title | layout | parent | nav_order | has_toc |
Upgrading from MKS-PI images |
page |
Custom firmware options |
4 |
false |
{: .no_toc }
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- TOC {:toc}
- Original Sovol/Makerbase image
- Upgrading from armbian-buster based images is not supported.
- You need to start from a bookworm based image.
Images based on MKS-PI, e.g.
- from https://github.com/redrathnure/armbian-mkspi
- complete klipper image "sovolized-v25.2.0.05"
- complete klipper image "sovolized-03-numpy"
Images based on pre-release MKS-KLIPAD50
{: .warning }
Make an image of your eMMC card before trying to upgrade!
{: .note }
The next steps need to be done as root. Execute
sudo su
> And when you are done, execute `exit` to switch back to the default user (or do a reboot).
- Switch to rolling repository
- Execute `sed -i "s/apt\.armbian\.com/beta.armbian.com/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list`
- Allow board updates
- Execute `apt-mark unhold armbian-bsp-cli-mkspi-current armbian-config armbian-firmware armbian-plymouth-theme armbian-zsh base-files linux-dtb-current-rockchip64 linux-headers-current-rockchip64 linux-image-current-rockchip64 linux-u-boot-mkspi-current`
- Update board packages (and others)
- Execute `apt update && apt -y upgrade`
- Replace BSP (board-support-package) and bootloader package
- Execute `apt -y remove armbian-bsp-cli-mkspi-current`
- Execute `apt -y install armbian-bsp-cli-mksklipad50-current linux-u-boot-mksklipad50-current`
- Force updating bootloader
- Execute `sed -i "/^FORCE_UBOOT_UPDATE/ s/=.*/=yes/" /etc/armbian-release`
- Execute `dpkg-reconfigure linux-u-boot-mksklipad50-current`
- Execute `sed -i "/^FORCE_UBOOT_UPDATE/ s/=.*/=/" /etc/armbian-release`
- Load rk805 module at boot (makes status-LEDs work)
- Execute `echo "pinctrl-rk805" >> /etc/modules`
- Clean up old DTB workaround
- This will throw some error messages. Simply ignore them.
- Execute `apt -y remove klipad50-dtb-fix`
- Reboot
- Execute `reboot`
### Images based on pre-release MKS-KLIPAD50
{: .warning }
> Make an image of your eMMC card before trying to upgrade!
{: .note }
> The next steps need to be done as root. Execute
sudo su cd
> And when you are done, execute `exit` to switch back to the default user (or do a reboot).
{: .important }
> This only applies to images downloaded from
> https://github.com/torte71/armbian-mksklipad50/releases
> (Klipad50 images downloaded from armbian.com do not need any changes.)
- Switch to rolling repository
- Execute `sed -i "s/apt\.armbian\.com/beta.armbian.com/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list`
- Allow board updates
- Execute `apt-mark unhold armbian-bsp-cli-mkspi-current armbian-config armbian-firmware armbian-plymouth-theme armbian-zsh base-files linux-dtb-current-rockchip64 linux-headers-current-rockchip64 linux-image-current-rockchip64 linux-u-boot-mkspi-current`
- Update board packages (and others)
- Execute `apt update && apt -y upgrade`
- Reboot
- Execute `reboot`