Here we define the evaluation of unary and binary operators.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_un_op(&self, operator: UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> { .. }
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
/// Perform the operation on the mathematical integer `operand`,
/// but correcting for non-pure effects dependent of the `operand_ty`.
fn eval_int_un_op(op: IntUnOp, operand: Int, operand_ty: IntType) -> Result<Int> {
use IntUnOp::*;
ret(match op {
// Put the result into the right range (in case of overflow).
Neg => operand_ty.bring_in_bounds(-operand),
// Put the result into the right range (in case of a unsigned numbers, which `!`
// makes negative by inverting all the leading zeros).
BitNot => operand_ty.bring_in_bounds(!operand),
// This can never overflow, as the total number of bits is below `u32::MAX`.
CountOnes => Self::eval_count_ones(operand, operand_ty),
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::Int(op): UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Type::Int(int_ty) = op_ty else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(operand) = operand else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let ret_ty = match op {
IntUnOp::CountOnes => IntType { signed: Unsigned, size: Size::from_bytes(4).unwrap() },
_ => int_ty,
let result = Value::Int(Self::eval_int_un_op(op, operand, int_ty)?);
// Sanity-check that the result of `eval_int_un_op` is in-bounds.
self.check_value(result, Type::Int(ret_ty))
.expect("sanity check: result of UnOp::Int does not fit in the return type");
ret((result, Type::Int(ret_ty)))
aka ctpop
is a Rust intrinsic on integer types that always returns a u32
This is not a pure function on mathematical integers,
since the bit representation for non-negative values has infinite zeros,
and infinite ones for negatives values.
Therefore, the bit width is important, and iterating until remaining_bits = 0
is not correct.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_count_ones(operand: Int, int_ty: IntType) -> Int {
let mut ones = Int::ZERO;
let mut remaining_bits = operand;
// Iterate once per bit in the bit width, afterwards the remaining bits are leading bits only.
for _ in Int::ZERO..int_ty.size.bits() {
// Extract the least significant bit and update `remaining_bits` to remove that bit.
ones += remaining_bits & Int::ONE;
remaining_bits >>= 1;
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_cast_op(&self, cast_op: CastOp, (operand, old_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
use CastOp::*;
match cast_op {
IntToInt(int_ty) => {
let Value::Int(operand) = operand else { panic!("non-integer input to int-to-int cast") };
let result = int_ty.bring_in_bounds(operand);
ret((Value::Int(result), Type::Int(int_ty)))
Transmute(new_ty) => {
if old_ty.layout::<M::T>().expect_size("WF ensures transmutes are sized")
!= new_ty.layout::<M::T>().expect_size("WF ensures transmutes are sized")
throw_ub!("transmute between types of different size")
let val = self.transmute(operand, old_ty, new_ty)?;
ret((val, new_ty))
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::Cast(cast_op): UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
ret(self.eval_cast_op(cast_op, (operand, op_ty))?)
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::GetThinPointer: UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(ptr) = operand else { panic!("non-pointer GetThinPointer") };
let thin_ptr = Pointer { metadata: None, ..ptr };
let thin_ptr_ty = PtrType::Raw { meta_kind: PointerMetaKind::None };
ret((Value::Ptr(thin_ptr), Type::Ptr(thin_ptr_ty)))
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::GetMetadata: UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(ptr) = operand else { panic!("non-pointer GetMetadata") };
let Type::Ptr(ptr_ty) = op_ty else { panic!("non-pointer GetMetadata") };
let meta_value = ptr_ty.meta_kind().encode_as_value::<M>(ptr.metadata);
let meta_ty = ptr_ty.meta_kind().ty::<M::T>();
// O(1) sanity check
self.check_value(meta_value, meta_ty).expect("GetMetadata: sanity check, returned meta is well-formed");
ret((meta_value, meta_ty))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::ComputeSize(ty): UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let meta = ty.meta_kind().decode_value::<M>(operand);
let size = self.compute_size(ty.layout::<M::T>(), meta);
ret((Value::Int(size.bytes()), Type::Int(IntType::usize_ty::<M::T>())))
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::ComputeAlign(ty): UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let meta = ty.meta_kind().decode_value::<M>(operand);
let align = self.compute_align(ty.layout::<M::T>(), meta);
ret((Value::Int(align.bytes()), Type::Int(IntType::usize_ty::<M::T>())))
Dynamic dispatch in MiniRust is represented as a Call
to the result of an explicit VTableMethodLookup
This expression works on vtable pointers, which can be extracted by GetMetadata
Which method is invoked is represented by the method
parameter, which corresponds to a function of the trait.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::VTableMethodLookup(method): UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let (Value::Ptr(ptr), Type::Ptr(_ptr_ty)) = (operand, op_ty) else {
panic!("vtable lookup on non-pointer");
// It is checked in check_value that the vtable is always valid.
