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GADEP Toolbox

Jose Huerta edited this page May 29, 2022 · 13 revisions

This page goes over the GADEP toolbox, its tools, and how they work.

GADEP.tbx Contents

The GADEP toolbox contains two script tools:

  • Disaster Impact
  • Disaster Route Analysis
Figure 1: GADEP.tbx contents

Disaster Impact Tool

The Disaster Impact tool is a script (or geoprocessing) tool capable of calculating the disaster impact on one or multiple infrastructures given an earthquake magnitude.

Figure 2: Disaster Impact tool


This tool takes in two different parameters:

  • Feature Layer
  • Earthquake Magnitude

Feature Layer

The Feature Layer parameter will take in one or multiple different feature classes present only in the Infrastructures geodatabase. Feature classes in this geodatabase are compatible with the Fragility Database, meaning they will already contain the fields and values necessary to be used in this tool. Learn more about what makes a feature class compatible with the Fragility Database and this tool in the Preparation For Disaster Impact tool page.

This parameter will contain two different dropdown arrows to select the infrastructures.

Figure 3: Feature Layer dropdown arrows

To select one or multiple infrastructures:

  1. Click on one of the dropdowns (preferably the top one; it allows multi-select)
  2. Make your selection(s) (or select the Toggle All Checkboxes option to select all)
  3. Click Add
Figure 4: Selecting feature classes

The feature classes will be added to the parameter as a list.

Figure 5: Selected Infrastructures

Earthquake Magnitude

The Earthquake Magnitude parameter has a dropdown arrow which will reveal four different options:

Figure 6: Earthquake Magnitude parameter

Every earthquake magnitude produces different data and variables. For this project, our data was limited to these four magnitudes.

Make your selection by clicking on it.

Figure 7: Earthquake Magnitude selection

Running The Tool

To run the tool, click on the Run button.

Figure 8: Run button

View Details

When the tool is running, click on View Details to view the tool's progress.

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Figure 9: Tool running Figure 10: View Details messages

As the tool runs, messages are printed out as significant sections in the code are reached. In this case, we can see the messages in Figure 10 stating that the simulation for each infrastructure was successful (meaning that the calculations were performed successfully).


To see the results of the calculations on the map, we can click on the refresh button located on the lower right side of the map.

Figure 11: Refresh button

The infrastructures we chose in our Feature Layer parameter will update their colors according to their Damage legend.

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Figure 12: Damage legend for bridges Figure 13: Bridges damage results

Clicking on one of these points will produce a pop-up window describing its attributes, including the damage state, the EP value, and the earthquake magnitude selected.

Figure 14: Bridge pop-up

These values will be updated for every infrastructure selected in the Feature Layer parameter.

From Figure 14, we can see that, in an earthquake magnitude of 9.0, we can expect this specific bridge to have a 99% probability of being slightly damaged.

As a result, we know what kind of damage to expect on specific infrastructures after an earthquake.

Disaster Route Analysis Tool

The Disaster Route Analysis tool is a script (or geoprocessing) tool capable of finding optimal routes between two different sets of points while avoiding any bridges that are too badly damaged.

This tool can be split into three sections:

  1. Disaster Impact Tool
  2. Starting & and end points
  3. Route Analysis
Figure 15: Disaster Route Analysis tool and sections

Example Scenario

The best way to understand how to use this tool is through an example.

Let's say that we want to find the safest routes from hotels in Clatsop county, Oregon to the nearest fire stations.

Figure 16: Routing scenario

In Figure 16, the icons circled in yellow are the hotels. The nearest fire station is circled in green, and the bridges we must either avoid or cross are circled in red.

Disaster Impact Tool

The first section is the Disaster Impact Tool section.

Figure 17: Disaster Impact tool section

Run Disaster Impact Tool

The first parameter for this tool is the Run Disaster Impact Tool checkmark box. This checkmark box is checked by default. It ensures that the Disaster Impact tool will be ran.

