diff --git a/docs/src/main/tut/freeapplicative.md b/docs/src/main/tut/freeapplicative.md index be14c4d17d..fb605ad00f 100644 --- a/docs/src/main/tut/freeapplicative.md +++ b/docs/src/main/tut/freeapplicative.md @@ -5,10 +5,176 @@ section: "data" source: "https://github.com/non/cats/blob/master/core/src/main/scala/cats/free/FreeApplicative.scala" scaladoc: "#cats.free.FreeApplicative" --- -# Free Applicative Functor +# Free Applicative -Applicative functors are a generalization of monads allowing expressing effectful computations in a pure functional way. +`FreeApplicative`s are similar to `Free` (monads) in that they provide a nice way to represent +computations as data and are useful for building embedded DSLs (EDSLs). However, they differ +from `Free` in that the kinds of operations they support are limited, much like the distinction +between `Applicative` and `Monad`. -Free Applicative functor is the counterpart of FreeMonads for Applicative. -Free Monads is a construction that is left adjoint to a forgetful functor from the category of Monads +## Example +Consider building an EDSL for validating strings - to keep things simple we'll just have +a way to check a string is at least a certain size and to ensure the string contains numbers. + +```tut:silent +sealed abstract class ValidationOp[A] +case class Size(size: Int) extends ValidationOp[Boolean] +case object HasNumber extends ValidationOp[Boolean] +``` + +Much like the `Free` monad tutorial, we use smart constructors to lift our algebra into the `FreeApplicative`. + +```tut:silent +import cats.free.FreeApplicative +import cats.free.FreeApplicative.lift + +type Validation[A] = FreeApplicative[ValidationOp, A] + +def size(size: Int): Validation[Boolean] = lift(Size(size)) + +val hasNumber: Validation[Boolean] = lift(HasNumber) +``` + +Because a `FreeApplicative` only supports the operations of `Applicative`, we do not get the nicety +of a for-comprehension. We can however still use `Applicative` syntax provided by Cats. + +```tut:silent +import cats.syntax.apply._ + +val prog: Validation[Boolean] = (size(5) |@| hasNumber).map { case (l, r) => l && r} +``` + +As it stands, our program is just an instance of a data structure - nothing has happened +at this point. To make our program useful we need to interpret it. + +```tut:silent +import cats.Id +import cats.arrow.NaturalTransformation +import cats.std.function._ + +val compiler = + new NaturalTransformation[ValidationOp, String => ?] { + def apply[A](fa: ValidationOp[A]): String => A = + str => + fa match { + case Size(size) => str.size >= size + case HasNumber => str.exists(c => "0123456789".contains(c)) + } + } +``` + +```tut +val validator = prog.foldMap[String => ?](compiler) +validator("1234") +validator("12345") +``` + +## Differences from `Free` +So far everything we've been doing has been not much different from `Free` - we've built +an algebra and interpreted it. However, there are some things `FreeApplicative` can do that +`Free` cannot. + +Recall a key distinction between the type classes `Applicative` and `Monad` - `Applicative` +captures the idea of independent computations, whereas `Monad` captures that of dependent +computations. Put differently `Applicative`s cannot branch based on the value of an existing/prior +computation. Therefore when using `Applicative`s, we must hand in all our data in one go. + +In the context of `FreeApplicative`s, we can leverage this static knowledge in our interpreter. + +### Parallelism +Because we have everything we need up front and know there can be no branching, we can easily +write a validator that validates in parallel. + +```tut:silent +import cats.data.Kleisli +import cats.std.future._ +import scala.concurrent.Future +import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global + +// recall Kleisli[Future, String, A] is the same as String => Future[A] +type ParValidator[A] = Kleisli[Future, String, A] + +val parCompiler = + new NaturalTransformation[ValidationOp, ParValidator] { + def apply[A](fa: ValidationOp[A]): ParValidator[A] = + Kleisli { str => + fa match { + case Size(size) => Future { str.size >= size } + case HasNumber => Future { str.exists(c => "0123456789".contains(c)) } + } + } + } + +val parValidation = prog.foldMap[ParValidator](parCompiler) +``` + +### Logging +We can also write an interpreter that simply creates a list of strings indicating the filters that +have been used - this could be useful for logging purposes. Note that we need not actually evaluate +the rules against a string for this, we simply need to map each rule to some identifier. Therefore +we can completely ignore the return type of the operation and return just a `List[String]` - the +`Const` data type is useful for this. + +```tut:silent +import cats.data.Const +import cats.std.list._ + +type Log[A] = Const[List[String], A] + +val logCompiler = + new NaturalTransformation[ValidationOp, Log] { + def apply[A](fa: ValidationOp[A]): Log[A] = + fa match { + case Size(size) => Const(List(s"size >= $size")) + case HasNumber => Const(List("has number")) + } + } + +def logValidation[A](validation: Validation[A]): List[String] = + validation.foldMap[Log](logCompiler).getConst +``` + +```tut +logValidation(prog) +logValidation(size(5) *> hasNumber *> size(10)) +logValidation((hasNumber |@| size(3)).map(_ || _)) +``` + +### Why not both? +It is perhaps more plausible and useful to have both the actual validation function and the logging +strings. While we could easily compile our program twice, once for each interpreter as we have above, +we could also do it in one go - this would avoid multiple traversals of the same structure. + +Another useful property `Applicative`s have over `Monad`s is that given two `Applicative`s `F[_]` and +`G[_]`, their product `type FG[A] = (F[A], G[A])` is also an `Applicative`. This is not true in the general +case for monads. + +Therefore, we can write an interpreter that uses the product of the `ParValidator` and `Log` `Applicative`s +to interpret our program in one go. + +```tut:silent +import cats.data.Prod + +type ValidateAndLog[A] = Prod[ParValidator, Log, A] + +val prodCompiler = + new NaturalTransformation[ValidationOp, ValidateAndLog] { + def apply[A](fa: ValidationOp[A]): ValidateAndLog[A] = { + fa match { + case Size(size) => + val f: ParValidator[Boolean] = Kleisli(str => Future { str.size >= size }) + val l: Log[Boolean] = Const(List(s"size > $size")) + Prod[ParValidator, Log, Boolean](f, l) + case HasNumber => + val f: ParValidator[Boolean] = Kleisli(str => Future(str.exists(c => "0123456789".contains(c)))) + val l: Log[Boolean] = Const(List("has number")) + Prod[ParValidator, Log, Boolean](f, l) + } + } + } + +val prodValidation = prog.foldMap[ValidateAndLog](prodCompiler) +``` + +## References Deeper explanations can be found in this paper [Free Applicative Functors by Paolo Capriotti](http://www.paolocapriotti.com/assets/applicative.pdf)