diff --git a/teps/0140-producing-results-in-matrix.md b/teps/0140-producing-results-in-matrix.md
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+status: 'implementable'
+title: Producing Results in Matrix
+creation-date: '2023-07-31'
+last-updated: '2023-08-21'
+ - '@emmamunley'
+ - '@pritidesai'
+ - '@jerop'
+ - TEP-0075
+ - TEP-0076
+ - TEP-0090
+ - TEP-0118
+# TEP-0140: Producing Results in Matrix
+- [Summary](#summary)
+- [Motivation](#motivation)
+ - [Goals](#goals)
+ - [Non-Goals](#non-goals)
+ - [Background](#background)
+ - [String Results](#string-results)
+ - [Array Results](#array-results)
+ - [Object Results](#object-results)
+ - [Requirements](#requirements)
+ - [Use Cases](#use-cases)
+ - [1. Build and Deploy](#1-build-and-deploy)
+ - [2. Checking compatibility of a browser extension on various platforms
and browsers
+- [Proposal](#proposal)
+- [Design Details](#design-details)
+ - [Results Cache](#results-cache)
+ - [Context Variables](#context-variables)
+ - [Access Matrix Combinations Length](#access-matrix-combinations-length)
+ - [Access Aggregated Results Length](#access-aggregated-results-length)
+ - [Limitations](#limitations)
+ - [Types](#types)
+ - [Missing Task Results](#missing-task-results)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+ - [1. Build and Deploy Images](#1-build-and-deploy-images)
+ - [2. Checking compatibility of a browser extension on various platforms
and browsers
+- [Design Evaluation](#design-evaluation)
+- [Future Work](#future-work)
+ - [Consuming Individual or Specific Combinations of Results Produced by a Matrixed PipelineTask](#consuming-individual-or-specific-combinations-of-results-produced-by-a-matrixed-pipelinetask)
+- [References](#references)
+## Summary
+Today, we do not support producing `results` from `pipelineTasks` that have been fanned out using `matrix`. This TEP
+aims to enable producing `results` from matrixed `pipelineTasks` and would enable users to:
+- Declare a matrixed `taskRun` that emits `results` of type `string` that are fanned out over multiple `taskRuns` and
+ aggregated into an `array` of `results` that can then be consumed by another `pipelineTask`.
+- Consume an entire `array` of `results` produced by a referenced matrixed `PipelineTask`.
+- Declare a matrixed `taskRun` that emits `results` of type `array` or `object` as long as those `results` are not
+ consumed by another `pipelineTask`.
+In summary, we propose, each fanned out `taskRun` that produces `results` of type `string` will be aggregated into an
+`array` of `results` during reconciliation, in which the entire aggregated `array` of `results` can be consumed by
+another `pipelineTask` using the star notion `[*]`.
+We will not limit producing `results` of type `array` or `object` from a matrixed `pipelineTask`. However, we will
+validate that any `results` produced from a fanned out `pipelineTask` can only be emitted as a `String` type *IF*
+that `result` is also being consumed by another `pipelineTask`. This is because we currently don't support arrays of
+type `array` or arrays of type `object`.
+## Motivation
+We currently support emitting `results` from non-matrixed `pipelineTasks` which can be easily referenced by the `result`
+name of the `pipelineTask`. Before `matrix` was introduced, there was only one `taskRun` from a given `pipelineTask` so
+the variable has this constraint: `tasks..results..`
+In the example below, we have a `pipelineTask` "get-platforms" which produces a `result` "platforms". It will execute in
+a `taskRun` named "pr-get-platforms" and its `result` can be accessed via the
+variable `$(tasks.get-platforms.results.platforms[*])`.
