diff --git a/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml b/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml index 1c78d87..e8ac527 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ name: deploy -on: [ push, pull_request ] +on: + push: + branches: + - main jobs: deploy: diff --git a/rUTT.cls b/rUTT.cls index 8cc5759..4d638ef 100644 --- a/rUTT.cls +++ b/rUTT.cls @@ -295,39 +295,47 @@ boxsep=4pt, left=0pt,right=0pt,top=0pt,bottom=0pt,colframe=white,colback=lightgr \usepackage{listings} \lstdefinestyle{codestyle}{ % - inputencoding=utf8, - extendedchars=true, - literate={é}{{\'e}}1 {è}{{\`e}}1 {ç}{{\c c}}1, - backgroundcolor=\color{codebg!10}, % choose the background color - basicstyle=\ttfamily\scriptsize, % size of fonts used for the code - breaklines=true, % automatic line breaking only at whitespace - captionpos=b, % sets the caption-position to bottom - commentstyle=\color{codecomment}, % comment style - escapeinside={\%*}{*)}, % if you want to add LaTeX within your code - moredelim=**[is][\color{red}]{@red}{@red}, % to set something in red, @red i'm in red @red - keywordstyle=\color{codekeyword}, % keyword style - stringstyle=\color{codepurple}, % string literal style, - breakatwhitespace=false, - keepspaces=true, - columns=fullflexible, - title=\lstname, - xleftmargin=0.8cm, - rulecolor=\color{black!80}, - framesep=0.5em, - frame=tlrb, - %frameshape={RYR}{Y}{Y}{RVR}, - numberstyle=\tiny, - numbersep=2em, - numbers=left, - showspaces=false, - showstringspaces=true, - morekeywords={None,} - showtabs=false, - tabsize=4, - belowskip=0em, - aboveskip=1em, + inputencoding=utf8, % Use UTF-8 encoding + extendedchars=true, % Allow extended characters + literate={á}{{\'a}}1 {à}{{\`a}}1 {â}{{\^a}}1 {ä}{{\"a}}1 {ã}{{\~a}}1 {å}{{\r a}}1 {æ}{{\ae}}1 + {ç}{{\c c}}1 {é}{{\'e}}1 {è}{{\`e}}1 {ê}{{\^e}}1 {ë}{{\"e}}1 {í}{{\'i}}1 {ì}{{\`i}}1 + {î}{{\^i}}1 {ï}{{\"i}}1 {ñ}{{\~n}}1 {ó}{{\'o}}1 {ò}{{\`o}}1 {ô}{{\^o}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 + {õ}{{\~o}}1 {ø}{{\o}}1 {œ}{{\oe}}1 {ú}{{\'u}}1 {ù}{{\`u}}1 {û}{{\^u}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1 + {ý}{{\'y}}1 {ÿ}{{\"y}}1 {Á}{{\'A}}1 {À}{{\`A}}1 {Â}{{\^A}}1 {Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ã}{{\~A}}1 + {Å}{{\r A}}1 {Æ}{{\AE}}1 {Ç}{{\c C}}1 {É}{{\'E}}1 {È}{{\`E}}1 {Ê}{{\^E}}1 {Ë}{{\"E}}1 + {Í}{{\'I}}1 {Ì}{{\`I}}1 {Î}{{\^I}}1 {Ï}{{\"I}}1 {Ñ}{{\~N}}1 {Ó}{{\'O}}1 {Ò}{{\`O}}1 + {Ô}{{\^O}}1 {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Õ}{{\~O}}1 {Ø}{{\O}}1 {Œ}{{\OE}}1 {Ú}{{\'U}}1 {Ù}{{\`U}}1 + {Û}{{\^U}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1 {Ý}{{\'Y}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}1, % Handle accented characters + backgroundcolor=\color{codebg!10}, % Set background color + basicstyle=\ttfamily\scriptsize, % Set font size for code + breaklines=true, % Enable line breaking at whitespace + captionpos=b, % Set caption position to bottom + commentstyle=\color{codecomment}, % Set comment style color + escapeinside={\%*}{*)}, % Allow LaTeX inside code + moredelim=**[is][\color{red}]{@red}{@red}, % Set custom delimiter for red text + keywordstyle=\color{codekeyword}, % Set keyword style color + stringstyle=\color{codepurple}, % Set string literal style color + breakatwhitespace=false, % Do not break lines at whitespace + keepspaces=true, % Keep spaces in code + columns=fullflexible, % Flexible column alignment + title=\lstname, % Use listing name as title + xleftmargin=0.8cm, % Set left margin + rulecolor=\color{black!80}, % Set rule (frame) color + framesep=0.5em, % Set frame separation + frame=tlrb, % Set frame type (top, left, right, bottom) + numberstyle=\tiny, % Set line number style + numbersep=2em, % Set separation of line numbers + numbers=left, % Display line numbers on the left + showspaces=false, % Do not show spaces + showstringspaces=true, % Show spaces in strings + morekeywords={None,}, % Add custom keywords + showtabs=false, % Do not show tabs + tabsize=4, % Set tab size + belowskip=0em, % Set space below code block + aboveskip=1em, % Set space above code block } + \lstset{style=codestyle} diff --git a/rapportUTT.tex b/rapportUTT.tex index d2ebfba..6fd5704 100644 --- a/rapportUTT.tex +++ b/rapportUTT.tex @@ -134,14 +134,15 @@ { % Tableaux et figures - \markboth{}{Tableaux et figures} \phantomsection + \listoftables + \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listtablename} + \listoffigures \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listfigurename} - \listoftables - \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listtablename} + \markleft{Tableaux et figures} } % \setglossarystyle{listhypergroup}