Author: Metalium CNN Team, Tenstorrent Inc.
In this paper we discuss the details of implementing Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) on the Tenstorrent architectures. This includes the Conv2D operation. We also detail the parallelization and performance optimizations, particularly focusing on the sliding window operations in general and construction of fully local (to each core on the processors) data shards. An implementation of the ResNet-50 model using our Metalium stack.
A Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is a type of deep learning model particularly suited for processing data in a structured grid, such as images. CNNs leverage convolution operations to automatically learn spatial hierarchies of features from input data. These networks are composed of layers that apply various filters to the input image, capturing patterns and structures at multiple levels.
A convolution operation is a mathematical operation employed in the training and inference of CNNs, which entails applying a filter (or kernel), to the input to generate a feature map, highlighting significant features within the input data. This operation is characterized by its kernel window size, which determines the scope of the input data each filter processes at a time.
When the window size is larger than
In contrast, when the window size is exactly 1, the convolution operation simplifies to a matrix multiplication operation. Here, each input element is independently multiplied by the filter weight without requiring any neighboring elements. This version is computationally efficient but does not capture spatial relationships within the data.
Application of convolutions in CNNs are pivotal in tasks like image recognition and object detection. CNNs are used in a large number of real-world applications including video analysis, medical imaging analysis, and natural language processing, where they can analyze data to extract meaningful features and patterns.
Applies a 2D convolution over input_tensor
, a 4D tensor with dimensions ordered as (batch_size, input_height, input_width, in_channels)
using provided weights, with dimensions (out_channels, in_channels, kernel_height, kernel_width)
, and optional bias
, with dimensions (1, 1, 1, out_channels)
, and generates output_tensor
with first three dimensions flattened and ordered as (1, 1, batch_size * output_height * output_width, out_channels)
. A simple reshape
can be used to obtain the unflattened tensor.
output_tensor = ttnn.conv2d(
## optional arguments
the number of input channels as anint
the number of output channels as anint
device pointer asttnn.Device
tuple of two ints:(kernel_height, kernel_width)
tuple of two ints:(stride_height, stride_width)
tuple of two ints:(padding_height, padding_width)
tuple of two ints:(dilation_height, dilation_width)
optional structure of configuration parameters of typeConv2DConfig
. This is described in detail below.compute_config
optional structure of compute configuration parameters of typeDeviceConfiguration
. This is described in detail below.groups
to control the connections between inputs and outputs. Bothin_channels
should be divisible bygroups
optional output tensor memory configuration. This is described below.return_weights_and_bias = False
indicating whether to return pre-processed weights and bias tensors on device.return_output_dim = False
indicating whether to return the outout tensor height and width.
Following are the conv2d operation configuration parameters:
dtype = ttnn.bfloat16
input activations data type.weights_dtype = ttnn.bfloat16
weights and bias data type.activation = ""
. Any activation function to apply. Options are"relu"
.input_channels_alignment = 32
. Alignment value for channels dimension in the input tensor. This is applicable whenin_channels <= 16
when the alignment can be set to 16 instead of 32.deallocate_activation = False
optional bool indicating whether the input activation tensor memory should be deallocated.reallocate_halo_output = False
optional bool indicating if the intermediate tensor generated within the op should be reallocated to reduce memory fragmentation.act_block_h_override = 0
to override theact_block_h
parameter, which determines the size of blocks used in computations -- smaller values require less memory, larger values require more memory but are more performant. This argument is ignored whenshard_layout = WIDTH_SHARDED
.act_block_w_div = 1
, value by which the maximum possibleact_block_w
parameter is divided. This arguments is ignored whenshard_layout = HEIGHT_SHARDED
.reshard_if_not_optimal = False
optional bool indicating whether the operation can re-shard the input tensor to make it more optimal for performance. If true, override_sharding_config should not be set to true.override_sharding_config = False
optional bool indicating if input sharding config should be overridden with provided shard_layout. If true, reshard_if_not_optimal should not be set to true.shard_layout = None
to specify type of sharding to use.core_grid = None
specifies the core grid to use. Applicable only whenoverride_sharding_config = True
,transpose_shards = True
whether the shards be distributed inROW_MAJOR
order. This is applicable only when not using height sharding.output_layout = ttnn.TILE_LAYOUT
to specify whether the output tensor be inTILE
layout.enable_act_double_buffer = False
optional bool to enable activation double buffering.enable_weights_double_buffer = False
optional bool to enable weights double buffering when using block sharding.enable_split_reader = False
optional bool to two concurrent reader kernels instead of one.