+- name: get-platforms
+ taskSpec:
+ results:
+ - name: platforms
+ type: array
+ steps:
+ - name: write-array
+ image: bash:latest
+ script: |
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ echo -n "[\"linux\",\"mac\",\"windows\"]" | tee $(results.platforms.path)
+`taskRun` created:
+pr-get-platforms - [\"linux\",\"mac\",\"windows\"]
+Now, a `matrix` when fanned out creates multiple `taskRuns` so for a `matrix` to emit results, it is unclear how
+each `results` would map back to the original matrixed `PipelineTask`. In the example below, the following `matrix` will
+produce 9 `taskRuns` that will each produce a string `result` named "report-url" for each combination of platform and
+browser. Since the order of the `taskRuns` is constant and deterministic, it will always produce `results` in the same
+kind: Task
+ name: task-producing-results
+ params:
+ - name: platform
+ - name: browser
+ results:
+ - name: report-url
+ steps:
+ - name: produce-report-url
+ image: alpine
+ script: |
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ echo "https://api.example/get-report/$(params.platform)-$(params.browser)" | tee $(results.report-url.path)
+kind: PipelineRun
+ generateName: pipelinerun-with-matrix-task-
+ serviceAccountName: "default"
+ pipelineSpec:
+ tasks:
+ - name: matrix-with-task-producing-results
+ matrix:
+ params:
+ - name: platform
+ value:
+ - linux
+ - mac
+ - windows
+ - name: browser
+ value:
+ - chrome
+ - safari
+ - firefox
+ taskRef:
+ name: task-producing-results
+ kind: Task
+`taskRuns` Created - "report-url" result produced:
+pr-produce-platforms-and-browsers-0 - "path/to/report/linux-chrome"
+pr-produce-platforms-and-browsers-1 - "path/to/report/linux-safari"
+pr-produce-platforms-and-browsers-2 - "path/to/report/linux-firefox"
+pr-produce-platforms-and-browsers-3 - "path/to/report/mac-chrome"
+pr-produce-platforms-and-browsers-4 - "path/to/report/mac-safari"
+pr-produce-platforms-and-browsers-5 - "path/to/report/mac-firefox"
+pr-produce-platforms-and-browsers-6 - "path/to/report/windows-chrome"
+pr-produce-platforms-and-browsers-7 - "path/to/report/windows-safari"
+pr-produce-platforms-and-browsers-8 - "path/to/report/windows-firefox"
+### Goals
+The main goal of this TEP is to enable executing a `matrixed` `pipelineTask` that can emit `result` and support
+consuming all of the `results` that were produced in another `pipelineTask` as long as the type of `result` emitted
+was `string`.
+### Non-Goals
+The following are out of scope for this TEP:
+1. Support a matrixed `pipelineTask` that produces `result` of type `array` or `object` that are then consumed by
+ another `pipelineTask`.
+ - A matrixed `pipelineTask` can support `result` of any type as long as they aren’t consumed by
+ another `pipelineTask`. However, only matrixed `pipelineTask` that produces `result` of type `string` can be
+ consumed by another `pipelineTask`.
+2. Support consuming a specific instance or combination(s) of `result` produced by a fanned out `pipelineTask`.
+ - At this time, we propose only supporting whole `array` `result` replacements from a matrixed `pipelineTask`
+### Background
+Consuming `results` from previous `taskRuns` or `runs` in a `matrix`, which would dynamically generate `taskRuns` from
+the fanned out `results`, is currently supported for string `results`, array `results`, and object `results`. Note that
+the underlying `results` type in each must be string.
+#### String Results
+String `results` is a stable feature and is referred to as `$(tasks..results.)` and can
+be passed into the `matrix` from previous `taskRuns`.
+- name: task-1
+ taskRef:
+ name: task-1
+ matrix:
+ - name: values
+ value:
+ - $(tasks.task-1.results.foo) # string
+#### Array Results
+Array `results` is a beta feature and is referred to as `$(tasks..results.[*])`. String
+replacements from arrays are supported through array indexing and are referred to
+as `$(tasks..results.[i])` where i is the index. Array `results` from
+previous `taskRuns` can be passed into the Matrix:
+- name: task-2
+ taskRef:
+ name: task-2
+ matrix:
+ - name: values
+ value: $(tasks.task-4.results.bar[*]) # array
+#### Object Results
+Object `results` is a beta feature and is referred to as `$(tasks..results..[*])`.
+String replacements from objects are supported and are referred to as `$(tasks..results..key)` where key is the object key. Strings from Object `results` from previous `taskRuns` can be passed into
+the `matrix` tasks:
+- name: task-3
+ taskRef:
+ name: task-3
+ matrix:
+ - name: values
+ value: $(tasks.task-4.results.rad.key) # string replacement from object result
+### Requirements
+1. A `matrix` `pipelineTask` can produce `results` any type, but only `results` of type `string` can being consumed by another `pipelineTask`.
