There following are some of the options to choose when building the device:
- BUILD: Release or debug mode
- DA: Device Attestation Algorithm
- AES_MODE: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption mode
- KEX: Key Exchange method
- PK_ENC: Owner Attestation Algorithm
- TLS: SSL support
BUILD = debug #build mode
TARGET_OS = linux #target OS. (`linux` denotes the Linux* OS.)
KEX = dh #key-exchange method
AES_MODE = ctr #AES encryption type
DA = ecdsa256 #device attestation method
PK_ENC = rsa #public key encoding (for owner attestation)
TLS = openssl #underlying cryptography library to use. (`openssl` denotes the OpenSSL* toolkit.)
MODULE = false #whether to use Secure Device Onboard (SDO) service-info functionality
The default configuration can be overridden by using more options in cmake
The default configuration can be overridden by using more options in cmake
For example, to build the STM32F429ZI
- BUILD: Debug mode
- DA: ECDSA-256
- KEX: Diffie-Hellman
- PK_ENC: rsa (Default)
$ cmake -DTARGET_OS=mbedos -DBOARD=NUCLEO_F429ZI -DBUILD=debug -DAES_MODE=cbc -DKEX=dh -DDA=ecdsa256 .
$ make -j4
For available build options:
List of build modes:
BUILD=debug # Debug mode (default)
BUILD=release # Release mode
List of supported TARGET_OS:
TARGET_OS=linux # (Default)
TARGET_OS=mbedos # (Mbed OS v5.9.14)
List of supported boards (valid only when TARGET_OS=mbedos):
BOARD=NUCLEO_F767ZI # (When building for STM32F767ZI MCU)
BOARD=NUCLEO_F429ZI # (When building for STM32F429ZI MCU)
List of key exchange options:
KEX=dh # use Diffie-Hellman key exchange mechanism during TO2
KEX=asym # use Asymmetric key exchange mechanism during TO2
KEX=ecdh # use Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman key exchange mechanism during TO2 (default)
KEX=ecdh384 # use Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman 384 bit key exchange mechanism during TO2
List of AES encryption modes:
AES_MODE=ctr # use Counter mode encryption during TO2 (default)
AES_MODE=cbc # use Code-Block-Chaining mode encryption during TO2
List of Device Attestation options:
DA=ecdsa256 # Use ECDSA P256 based device attestation(default)
DA=ecdsa384 # Use ECDSA-P384 based device attestation
DA=tpm20_ecdsa256 # Use ECDSA-P256 based device attestation with TPM2.0 support
DA_FILE=pem # only Use if ECDSA private keys are PEM encoded
List of Public Key encoding/owner-attestation options:
PK_ENC=ecdsa # Use ECDSA-X.509 based public key encoding (default)
Underlying crypto library to be used:
TLS=openssl # (Linux default, not supported for other TARGET_OS)
TLS=mbedtls # (Mbed OS default, not supported for other TARGET_OS)
CRYPTO_HW=true # Use Secure element for some of the crypto operations(default = false)
Option to enable network-proxy:
HTTPPROXY=true # http-proxy enabled (default)
HTTPPROXY=false # http-proxy disabled
PROXY_DISCOVERY=true # network discovery enabled (default = false)
Option to enable SDO service-info functionality:
MODULES=false # Service info modules are not present (default)
MODULES=true # Service info modules are present
Option to enable/disable Device credential resue and resale feature:
REUSE=true # Reuse feature enabled (default)
REUSE=false # Reuse feature disabled
RESALE=false # Resale feature disabled (default)
RESALE=true # Resale feature enabled
List of options to clean targets:
pristine # cleanup by remove generated files
Supported values for C standard are: C90 and C99
a. TARGET_OS=linux supports
- openssl
denotes the Linux* OS.)
b. TARGET_OS=mbedos supports
- mbedTLS
denotes the Arm* Mbed* OS.mbedTLS
denotes the Arm Mbed TLS.)