Architecture specific device compute kernel configuration, DeviceComputeKernelConfig
with the following parameters:
math_fidelity = MathFidelity.HiFi4
math_approx_mode = True
dst_full_sync_en = False
Wormhole and Blackhole specific parameters:
fp32_dest_acc_en = False
enable accumulations in fp32.packer_l1_acc = False
enable packer accumulation directly in L1.
takes 4D input_tensor
with dimensions ordered as (N, H, W, C)
(channels last), and weight_tensor
as (C_in, C_out // groups, kernel_h, kernel_w)
4D tensor. The input activation, weight and bias tensors can be on host or on device. If weight and bias are on device, they need to be already pre-processed by the conv2d op.
import ttnn
import torch
## activation tensor
input_shape_nchw = [batch_size, in_channels, input_height, input_width]
torch_input_tensor_nchw = torch.randn(input_shape_nchw, dtype=torch.bfloat16)
torch_input_tensor_nhwc = torch.permute(torch_input_tensor_nchw, (0, 2, 3, 1))
ttnn_input_tensor = ttnn.from_torch(torch_input_tensor_nhwc, ttnn.bfloat16)
## weight tensor
weight_shape = [out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_height, kernel_width]
torch_weight_tensor = torch.randn(weight_shape, dtype=torch.bfloat16)
ttnn_weight_tensor = ttnn.from_torch(torch_weight_tensor, ttnn.bfloat16)
## bias tensor
bias_shape = [1, 1, 1, out_channels]
torch_bias_tensor = torch.randn(conv_bias_shape, dtype=torch.bfloat16)
ttnn_bias_tensor = ttnn.from_torch(torch_bias_tensor, ttnn.bfloat16)
Once the inputs are prepared, we can call the conv2d
operation as shown in the following example. Many of the arguments in the conv2d
API are optional, and will be using defaults as listed above.
conv_config = ttnn.Conv2dConfig(
[ttnn_output_tensor_on_device, [out_height, out_width]] = ttnn.conv2d(
kernel_size=(kernel_h, kernel_w),
stride=(stride_h, stride_w),
padding=(pad_h, pad_w),
dilation=(dilation_h, dilation_w),
Note that the conv2d
supports controling the return of output dimensions, through argument return_output_dim
, and for processed weights and bias tensors, through argument return_weights_and_bias
To achieve higher performance it is advisable to use the following optional arguments:
deallocate_activation = True
If the input tensor is no longer needed after the conv2d operation, this option will free up the input buffer and have more memory available for the operation.reallocate_halo_output = True
operation executes a haloing step before computing the convolutions to optimize memory accesses. This option will reallocate the output of this step in order to reduce memory fragmentation to avoid memory fitting issues.enable_act_double_buffer = True
If enough memory is available, enabling double buffering of the input activations will result in a better performance.enable_weights_double_buffer = false
If enough memory is available, enabling weights double buffering can improve performance when using block sharding.enable_split_reader = True
By default, a single reader kernel is used to read in activations from the input shard. Enabling this option will use two concurrent reader kernels, potentially improving overall performance.
The generated output of the conv2d
operation is a 4D tensor with the NHWC
order of dimensions, and requires a permute operation to convert to the standard NCHW
order. The following is an example of how to typically post-process the output tensor. Note that the reshape
is used to un-flatten the outout tensor. The slice operation removes any padding that may have been added by the operation to the last dimension.
ttnn_output_tensor = ttnn.from_device(ttnn_output_tensor_on_device)
torch_output_tensor = ttnn.to_torch(ttnn_output_tensor)
torch_output_tensor = torch_output_tensor.reshape(batch_size, out_height, out_width, torch_output_tensor.shape[-1])
torch_output_tensor = torch_output_tensor[:, :, :, :out_channels]
torch_output_tensor = torch.permute(torch_output_tensor, (0, 3, 1, 2))
Coming soon.