let vtable = self.vtable_lookup()(ptr.thin_pointer);
// Well-formedness of values ensures `ptr` points to a vtable of the right trait,
// and hence the method exists.
let fn_name = vtable.methods[method];
let fn_ptr = Value::Ptr(self.fn_ptrs[fn_name].widen(None));
ret((fn_ptr, Type::Ptr(PtrType::FnPtr)))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_bin_op(
operator: BinOp,
(left, l_ty):
(Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> { .. }
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_int_bin_op(op: IntBinOp, left: Int, right: Int, left_ty: IntType) -> Result<Int> {
use IntBinOp::*;
ret(match op {
Add => left + right,
AddUnchecked => {
let result = left + right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) {
throw_ub!("overflow in unchecked add");
Sub => left - right,
SubUnchecked => {
let result = left - right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) {
throw_ub!("overflow in unchecked sub");
Mul => left * right,
MulUnchecked => {
let result = left * right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) {
throw_ub!("overflow in unchecked mul");
Div => {
if right == 0 {
throw_ub!("division by zero");
let result = left / right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) { // `int::MIN / -1` is UB
throw_ub!("overflow in division");
DivExact => {
if right == 0 {
throw_ub!("division by zero");
let result = left / right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) { // `int::MIN / -1` is UB
throw_ub!("overflow in division");
if left % right != 0 {
throw_ub!("non-zero remainder in exact division");
Rem => {
if right == 0 {
throw_ub!("modulus of remainder is zero");
if !left_ty.can_represent(left / right) { // `int::MIN % -1` is UB
throw_ub!("overflow in remainder");
left % right
Shl | Shr => {
let bits = left_ty.size.bits();
let offset = right.rem_euclid(bits);
match op {
Shl => left << offset,
Shr => left >> offset,
_ => panic!(),
ShlUnchecked | ShrUnchecked => {
let bits = left_ty.size.bits();
if right < 0 || right >= bits {
throw_ub!("overflow in unchecked shift");
match op {
ShlUnchecked => left << right,
ShrUnchecked => left >> right,
_ => panic!(),
BitAnd => left & right,
BitOr => left | right,
BitXor => left ^ right,
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::Int(op): BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Type::Int(int_ty) = l_ty else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(left) = left else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(right) = right else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
// Perform the operation.
let result = Self::eval_int_bin_op(op, left, right, int_ty)?;
// Put the result into the right range (in case of overflow).
let result = int_ty.bring_in_bounds(result);
ret((Value::Int(result), Type::Int(int_ty)))
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::IntWithOverflow(op): BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Type::Int(int_ty) = l_ty else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(left) = left else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(right) = right else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
// Perform the operation.
let result = match op {
IntBinOpWithOverflow::Add => left + right,
IntBinOpWithOverflow::Sub => left - right,
IntBinOpWithOverflow::Mul => left * right,
let overflow = !int_ty.can_represent(result);
// Put the result into the right range (in case of overflow).
let result = int_ty.bring_in_bounds(result);
// Pack result and overflow bool into tuple.
let value = Value::Tuple(list![Value::Int::<M>(result), Value::Bool::<M>(overflow)]);
let ty = int_ty.with_overflow::<M::T>();
ret((value, ty))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
/// Turns the ordering from the comparasion result into a value, depending on the operation.
fn eval_rel_op(rel: RelOp, ord: std::cmp::Ordering) -> (Value<M>, Type) {
use RelOp::*;
match rel {
Lt => (Value::Bool(ord.is_lt()), Type::Bool),
Gt => (Value::Bool(ord.is_gt()), Type::Bool),
Le => (Value::Bool(ord.is_le()), Type::Bool),
Ge => (Value::Bool(ord.is_ge()), Type::Bool),
Eq => (Value::Bool(ord.is_eq()), Type::Bool),
Ne => (Value::Bool(ord.is_ne()), Type::Bool),
Cmp => {
let val = match ord {
std::cmp::Ordering::Less => -1,
std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => 0,
std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => 1,
(Value::Int(Int::from(val)), Type::Int(IntType::I8))
/// Compares two pointers including their metadata, but ignoring provenance.
