# MPSR Bot This project is for the MPSR project. ## Setup First, create a virtual environment by either running ``python -m venv venv`` or going to VS Code and opening the command palette(Ctrl+shift+P) then typing ``Python: Create Environment`` to search and then select the command. You may then select Venv or Conda. Second, do an installation: ``pip install rasa`` Third, run a rasa initialization by ``rasa init`` this should be in the(root) folder you would like your rasa project to be. now, you can ``rasa shell`` and see how the chatbot does. ## b)Existing projects ## Note If you haven't set up your ssh keys, [follow this](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/adding-a-new-ssh-key-to-your-github-account). First, clone the said repo, for this case, ``git clone git@github.com:think-ke/mpsr.git`` then create a virtual environment by ``python -m venv venv`` or going to VS Code and opening the command palette(Ctrl+shift+P) then typing ``Python: Create Environment`` to search and then select the command. You may then select Venv or Conda. Second, do a rasa installation in your root folder of said project. I am assuming pip is already installed, if not, follow [this](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/). Thirdly, begin chatting with your bot by: ``rasa shell`` ## Django Folders For this, you have to run the command ``pip install django`` then, to create your project run ``django-admin startproject mysite`` e.g, for this project: ``django-admin startproject chatui`` For more on Django, follow [this](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/intro/tutorial01/). ## For Testing On the script.js, you change the url from whatever it is to your local host one or what rasa is running on. For my case, I changed it to ``'`` For the local testing, make sure you run two seperate instances for django, and for rasa. ``python manage.py runserver`` ``rasa run --enable-api --cors "*"`` Make sure you run those commands on the said projects location. For my case, I ran them on: ``(.venv) D:\think\mpsr\bot-mpsr>`` and ``(.venv) D:\think\mpsr\chatui>`` respectively. ## Deploying To do this, follow the commands in the ``start_rasa.sh`` file, and the Dockerfile too. Additionally, this [document](https://help.ovhcloud.com/csm/en-gb-public-cloud-ai-training-train-rasa-chatbot?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0057293) might help. Note: Always run project(s) in a virtual environment for easy installation of (needed) packages/dependencies.