We want to perform convolution op on our hardware, but we do not have support for it - there are no instructions that are going to do specific convolution stuff. It turns out that the convolution operation can be transformed into matrix multiplication. If we look at what we need to do in convolution, it is basically the dot product of the corresponding sliding window values and filter values. This is the same thing we do in matrix multiplication—take the dot product of a row in the first input and a column in the second input. So, if we represent all the sliding window values as rows (with each row being a flattened version of a sliding window), and all the filters as columns in the second input (in the same way as the first input), every value in the output matrix would correspond to the filter applied to a specific window.
Figure 1: Idea of convolution as matrix multiplication
In Figure 1, we can see that each window is transformed into a row in the first input, and each filter is transformed into a column in the second input. After performing matrix multiplication, convolution is applied.
In the implementation on a single Tensix core, we make the following assumptions:
The input and output activation tensors are stored across the global memory, either DRAM or L1, as interleaved buffers.
The weights and bias tensors are stored in DRAM as an interleaved buffer.
The local L1 memory size of the Tensix core is not big enough to store the entire input or output activation tensors.
The on-core L1 memory is used for the following:
Program binaries for the five RISC-V cores within a Tensix core.
Inputs to feed the compute core (partial activation and weights.)
Outputs from the compute core (partial intermediate and final results.)
A Tensix core has limited amount of L1 memory, which is about 1 MB on Grayskull, and 1.5 MB on Wormhole architectures. For most applications, this limited L1 memory is insufficient to store all of the input data. Consequently, a portion of the input must be transferred into the local L1 memory to perform computations to generate a corresponding portion of the output. This partial output may need to be subsequently moved to the global memory. This process is iterated until the complete output has been computed. The partitioning of the inputs and the sequence of transfers to the local memory must be meticulously managed to minimize accesses to the global DRAM memory or remote L1 memory, which are significantly slower than accesses to the local L1 memory, and maximize the re-use of loaded input data into local L1 memory.
The input and output matrices are partitioned into blocks, the size of which would be dictated by the maximum data size that can be accommodated within the local L1 memory to perform corresponding partial computations. For a specified output block, the sizes of the corresponding input activation and weight blocks can be determined as in the following.
In order to compute an output block of dimensions
an activation matrix of dimensions
$[bH_{o}\textbf{,} \ K_h \times K_w \times C_i]$ -
weights matrix of dimension
$[K_h \times K_w \times C_i, bW_{o}]$
To make sure that the output block and corresponding input data fit in local L1, the following constraints must be met.
$[bH_{o} \times bW_{o} + K_h \times K_w \times C_i \times (bH_{o} + bW_{o})] \times \text{\texttt{sizeof}}(\text{datatype}) < L1_{free}$ -
$bH_{o} \bmod 32 = 0$
Additionally, the compute unit in a Tensix core can process up to eight output tiles at once. Thus, if the output block is greater than total of 8 tiles in size, it must be further subdivided into sub-blocks.
Given this context, the convolution implementation can be described as the following algorithm.
Transform the input tensor into the activation matrix.
[[alg:firstload]]{#alg:firstload label="alg:firstload"} Load a block of activation and corresponding weights from in to the local L1 memory.
Compute one output block and write it to the output global memory.
Load the next activation block, reusing the same weights block by moving to the next blocks along the height of the input matrix.
Compute corresponding output and write it to the output global memory.
[[alg:inner]]{#alg:inner label="alg:inner"} Repeat the above process until an entire column of the output blocks has been computed.
Repeat steps [alg:firstload]{reference-type="ref" reference="alg:firstload"}-[alg:inner]{reference-type="ref" reference="alg:inner"} for each column of blocks in the matrixm until the entire output is calculated.