If you are running multiple routing scenarios back to back with the same earthquake magnitude, running the Disaster Impact tool will return the same values over and over again. Therefore, that is why it's an option in this tool.

Earthquake Magnitude

Exactly like the Earthquake Magnitude parameter in the Disaster Impact tool, the Earthquake Magnitude parameter for this tool has a dropdown containing different earthquake magnitudes to choose from.

In this example, we want to see how an earthquake magnitude of 9.0 is going to impact our routes from hotels to fire stations.

Figure 18: Earthquake magnitude of 9.0 chosen

Starting & End Points

The second section is where we'll put our starting and end points.

Figure 19: Starting and end points section

Starting Points (Incidents)

The starting points (also known as incidents) parameter will accept a feature layer as its value.

For this project, any feature layer located in our GADEP Oregon Coast Data group can be used.

Figure 20: GADEP Oregon Coast Data group

In this case, both the hotels and fire stations belong to the Points of Interest feature layer. Therefore, this will be our selection for this parameter.

Figure 21: Points of Interest selected

Incidents Filter

To actually select the hotels as our starting points, we need to filter the Points of Interest feature layer.

Clicking on one of the hotels, we can see that it belongs to the "hotel" class.

Figure 22: Hotel class attribute

Thus, we can use the Incidents Filter SQL expression builder to add this as a filter.

Figure 23: Hotel class filter

To filter this even further, we can also select the county of the hotels we're interested in. In this case we'll select Clatsop county.

Figure 24: Clatsop county filter

Moreover, the dropdown in the middle represents the relationship between the fields and values we're interested in.

Figure 25: SQL expression middle dropdown

If you instead wanted to work with hotels not in Clatsop county, you would define this from the dropdown.

End Points (Facilities)

Exactly like the Starting Points parameter, the End Points (also known as facilities) parameter will accept a feature layer as its parameter, and any feature layer located in our GADEP Oregon Coast Data group can be used.

We will repeat the steps from the Starting Points parameter and select the Points of Interest feature layer as our parameter.

Figure 26: Points of Interest selected

Facilities Filter

Similar to the Incidents Filter parameter, to select the fire stations as our end points, we need to filter the Points of Interest feature layer.

We can use the Facilities Filter SQL expression builder to add the "fire_station" class as a filter.

Figure 27: Fire station class filter

Route Analysis

For the last section, we've set up everything we needed to prepare for the route analysis, and now we're adjusting the analysis itself.

Figure 28: Route analysis section

Number of Facilities

The number of facilities is an optional parameter that can produce more than one route for each starting point. For example, if we wanted to find the nearest two fire stations for each hotel, we'd put a two. However, in this example, we’ll leave it blank which will result in one fire station found per hotel.

Analysis Name

This tool ultimately produces a feature layer consisting of the found routes. Just like any other feature layer, it needs a name to describe its features or purpose.

For the sake of simplicity, we'll name it "Hotels to fire stations".

Figure 29: Analysis name

Running The Tool

To run the tool, click on the Run button.

Figure 30: Run button

View Details

When the tool is running, click on View Details to view the tool's progress.

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Figure 31: Tool running Figure 32: Messages

As the tool runs, messages are printed out as significant sections in the code are reached. Figure 32 illustrates the messages to be expected.


The results of analysis will be automatically displayed on the map.

Figure 33: Route analysis results

As denoted by the colored circles in Figure 33, the yellow circles are the hotels; our starting points. Each route produced is a unique color heading from the hotels to the nearest fire stations; our end points, circled in green. Every route produced avoids any bridge too badly damaged like the ones circled in red.

Any bridge with a damage state of Slight or greater will be considered too badly damaged to safely go across, and therefore will be avoided in the analysis.

As a result, with the ability to select different feature layers as our starting and end points, and also have the flexibility to filter them, this tool is capable of finding optimal routes all while avoiding damaged bridges, resulting in a helpful tool for disaster planning.

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