description |
SpiritDAO's intercommunity currency. |
In a relational universe governed by the single truth, directing our focus and energy within a moment is an act of mutual becoming.
At SpiritDAO, developing incentive and contribution mechanisms in alignment with our values is vital to the successful execution of our purposes.
$SELF tokens are our inter-community exchange tokens.
$SELF tokens are time-bound and cannot be purchased. We earn them by directing our focus and energy toward SpiritDAO and SpiritDAO-related efforts.
Members exchange $SELF tokens for priority access to community resources, artifacts, events, memberships, and more.
$SELF tokens hold no value besides the value we collectively give them. They are a way for the community to reward itself and recognize member contributions.
Non-members cannot earn $SELF tokens.
$SELF tokens exist on the Optimism Chain — Etherscan.