The activation input to the convolution operation is a tensor with the
The weight tensors are permuted to the following order
The bias tensor, which is essentially a vector of length
Within a Tensix core, each of the five RISC-V cores are programmed through kernel code, where each receives code compiled for its specific role in the operation. Two of these cores perform the data movement, while the remaining three are compute cores. There are two data movement kernels, one for each of the data movement cores -- one of these reads activation input blocks from the global memory to local L1 memory, and the other reads weights and biases from global memory to local L1 memory (Step [alg:firstload]{reference-type="ref" reference="alg:firstload"}). Additionally, it writes the output from local L1 memory to global memory.
One compute kernel is compiled into three separate programs that are run on the three compute cores. These are the unpack, math, and pack cores. These three cores work together to perform the computations on data available in the local L1 memory, loaded by the first data movement core. The unpack core loads up the source registers with the input data block, the math core performs the matrix multiplication and bias add operations on the data in these source registers, generating result output block in to the destination registers. The pack core moves the output block data from the destination registers to the local L1 memory.
Figure 5: Convolutions operation using generic interleaved global tensors.
Figure 6: Convolutions operation using sharded local tensors.
Tenstorrent architectures support tensor interleaving as a setup for optimizing convolution. By interleaving tensors, the amount of hardware that is used to access consecutive data is maximized, allowing for further parallelization.
On the Tenstorrent architectures, we have a number of memory banks dependent on the type of chip. Interleaved tensors store the data pages in an round-robin fashion across these banks. Any of the Tensix cores can access any of the data pages for such tensors. We use this tensor parallelization format to develop a simple, non-performant version of the convolution operation.
To develop a high-performance implementation of convolution operations on the Tenstorrent architectures, we start with sharding the input activation tensor, so that each core is the owner of a distinct contiguous chunk of the input data stored in its local L1 memory. Performing computations on the data owned by a core would mostly use the data already present locally, and would reduce the inter-core data accesses, optimizing these access patterns. In a later section, we will describe how we completely eliminate all remote data accesses during the convolution operation through haloing.
Convolutions on Tenstorrent architectures support three sharding
strategies: height, width, and block. To demonstrate the mechanics
of each strategy, consider a 2D matrix of size
Height sharding (1D): In the height sharded scheme, the input matrix height is equally divided into
$p$ contiguous segments and width is kept as full, and each segment is assigned to a different core. Hence, each resulting shard will have a height of$H / p$ and width of$W$ . -
Width sharding (1D): In the width sharded scheme, the input matrix width is equally divided into
$p$ segments, while the height is kept as full, and each core is assigned a different segment. Each resulting shard will be of height$H$ and width of$W / p$ . -
Block sharding (2D): Block sharding scheme involves equally dividing both height and width into a total of
$p$ submatrices. Let the core grid be of size$m \times n$ , where$p = m*n$ . Then each resulting shard will have a height of$H / m$ and width of$W / n$ .
Sharding of the input activations to the convolution operation could use any of these schemes. Once the shards are loaded in to the L1 memory, each Tensix core performs convolutions on the segment of data it is assigned. This may also involve moving data across cores. For the height sharding case, we do not need any inter-core data movements since we replicate the weights tensor across all participating cores. In block sharding, since each core is assigned a slice of the tensor, which would only generate partial results, we use the multicast operation to move the activation block data a core needs. We describe this next.
Computing a single output value requires a full row of the activation matrix and a full column of the weights matrix. In Height Sharding, all cores possess full rows of the input, enabling them to independently calculate their assigned outputs. Block Sharding and Width Sharding divide the input along the channels dimension. Consequently, no single core has all the necessary input to compute a complete output value. Cores must share input data to compute full outputs. Data sharing occurs only along the input width dimensions. In Width Sharding, each core shares its input data with every other core. In Block Sharding, only cores in the same row share data with each other. The computation process follows several steps.
First, each core fetches a subset of the weights matrix corresponding to its assigned output.
