feat: settings to posts
feat: settings to posts
Force push
docs: create article how to use clamp() css function
docs: create article how to use clamp() css function
chore: update prettier settings
chore: update prettier settings
refactor: rename and delete files
refactor: rename and delete files
feat: set meta tags and load font via google fonts
feat: set meta tags and load font via google fonts
docs: add italic format
docs: add italic format
docs: article about underscore in target=_blank
docs: article about underscore in target=_blank
[BLOG_POST]: Como organizei meus dotfiles e otimizei meu fluxo de tra…
[BLOG_POST]: Como organizei meus dotfiles e otimizei meu fluxo de tra…
Pull request merge
docs: adjust text and add new infos
docs: adjust text and add new infos
refactor: 💡 add info about elo7 blog post
refactor: 💡 add info about elo7 blog post