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Brian Warner released two new versions of Foolscap. The details of the release can be read below.
"This release is compatible with Twisted-15.3.0 through 15.5.0. A change in 15.3.0 triggered a bug in Foolscap which produced a somewhat-infinite series of log messages when run under twistd. This release fixes that bug, and slightly changes the semantics of calling log.msg() with additional parameters. (#244)
Foolscap no longer claims compatibility with python-2.6.x . Twisted-15.5.0 was the last release to offer 2.6 support, and subsequent releases actively throw errors when run against 2.6, so we've turned off Foolscap's automated testing for 2.6. It may remain compatible by accident for a while. (#245)
If you are interested in TWN in an easy to update format, we will be hosting TWN on Github. Now you can update your copy of the news with a git pull.
I finally made good on my promise and attended Nuts and Bolts on both Tuesday (01/26/16) and Friday (01/22/16). I had a fantastic time with both of these meetings. I really appreciate the developers at Tahoe-LAFS providing such an open forum to the development process.
Nuts and Bolts is held regularly at 1700Z on Tuesdays and Fridays. You can attend the Hangout at the following Hangout URL.
Attendees: Daira Hopwood, David Stanton, Zooko Wilcox
Much discussion was had on the way forward. We have a potentially good idea to simplify Magic Folders conflict-detection and separate conflict detection more from history-preservation and from networking (i.e. a reader talking interactively to all of the different writers). David absolutely made my day with my favorite example, me taking years away to sail around New Zealand. Note to the reader, you can bribe the author with the ability to sail the world with his better half. Daira will be posting notes on the result of the design discussion and I will update this newsletter when I receive them.
Attendees: Brian Warner, Chris Wood, Daira Hopwood, David Stanton, Leif Ryge, Mike Warren, Patrick R McDonald, and Zooko Wilcox
Daira graciously volunteered to be the release manager for 1.10.3. Brian will be the assistant release manager. Daira will review the "introless-multiintro" branch (#68) to decide whether it will be landed in 1.10.3 or 1.11.0. Brian will resolve the Foolscap issues for 1.10.3. Daira will have all tickets for 1.10.3 triaged by this Friday (1/29/16).
A large issue with being able to do timely releases is the lack of Windows users, developers, and build machines. If you can donate resources to help with this issue, please let us know.
Leif is hacking on the branch which will replace all the build/setup/dependency stuff (#1582).
Chris Wood spoke about gridsync, his project. Chris is working with Gus Andrews of SimplySecure to create a desktop GUI client for Linux, OS X, and Windows. Gus provided an excellent review of gridsync. Gridsync creates a single-file executable on OS X and Windows, which will not depend upon locally-install Python or other libraries.
Freelab initiative had questions concerning Windows and Debian ARM clients.
.丶Ever experienced an issue with zfec. Zooko and Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan were able to resolve the issue.
David Stanton requested Brian Warner's assistance with the Magic Folder roadmap.
The Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News is published once a week by The Tahoe-LAFS
The Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News is published once a week by The Tahoe-LAFS
Foundation, President and Treasurer: Peter Secor . Scribes: Patrick
"marlowe" McDonald
, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn , Editor Emeritus:
Send your news stories to marlowe@antagonism.org - submission deadline:
Monday night.