Then, each core computes a partial output using its local input data.
The first core broadcasts its input to all cores that need it.
Receiving cores calculate another partial output and add it to the existing one.
This process repeats with each core broadcasting its input in turn.
After all cores have broadcasted their input, final outputs are calculated.
This approach allows for efficient parallel processing while ensuring all necessary data is shared among cores to produce accurate final outputs.
In the following example, we describe the haloing process. This is a data movement operation we use to construct 'haloed' shards, where each input shard contains all the data it requires to generate convolution output for its assigned output tensor shard. This eliminates any need for a Tensix core to access the L1 memory of another core during the convolution operation.
To demonstrate this process of constructing haloed shards, let's start off with an example. We start with the following tensors:
Input activation tensor of size
$[1, 6, 4, 6]$ . -
Weight tensor of size
$[6, 6, 3, 3]$ . -
Output activation tensor of size
$[1, 6, 4, 6]$ .
For simplicity, let the batch size, stride and dilation be one. Let's visualize the activation tensor.
Figure 10: Input tensor (A, B, C, D)
Let's define one pixel with the channel dimension as a stick (shown in Figure 3).
In the Figure 10: A, aside from the full input tensor, we also
demonstrate a single channel view of this block. This view will be a
useful visualization tool on which we will build on top of. Let us
assume we have
Next, we can visualize what our window will look like. Recall that the weight tensor consists of a number of filters, and each filter consists of one or more kernels. This kernel is also referred to as the window in 2D visualization representation. We can see the 3D kernels (a single filter) that is being convoluted across our input tensor.
We will keep in mind the strides,
In the Figure 10: D, we see the same window that has traversed several elements and is located at its current position. In the 2D single channel representation, we can see that this window spans data from all 3 shards. Thus, for this particular output data element, it will need data from its current core, as well as 2 other cores for the 2 other shards.
The goal of halo is to determine which input data is required for the output data elements calculated on a specific core and to transfer that data to the core.
Halo op performs needed data movement on each core in the following manner:
- allocate buffer for the halo'd output shard, which consists of local input data sticks, padding sticks and remote input data sticks
- fill padding sticks in the allocated buffer with padding value
- copy input shard sticks from the input buffer to the allocated output buffer
- remote copy sticks of the local shard to the cores that need them to calculate their output shards*
* If the remote_read
argument of the halo_op is set to true, then each core
will copy the needed sticks from remote cores instead. Default remote data movement
is done by the core that contains the data (src-local, dst-remote), while if this
flag is triggered, remote data movement is performed by the core that consumes the data (src-remote, dst-local).
To perform steps 2-4, halo kernel needs to know for each stick in the halo output
(which will be convolution input), whether it is (a) padding, it comes from (b) the local
shard or from (c) a remote shard. This is calculated on host by the sliding window
infrastructure that is called from the halo operation. The final config is pushed
to the device as a sharded tensor to the reserved part of memory - currently we reserve
this memory using l1_small_size config
when initializing the device.
Config tensors are then consumed by the halo kernel to perform needed transfers.
Let's explain how this config is generated, step by step. We will focus on the 2D
representation, since we are using the height-sharding example which does not split channels on cores.
These steps match functions defined in the sliding_window
namespace called from
the halo op,
in the create_program
function, before the kernels are dispatched.
Note: This example is simplified for clarity. In a real-world scenario, additional padding would be added to fit the tile height and width before the halo operation is called. However, we are intentionally overlooking that detail here.
Let's now expand our convolution to include the following padding (see Figure 11):
$pad_h$ = 1 -
$pad_w$ = 1 - padding value = 0
We will generate a vector of boolean values that will be sized the same as the original input tensor. Each of these values will signify whether the current element is a padding value or a data value. Padding values are set to true (value=1), while the latter are set to false (value=0).
Next up, we will traverse through the input tensor and store the indices that correspond to each stick. You can see that certain sticks will correspond to padding values whereas certain sticks will correspond to data values. We store these indices in a vector. If you know the top-leftmost index, you can generate all the indices in your window that you will need.
