq` intrinsic: unsized pointee");
let bytes = self.mem.load(ptr.thin_pointer, size, align, Atomicity::None)?;
let Some(data) = bytes.try_map(|byte| else {
throw_ub!("invalid argument to `RawEq` intrinsic: byte is uninitialized");
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::RawEq: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 2 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `RawEq` intrinsic");
if ret_ty != Type::Bool {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `RawEq` intrinsic")
let (left, l_ty) = (arguments).index_at(0);
let (right, r_ty) = (arguments).index_at(1);
if l_ty != r_ty {
throw_ub!("invalid arguments to `RawEq` intrinsic: types of arguments are not identical");
let Value::Ptr(left) = left else {
throw_ub!("invalid first argument to `RawEq` intrinsic: not a pointer");
let Value::Ptr(right) = right else {
throw_ub!("invalid second argument to `RawEq` intrinsic: not a pointer");
let Type::Ptr(l_ty) = l_ty else {
throw_ub!("invalid argument type to `RawEq` intrinsic: not a pointer");
let left_data = self.load_raw_data(left, l_ty)?;
let right_data = self.load_raw_data(right, l_ty)?;
ret(Value::Bool(left_data == right_data))
These intrinsics provide atomic accesses.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::AtomicStore: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 2 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `AtomicStore` intrinsic");
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: ptr, metadata: None }) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid first argument to `AtomicStore` intrinsic: not a thin pointer");
let (val, ty) = arguments[1];
let LayoutStrategy::Sized(size, _) = ty.layout::<M::T>() else {
throw_ub!("invalid second argument to `AtomicStore` intrinsic: unsized type");
let Some(align) = Align::from_bytes(size.bytes()) else {
throw_ub!("invalid second argument to `AtomicStore` intrinsic: size not power of two");
if size > M::T::MAX_ATOMIC_SIZE {
throw_ub!("invalid second argument to `AtomicStore` intrinsic: size too big");
if ret_ty != unit_type() {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `AtomicStore` intrinsic")
self.typed_store(ptr, val, ty, align, Atomicity::Atomic)?;
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::AtomicLoad: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 1 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `AtomicLoad` intrinsic");
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: ptr, metadata: None }) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid first argument to `AtomicLoad` intrinsic: not a thin pointer");
let size = ret_ty.layout::<M::T>().expect_size("WF ensures intrinsic return types are sized");
let Some(align) = Align::from_bytes(size.bytes()) else {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `AtomicLoad` intrinsic: size not power of two");
if size > M::T::MAX_ATOMIC_SIZE {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `AtomicLoad` intrinsic: size too big");
// `ret_ty` is ensured to be sized above.
let val = self.typed_load(ptr, ret_ty, align, Atomicity::Atomic)?;
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::AtomicCompareExchange: IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 3 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `AtomicCompareExchange` intrinsic");
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: ptr, metadata: None }) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid first argument to `AtomicCompareExchange` intrinsic: not a thin pointer");
let (current, curr_ty) = arguments[1];
if curr_ty != ret_ty {
throw_ub!("invalid second argument to `AtomicCompareExchange` intrinsic: not same type as return value");
let (next, next_ty) = arguments[2];
if next_ty != ret_ty {
throw_ub!("invalid third argument to `AtomicCompareExchange` intrinsic: not same type as return value");
if !matches!(ret_ty, Type::Int(_)) {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `Intrinis::AtomicCompareExchange`: only works with integers");
// All integers are sized with a power of two size.
let size = ret_ty.layout::<M::T>().expect_size("`ret_ty` is an integer");
let align = Align::from_bytes(size.bytes()).unwrap();
if size > M::T::MAX_ATOMIC_SIZE {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `AtomicCompareExchange` intrinsic: size too big");
// The value at the location right now.
let before = self.typed_load(ptr, ret_ty, align, Atomicity::Atomic)?;
// This is the central part of the operation. If the expected before value at ptr is the current value,
// then we exchange it for the next value.
// FIXME: The memory model might have to know that this is a compare-exchange.
if current == before {
self.typed_store(ptr, next, ret_ty, align, Atomicity::Atomic)?;
} else {
// We do *not* do a store on a failing AtomicCompareExchange. This means that races between
// a non-atomic load and a failing AtomicCompareExchange are not considered UB!
fn eval_intrinsic(
&mut self,
IntrinsicOp::AtomicFetchAndOp(op): IntrinsicOp,
arguments: List<(Value<M>, Type)>,
ret_ty: Type,
) -> NdResult<Value<M>> {
if arguments.len() != 2 {
throw_ub!("invalid number of arguments for `AtomicFetchAndOp` intrinsic");
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: ptr, metadata: None }) = arguments[0].0 else {
throw_ub!("invalid first argument to `AtomicFetchAndOp` intrinsic: not a thin pointer");
let (other, other_ty) = arguments[1];
if other_ty != ret_ty {
throw_ub!("invalid second argument to `AtomicFetchAndOp` intrinsic: not same type as return value");
let Type::Int(int_ty) = ret_ty else {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `AtomicFetchAndOp` intrinsic: only works with integers");
// All integers are sized with a power of two size.
let size = ret_ty.layout::<M::T>().expect_size("`ret_ty` is an integer");
let align = Align::from_bytes(size.bytes()).unwrap();
if size > M::T::MAX_ATOMIC_SIZE {
throw_ub!("invalid return type for `AtomicFetchAndOp` intrinsic: size too big");
// The value at the location right now.
let previous = self.typed_load(ptr, ret_ty, align, Atomicity::Atomic)?;
// Convert to integers
let Value::Int(other_int) = other else { unreachable!() };
let Value::Int(previous_int) = previous else { unreachable!() };
// Perform operation.
let next_int = Self::eval_int_bin_op(op, previous_int, other_int, int_ty)?;
let next = Value::Int(next_int);
// Store it again.
self.typed_store(ptr, next, ret_ty, align, Atomicity::Atomic)?;