fn compare_ptr(left: Pointer<M::Provenance>, right: Pointer<M::Provenance>) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
let thin_cmp = left.thin_pointer.addr.cmp(&right.thin_pointer.addr);
let meta_cmp = match (left.metadata, right.metadata) {
(None, None) => std::cmp::Ordering::Equal,
(Some(PointerMeta::ElementCount(l)), Some(PointerMeta::ElementCount(r))) => l.cmp(&r),
(Some(PointerMeta::VTablePointer(l)), Some(PointerMeta::VTablePointer(r))) => l.addr.cmp(&r.addr),
_ => panic!("unmatching metadata in wide pointer comparasion"),
// Lexicographically compare on first the thin pointer and then the metadata
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::Rel(rel_op): BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let ord = match (l_ty, left, right) {
(Type::Int(_), Value::Int(left), Value::Int(right)) => {
(Type::Bool, Value::Bool(left), Value::Bool(right)) => {
(Type::Ptr(_), Value::Ptr(left), Value::Ptr(right)) => {
Self::compare_ptr(left, right)
_ => panic!("relational operator on incomparable type or value-type mismatch"),
ret(Self::eval_rel_op(rel_op, ord))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
/// Perform a wrapping offset on the given pointer. (Can never fail.)
fn ptr_offset_wrapping(&self, ptr: ThinPointer<M::Provenance>, offset: Int) -> ThinPointer<M::Provenance> {
/// Perform in-bounds arithmetic on the given pointer. This must not wrap,
/// and the offset must stay in bounds of a single allocation.
fn ptr_offset_inbounds(&self, ptr: ThinPointer<M::Provenance>, offset: Int) -> Result<ThinPointer<M::Provenance>> {
// Ensure dereferenceability.
self.mem.signed_dereferenceable(ptr, offset)?;
// This also ensures that `offset` fits in an `isize`, since no allocation
// can be bigger than `isize`, and it ensures that the arithmetic does not overflow, since no
// allocation wraps around the edge of the address space.
assert!(offset.in_bounds(Signed, M::T::PTR_SIZE));
assert!((ptr.addr + offset).in_bounds(Unsigned, M::T::PTR_SIZE));
// All checked!
ret(ThinPointer { addr: ptr.addr + offset, ..ptr })
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::PtrOffset { inbounds }: BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: left, metadata: None }) = left else {
panic!("non-thin-pointer left input to `PtrOffset`")
let Value::Int(right) = right else { panic!("non-integer right input to `PtrOffset`") };
let offset_ptr = if inbounds {
self.ptr_offset_inbounds(left, right)?
} else {
self.ptr_offset_wrapping(left, right)
ret((Value::Ptr(offset_ptr.widen(None)), l_ty))
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::PtrOffsetFrom { inbounds, nonneg }: BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: left, metadata: None }) = left else {
panic!("non-thin-pointer left input to `PtrOffsetFrom`")
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: right, metadata: None }) = right else {
panic!("non-thin-pointer right input to `PtrOffsetFrom`")
let distance = left.addr - right.addr;
let distance = if inbounds {
// The "gap" between the two pointers must be dereferenceable from both of them.
// This check also ensures that the distance is inbounds of `isize`.
self.mem.signed_dereferenceable(left, -distance)?;
self.mem.signed_dereferenceable(right, distance)?;
// All checked!
} else {
distance.bring_in_bounds(Signed, M::T::PTR_SIZE)
if nonneg && distance < Int::ZERO {
throw_ub!("PtrOffsetFrom: negative result with `nonneg` flag set");
let isize_int = IntType { signed: Signed, size: M::T::PTR_SIZE };
ret((Value::Int(distance), Type::Int(isize_int)))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::ConstructWidePointer(ptr_ty): BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer, metadata: None }) = left else {
panic!("non-thin-pointer left input to `ConstructWidePointer`")
let metadata = ptr_ty.meta_kind().decode_value::<M>(right);
let wide_ptr = Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer, metadata });
// check that the decoded pointer is well-formed. Includes size and vtable checks.
self.check_value(wide_ptr, Type::Ptr(ptr_ty))?;
ret((wide_ptr, Type::Ptr(ptr_ty)))