+2. A `pipelineTask` that consumes `results` produced by a `matrix` `pipelineTask` must consume the entire
+ aggregated `array` of `results` produced during fanning out.
+### Use Cases
+#### 1. Build and Deploy
+In [TEP-0090: Matrix][tep-0090], we described use cases for `matrix` that involve building images - kaniko and
+monorepos. When the
+fanned out `pipelineTasks` produce the image as a `result`, the users would need to pass them to
+subsequent `pipelineTasks` to scan and deploy the images, among other operations.
+To be specific, the kaniko use case uses the kaniko `Task` from the Tekton Catalog which produces an
+`IMAGE-DIGEST` `result`.
+In [TEP-0118][tep-0118], we expanded this with explicit combinations where the user needs to specify explicit
+mapping between `IMAGE` and `DOCKERFILE`.
+ - IMAGE: "image-1"
+ DOCKERFILE: "path/to/Dockerfile1"
+ - IMAGE: "image-2"
+ DOCKERFILE: "path/to/Dockerfile2"
+ - IMAGE: "image-3"
+ DOCKERFILE: "path/to/Dockerfile3"
+When the `pipelineTask` has a `matrix`, it will be fanned out to multiple `taskRuns` to execute that `task` - each of
+which will
+produce an `IMAGE-DIGEST` `result`. A user may want to use this `IMAGE-DIGEST` to deploy images.
+apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: Pipeline
+ name: matrix-building-images
+ tasks:
+ - ...
+ - name: matrix-emitting-results
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - name: build-1
+ params:
+ - name: IMAGE
+ value: image-1
+ - name: DOCKERFILE
+ value: path/to/Dockerfile1
+ - name: build-2
+ params:
+ - name: IMAGE
+ value: image-2
+ - name: DOCKERFILE
+ value: path/to/Dockerfile2
+ - name: build-3
+ params:
+ - name: IMAGE
+ value: image-3
+ - name: DOCKERFILE
+ value: path/to/Dockerfile3
+ taskSpec:
+ params:
+ - name: IMAGE
+ - name: DIGEST
+ results:
+ - name: IMAGE-DIGEST
+ steps:
+ - name: produce-image-digest
+ image: bash:latest
+ script: |
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ echo "Building image for $(params.IMAGE)"
+ echo -n "$(params.DIGEST)" | sha256sum | tee $(results.IMAGE-DIGEST.path)
+#### 2. Checking compatibility of a browser extension on various `platforms` and `browsers`
+As a `Pipeline` author, I need to run tests on a combination of platforms and browsers. This will fan out into 9
+different `taskRuns` that will produce a `result` "report-url" for each combination which can be used in a
+subsequent `pipelineTask` to fetch the report for each platform-browser combination.
+# platforms
+# browsers
+ clone
+ |
+ v
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | | | | | | | | |
+ v v v v v v v v v
+linux-chrome linux-firefox linux-safari windows-chrome windows-firefox windows-safari mac-chrome mac-firefox mac-safari
+ | | | | | | | | |
+ v v v v v v v v v
+report-url-0 report-url-1 report-url-2 report-url-3 report-url-4 report-url-5 report-url-6 report-url-7 report-url-8
+apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: Pipeline
+ name: matrix-testing-platform-and-browsers
+ tasks:
+ - name: test-platforms-and-browsers
+ matrix:
+ params:
+ - name: platform
+ value:
+ - linux
+ - mac
+ - windows
+ - name: browser
+ value:
+ - chrome
+ - safari
+ - firefox
+ taskSpec:
+ params:
+ - name: platform
+ type: string
+ - name: browser
+ type: string
+ results:
+ - name: report-url
+ type: string
+ steps:
+ - name: produce-report-url
+ image: alpine
+ script: |
+ echo "Running tests on $(params.platform)-$(params.browser)"
+ echo -n "https://api.example/get-report/$(params.platform)-$(params.browser)" | tee $(results.report-url.path)
+## Proposal
+To support enabling a matrixed `pipelineTask` to produce `results`, we propose, each fanned out `taskRun` that
+produces `result` of type `string` will be aggregated into an `array` of `results` during reconciliation, in which the
+whole `array` of `results` can be consumed by another `pipelineTask` using the star notion `[*]`.