Now we will determine what data we need for each core. We first compute what part of the output each core is responsible for. Therefore, the point of view of computation is from the output, not the input. Our output tensor dimensions are shown in Figure 13 below. Each shard will be computed by a specific core.
In this step, for each core, we determine:
- start and end stick indices of the output shard computed on the core
- start and end stick indices of the padded input tensor needed for the output shard (indices generated in step 2)
Let us focus on the first core. First core's output shard covers output sticks between indices [0-7] (see Figure 13).
Figure 13: Convolution output tensor
To obtain the input boundaries for this shard, we can traverse through each output data element and figure out what input elements are needed to compute that (see Figure 14). We can see that we need input sticks between indices [0-27]. These sticks include padding, local shard to the first core, and some sticks from the second core.
Figure 14: Window traverse for core 0 output
After halo op is done, each core will contain all the input sticks needed to compute the assigned output shard (see Figure 15). Halo output is then passed to the convolution op as input.
Figure 15: Convolution input per core (halo output)
In this step, for each stick in the input tensor, we generate information about where it is located at. For each core, we generate following info:
: true/falselocation
: int - the core it is located onlocal_core_index
: int - index of the stick on the core it is located on
This is the final step where we generate config tensors consumed by the halo kernel. Using the information from steps 1-4, we generate 3 config tensors: padding config, local config and remote configs.
This is a vector of pairs, where each pair describes a chunk of consecutive padding sticks:
- index of the first stick
- length
For core 0, we would have 3 chunks:
Figure 16: Padding chunks for core 0
This is a vector with following data:
- core coordinates (first 2 vector elements)
- number of elements describing chunks of local shard needed (3rd vector element)
- this is basically count of the remaining elements in the vector and equals 3 * number of chunks
- for each chunk of consecutive sticks (rest of the vector elements)
- index of the first stick in the local input shard (see Figure 17)
- index in the first stick in the halo output shard (see Figure 18)
- chunk length
Figure 18: Local input shard indices
Figure 19: Local input shard chunks for core 0
For core 0, this vector would describe 2 chunks needed by core 1 (see Figure 18):
Remote config describes chunks of local data needed by other cores. It is a vector similar to the local config vector, only now we have an extra level on top that describes each remote core that needs data. The vector consists of the following elements for each remote core:
- remote core coordinates (first 2 vector elements)
- number of elements describing chunks of local shard needed (3rd vector element)
- this is basically count of the remaining elements in the vector and equals 3 * number of chunks
- for each chunk of consecutive sticks (rest of the vector elements)
- index of the first stick in the local input shard (see Figure 17)
- index in the first stick in the halo output shard (see Figure 18)
- chunk length
Figure 21: Remote input shard chunks for core 1
Consider an example input image with a resolution of
Logical activations shape:
Padded activations shape:
In this case, we will focus on height-sharded convolution.
Let us perform the convolution with a filter of size
Logical weights shape:
Padded weights shape:
The output of this convolution will be a tensor with dimensions
The key variables as input to the convolution operation in this example are:
Parameter | Value |
Input | |
- Batch Size ( |
1 |
- Height ( |
32 |
- Width ( |
32 |
- Channels ( |
1 |
Kernel window | |
- Height ( |
3 |
- Width ( |
3 |
Stride | |
- Height ( |
1 |
- Width ( |
1 |
Padding | |
- Height ( |
1 |
- Width ( |
1 |
Dilation | |
- Height ( |
1 |
- Width ( |
1 |
Output | |
- Batch Size ( |
1 |
- Height ( |
32 |
- Width ( |
32 |
- Channels ( |
1 |
Before the part of the operation where the actual convolution is done, several actions take place (sharding, padding, haloing, etc.). The input to the convolution micro-op is the output of the halo operation. Halo op ensures that each core has all data required to apply the convolution operation (which is essentially matrix multiplication) in local L1 memory.
