description | layout | ||||||||||||||||||
Trunk is a DevEx toolkit to check, test, merge, and monitor your code. |
Trunk is a developer experience (DevEx) toolkit that enables you to ship code quickly while maintaining the necessary guardrails for excellent eng teams. Use Trunk to check, test, merge, and monitor your code.
Flaky Tests (beta) | Detect, quarantine, and eliminates flaky tests from your codebase | flaky-tests | FlakyTests.png | |
Code Quality | An extensible superlinter with a builtin language server and pre-existing issue detection | code-quality | CodeQuality.png | |
Merge Queue | A merge queue to make merging code in GitHub safer and easier | merge-queue | Merge.png | |
CI Analytics (beta) | See live and trend data about the performance and flakiness of your CI system | ci-analytics | CIAnalytics.png |
Web App | Access dashboards and analytics for all of Trunk's tools | | |
CLI | Use the Trunk CLI to check your code for issues and automate local workflows | | |
VS Code Extension | Get Trunk code checking results inline in VS Code | |
Slack | Join the Trunk Community Slack to get help, give feedback, and talk dev-experience best practices | | ||
GitHub | Browse or contribute to Trunk's open source integrations | | ||
Feature Requests | Request features you'd like to see Trunk tackle next | |