+| Result Type in `taskRef` or `taskSpec` | Parameter Type of Consumer | Specification |
+| string | array | `$(tasks..results.[*])` |
+| array | Not Supported | Not Supported |
+| object | Not Supported | Not Supported |
+## Design Details
+### Results Cache
+With this proposal, we add a `resultsCache` to `ResolvedPipelineTask` that enables caching of `results` from a
+matrixed `pipelineTask` in order to prevent resolving the result references for the referenced `matrixed pipelineTask`
+on every single reconcile loop.
+t.ResultsCache[result.Name] = []string{result.Value.StringVal}
+type ResolvedPipelineTask struct {
+ TaskRunNames []string
+ TaskRuns []*v1.TaskRun
+ CustomTask bool
+ CustomRunNames []string
+ CustomRuns []*v1beta1.CustomRun
+ PipelineTask *v1.PipelineTask
+ ResolvedTask *resources.ResolvedTask
+ ResultsCache map[string][]string
+### Context Variables
+We propose enabling `context` variables to allow users to access the `matrix` runtime data.
+#### Access Matrix Combinations Length
+The pipeline authors can access the total number of instances created as part of the `matrix` using the syntax:
+`tasks..matrix.length` and `finally..matrix.length`.
+#### Access Aggregated Results Length
+The pipeline authors can access the length of the array of aggregated results that were
+actually produced using the syntax: `tasks..matrix..length`
+and `finally..matrix..length`. This will allow users to loop over the
+results produced.
+### Limitations
+The following two sections explain the limitations of an existing proposal. It is `pipeline` authors responsibility
+to design a `pipeline` around these limitations. We are in process of proposing an extension to this proposal such
+that a `pipeline` author can access an individual instance in more holistic way including `params` and `results`.
+#### Types
+The producer task must have defined a `result` of type `string`, `matrix` aggregates the results from each instance of
+the matrixed `pipelineTask` which can be consumed into a `param` or `when` expressions as type `array`.
+#### Missing Task Results
+[Tekton Pipelines 0.48.x][support-failed-taskrun] introduced a feature in which a `result` is consumable as long it is
+initialized before the producing `task` results in a `failure`. Also, Tekton Pipelines allows `task` authors to
+define a `result` but does not enforce its initialization at the runtime. These two facts influence the aggregated results
+produced by the matrixed `pipelineTask`. The aggregated results will skip a `result` if it is not initialized or missing
+after all instances of the `matrix` is done executing. For example, a `task` producing a result `result-1` when
+fanned out to three instances, can produce an aggregated result of length `2` instead of `3`.
+## Examples
+### 1. Build and Deploy Images
+In the example below, a user is able to produce and deploy images using specific combinations of images and dockerfiles
+using the task "matrix-emitting-results" which produces the result `IMAGE-DIGEST`, which is used by another matrixed
+PipelineTask `task-deploy-images` to deploy the images.
+apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: PipelineRun
+ generateName: matrix-emitting-results
+ serviceAccountName: "default"
+ pipelineSpec:
+ tasks:
+ - name: matrix-emitting-results
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - name: build-1
+ params:
+ - name: IMAGE
+ value: image-1
+ - name: DOCKERFILE
+ value: path/to/Dockerfile1
+ - name: build-2
+ params:
+ - name: IMAGE
+ value: image-2
+ - name: DOCKERFILE
+ value: path/to/Dockerfile2
+ - name: build-3
+ params:
+ - name: IMAGE
+ value: image-3
+ - name: DOCKERFILE
+ value: path/to/Dockerfile3
+ taskSpec:
+ params:
+ - name: IMAGE
+ - name: DIGEST
+ default: ""
+ results:
+ - name: IMAGE-DIGEST
+ steps:
+ - name: produce-image-digest
+ image: bash:latest
+ script: |
+ echo "Building image for $(params.IMAGE)"
+ echo -n "$(params.IMAGE)" | sha256sum | tee $(results.IMAGE-DIGEST.path)
+ - name: task-deploy-images
+ params:
+ - name: DIGEST
+ value: $(tasks.matrix-emitting-results.results.IMAGE-DIGEST[*])
+ taskSpec:
+ params:
+ - name: DIGESTS
+ type: array
+ steps:
+ - name: echo
+ args: [
+ "$(params.DIGESTS[*])"
+ ]
+ image: alpine
+ script: |
+ echo "deploying image: $1"
+ echo "deploying image: $2"
+ echo "deploying image: $3"
+### 2. Checking compatibility of a browser extension on various `platforms` and `browsers`
+In the example below, a user wants to run tests on a combination of different platforms and browsers and then fetch the
+reports for all combinations.
+apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: PipelineRun
+ generateName: platforms-with-results
+ serviceAccountName: "default"
+ pipelineSpec:
+ tasks:
+ - name: matrix-emitting-results
+ matrix:
+ params:
+ - name: platform
+ value:
+ - linux
+ - mac
+ - windows
+ - name: browser
+ value:
+ - chrome
+ - safari
+ - firefox
+ taskSpec:
+ params:
+ - name: platform
+ default: ""
+ - name: browser
+ default: ""
+ results:
+ - name: report-url
+ type: string
+ steps:
+ - name: produce-report-url
+ image: alpine
+ script: |
+ echo "Running tests on $(params.platform)-$(params.browser)"
+ echo -n "https://api.example/get-report/$(params.platform)-$(params.browser)" | tee $(results.report-url.path)
+ - name: task-consuming-results
+ params:
+ - name: urls
+ Value: $(tasks.matrix-emitting-results.results.report-url[*])
+ taskSpec:
+ params:
+ - name: urls
+ type: array
+ steps:
+ - name: echo
+ args: [
+ "$(params.urls[*])"
+ ]
+ image: alpine
+ script: |
+ for arg in "$@"; do
+ echo "Arg: $arg"
+ done
+## Design Evaluation
+* [Reusability](https://github.com/tektoncd/community/blob/main/design-principles.md#reusability):
+ * Pro: This will improve the reusability of Tekton components by enabling the scenario of a matrixed
+ `PipelineTask` aggregating each of the `results` produced by the fanned `taskRuns` into an array
+ `Result` and then a Pipeline being able to loop over those values for subsequent Tasks
+* [Simplicity](https://github.com/tektoncd/community/blob/main/design-principles.md#simplicity)
+ * Pro: This proposal reuses the existing array or string concept for params
+ * Pro: This proposal
+ continues [the precedent of using JSONPath syntax in variable replacement](https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/issues/1393#issuecomment-561476075)
+* [Flexibility](https://github.com/tektoncd/community/blob/main/design-principles.md#flexibility)
+ * Con: Although there is a precedent for including JSONPath syntax, this is a step toward including more hard coded
+ expression syntax in the Pipelines API (without the ability to choose other language options)
+* [Conformance](https://github.com/tektoncd/community/blob/main/design-principles.md#conformance)
+ * Supporting array results and indexing syntax would be included in the conformance surface
+## Future Work
+### Consuming Individual or Specific Combinations of Results Produced by a Matrixed PipelineTask
+In the future, we plan to support consuming individual or specific combinations of `Results` produced by
+a matrixed `PipelineTask` so that a `pipeline` author can access an individual instance in more holistic way. An example use case is shown below:
+Without Matrix
+With Matrix
+## References
+* Tekton Enhancement Proposals:
+ * [TEP-0075:Object Parameter and Results][tep-0075]
+ * [TEP-0076:Object Parameter and Results][tep-0076]
+ * [TEP-0090: Matrix][tep-0090]
+ * [TEP-0118: Matrix with Explicit Combinations][tep-0118]
+[tep-0075]: ./0075-object-param-and-result-types.md
+[tep-0076]: ./0076-array-result-types.md
+[tep-0090]: ./0090-matrix.md
+[tep-0118]: ./0118-matrix-with-explicit-combinations-of-parameters.md
+[support-failed-taskrun]: https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/pull/6510
diff --git a/teps/README.md b/teps/README.md
index 7b4cf5c92..8b8c981ab 100644
--- a/teps/README.md
+++ b/teps/README.md
@@ -128,3 +128,4 @@ This is the complete list of Tekton TEPs:
|[TEP-0136](0136-capture-traces-for-task-pod-events.md) | Capture traces for task pod events | proposed | 2023-06-14 |
|[TEP-0137](0137-cloudevents-controller.md) | CloudEvents controller | proposed | 2023-06-19 |
|[TEP-0138](0138-decouple-api-and-feature-versioning.md) | Decouple api and feature versioning | proposed | 2023-07-27 |
+|[TEP-0140](0140-producing-results-in-matrix.md) | Producing Results in Matrix | implementable | 2023-08-21 |
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