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207 lines (143 loc) · 6.38 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (143 loc) · 6.38 KB



  • Difference between automation, customization, and extension
    • fixed


  • Use your enterprise account to log into Esri
    • fixed
  • Replace arcgis pro download link with google drive link.
    • fixed
  • Add enterprise login steps/screens


  • Error
    • Means that you have not opened arcgis pro and signed into ArcGIS pro/
PS C:\DevSource\GEOG676> & python c:/DevSource/GEOG676/topic/01/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:/DevSource/GEOG676/topic/01/", line 1, in <module>
    import arcpy
  File "C:\Program
Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\", line 66, in
    from arcpy.geoprocessing import gp
  File "C:\Program
line 14, in <module>
    from ._base import *
  File "C:\Program
Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\geoprocessing\", line
14, in <module>
    import arcgisscripting
RuntimeError: Not signed into Portal.
  • added to errors

  • ArcPy version of python does not show in the list in VSCode even after updating the env variable? - is this good or bad?

  • You do not have to pick the ArcPy version of python (if it doesn't show)

-Can not edit the env variable on GEOSAD comps or VOAL. Ran setting setting.json. Seems to work, but still need to login.


  • Name of lecture does not match Variable stuff & operators. Make them separate from conditionals/loops. Only one thing per section.


  • Seems short for scope. Some examples would be helpful


  • Show final output


  • Some screenshots of it waiting at the terminal/showing output would be good.


  • add more examples: count += 1, -=, ++, --
    • fixed

  • remove - print(x < y and x != y) # True, since both expressions are true - duplicate
    • Not sure why?
  • change title to opertaors
    • Done
  • add examples of stringing together a series of nested operators

  • Move nested loop to end
    • Fixed
  • Add an example with a lot of elif's
    • Fixed

  • add a counter example to the while loop about why they would have to keep track of a counter variable and what can happen
    • Fixed
  • add small video talking about why and how a counter variable can go wrong
    • Fixed

  • Add more arguments in list of parameters as the example.
    • Huh?

  • Why is c a parameter? It is just getting overwritten
    • I think it makes it a little easier for beginners to read with a variable to use instead of printing (a + b) everytime.
  • print_vertically is never called, in "The whole thing vertically"
    • I think you fixed this
  • Why is count always hard coded to 3? It's always starting at the 3rd one, since first and second = 1 & 2
    • Added an explanation in the lecture
  • Add line break between while loop and pring array
    • Not necessary but I did (I'm assuming within print_horizontally())

  • Learning objective should be more descriptive - Use loops, variables, and conditionals to create a calculator application
  • Fixed
  • Add example output/use (screenshot)
  • Fixed
  • add iterator controls (break/continue, etc.)
  • Fixed


09 - slash explanation needed

11 -

Class Truck (Attributes section - might fail since no blank constructor, double check)

12 - Remame links in TOCs to be "Built In Functions" instead of "Advanced Functions"

  • Verify if int() truncates or rounds


    • Diff of list - make sure those values are correct, there are some things in list two that are not shown
    • should EOFError be IOError instead?
  • Add images for each type of operation
  • If we are going to use string formatting, we need a lecture about this, way earlier in the semester. Add now and we we throw in where we can.
  • Need to have a separate lecture on cursors (search, update, etc.)
  • Should have picture of the process/output happening
  • Top function (lambda) - should be isOdd, not isEven since the function def (full one) will return false for even numbers
  • Add the full loop versions for map/reduce/filter to show how they are longer and different.


  • Add example of how you would create your own package (using a path)


  • UniqueValue renderer - Add in description of what each color is showing, or at least show the legend along with the map. Also confusing why you are calling the graduated colors one a choropleth, weirdly specifically, and not this one.
  • GraduatedColorsRenderer - Is project.listColorRamps('Oranges') predefined or did you hav to create that in order to use it in the code?


  • Provide screenshots (or code blocks) and links to the full json and geojson files that you use in the examples.
  • Add the landsat data to somewhere that is not Aaron's google drive - Canvas, etc.

Additional Lectures:

  1. Exception Handling

  2. Pretty Printing: return "Point3D(%d, %d, %d)" % (self.x, self.y, self.z)

  3. Built in functions for objects that you can (and maybe should) override

  4. Slice notation -

a[-1]    # last item in the array
a[-2:]   # last two items in the array
a[:-2]   # everything except the last two items
a[::-1]    # all items in the array, reversed
a[1::-1]   # the first two items, reversed
a[:-3:-1]  # the last two items, reversed
a[-3::-1]  # everything except the last two items, reversed
  1. ArcGIS for Python

  2. Python API for ArcGIS

  3. numpy

  4. scipy

8b. Lecture on debugging

  1. Using ArcGISPro "Record Python" -> record common actions, run them as script.

  2. Packaging and distributing your code (with licensing [aka as an extension])

  3. Data science / visualizations

  4. Never using ArcGIS again - Python has it all already, you just have to put it together - numPy + sciPy + pySal

  5. SQL connections (Was attempted, but is needlessly complicated and documentation sucks. Also I couldn't add a connection to our registered dbs through the GUI; maybe a license issue)