In this case, we will analyze the height-sharded convolution. The output will be
Figure 2: Chunk of data each core is going to process
Initially, each core will have just a
Conv input is 2D tensor - first 3 dimensions are squashed into 1 (
Figure 3: Chunk of data each core is going to process - 2d reshaped
This is an actual shard that will be processed in the convolution micro-op, and it is also the output of the halo operation.
Weights are stored as an interleaved tensor (usually in DRAM), and after reshaping to 2D, it looks like this:
Figure 4: Filters - 2d reshaped
Each column in the weight tensor represents one filter.
The input tensor to the convolution must first be transformed into a matrix such that multiplying this matrix with the filters (as weights) gives the convolution output. In convolution, a dot product is performed between the filter elements and each kernel window position. This kernel window is a sliding window that moves across the width and height of the input image.
In matrix multiplication, a dot product is performed between a row in the first input matrix and a column in the second input matrix. This means we need to transform our input into an appropriate matrix for matrix multiplication. Logically, if we look at Figure 2, one window where the filter is applied is one "box" (e.g., from
This is the job of the activation reader kernel. The activation reader kernel rearranges input data into a buffer (CB) that will be consumed by the compute kernel, in a way that enables matrix multiplication. Specifically, each row in this matrix is a flattened version of the input elements from each kernel window.
Looking at both Figure 2 and Figure 3, we can see that the data for one row in the transformed matrix is not placed continuously in the input. For the first window, we take the first 3 elements, then skip the next 31 elements, and take the next 3 elements, and so on. For each row of the transformed matrix, we select which sticks (input elements) to use by choosing the starting point and applying the appropriate offsets.
Figure 5: Transformed input for matrix multiplication
Colors can be matched with those on Figure 1. These dimensions essentially mean that we have 32 windows in our input, with each window containing 288 values (3x3 sticks).
On the other side, the weight reader kernel reads the weight data from DRAM into L1. The entire weight tensor is fetched to each core, and a 1D matrix multiplication (matmul) is performed.
Once the data from the reader and writer are ready, the compute kernel performs the matrix multiplication and stores the output as height-sharded.
The output tensor is 32x32 per core, where only the first row is effective, because we have 31 padded filters.
ResNet-50 is a CNN with 50 layers, part of the ResNet (Residual Network) family. Primarily to address the vanishing gradient problem associated with training deep neural networks, ResNet was introduced. ResNet-50 utilises a concept called residual learning, which helps in training deeper networks more effectively. From an inference perspective, Resnet-50 is efficient and effective in making predictions on new data once it is trained.
Following is simplified diagram and description of ResNet block
ReLU Activation: The Rectified Linear Unit(ReLU) activation function is applied after each convolution layer and batch normalisation layers. It filters positive values and in turn introduces non-linearity into the network, which is needed for the network to learn complex patterns in data. Bottleneck Convolution Layers: This block consists of three convolutional layers with batch normalization and ReLU activation after each.:
1x1 convolution: This layer is used to reduce the number of channels in input data. By reducing dimensionality, the data is compressed and higher computational efficiency is achieved without affecting information.
3x3 convolution: This is the core convolution layer which extracts special features of the data.
1x1 convolution: It restores original number of channels to add in original input using skip connection.
Skip Connection: It adds input of the bottleneck convolution layer to output of it. This bypass connection makes sure that essential information from previous layers is passed through the network. While training this helps to resolve vanishing gradient issues and speeds up training. On the other hand, while inferencing it helps in maintaining smooth flow of gradients and features, which in turn helps in prediction accuracy.
Summery From a training perspective, ResNet-50's architecture effectively leverages residual learning with its ResNet blocks to enable training of deep neural networks. The residual blocks, with their use of 1x1 and 3x3 convolutions, along with shortcut connections, help in efficiently learning complex patterns and gradients, which improves the network's performance and training stability.
From an inference perspective, ResNet-50 is efficient and effective due to its use of residual blocks and shortcut connections. These elements allow the network to make predictions quickly and accurately by leveraging deep feature extraction while maintaining manageable computational complexity. The residual blocks, through their combination of convolutions and shortcut connections, ensure robust learning and performance during inference.