Unofficial Ruby Gem for Monobank API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'monobank'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install monobank
Use available methods to gather needed data from Monobank API:
# Bank currency
# Client Info
Monobank.client_info(token: YOUR_MONO_TOKEN)
# Statement
Monobank.statement(token: YOUR_MONO_TOKEN, account_id: ACCOUNT_ID, from: 1546304461, to: 1546306461) # 30 days ago: ( - 30).to_time.to_i
# Set webhook
Monobank.set_webhook(token: YOUR_MONO_TOKEN, url: WEBHOOK_URL)
General information provided without authorization.
API Method: bank-currency
GET /bank/currency
Get a basic list of monobank exchange rates. The information is cached and updated at least once every 5 minutes.
bank_currency = Monobank.bank_currency
bank_currency # Array
some_currency = bank_currency.first
some_currency.class # Monobank::Resources::Bank::Currency
some_currency.currency_code_a # Integer, ISO 4217
some_currency.currency_code_b # Integer, ISO 4217 # Integer, Unix time in sec (use
some_currency.rate_sell # Float
some_currency.rate_buy # Float
some_currency.rate_cross # Float
some_currency.attributes # Hash with all fields above
(!) About ISO 4217.
Information provided only with the access token that the client can obtain in his personal account Monobank API
API Method: personal-client-info
GET /personal/client-info
Receiving information about the client and a list of his accounts. Restrictions on the use of the function no more than once every 60 seconds.
client_info = Monobank.client_info(token: YOUR_MONO_TOKEN)
client_info.class # Monobank::Resources::Personal::ClientInfo # String, client name
client_info.web_hook_url # String, webhook url
client_info.accounts # array of accounts (type Monobank::Resources::Personal::Account)
client_info.attributes # Hash with all fields above
account = client_info.accounts.first
account.class # Monobank::Resources::Personal::Account # String, Account identifier
account.balance # Integer, Balance in cents
account.credit_limit # Integer, Credit limit
account.currency_code # Integer, ISO 4217
account.cashback_type # String, None, UAH, Miles
account.attributes # Hash with all fields above
API Method: personal-statement
GET /personal/statement/{account}/{from}/{to}
Receiving a statement {from} - {to} time in seconds in Unix time format. The maximum time for which it is possible to receive a statement is 31 days + 1 hour (2682000 seconds). Limit on using the function no more than 1 time in 60 seconds.
account_id = 'QWERTY-1SdSD' # String, ClientInfo -> Account ID
from = 1546304461 # Integer, Unix time in sec (use
to = 1546306461 # Integer, Optional, uses current time if blank
statements = Monobank.statement(token: YOUR_MONO_TOKEN, account_id: ACCOUNT_ID, from: 1546304461, to: 1546306461)
statements # array of statements (type Monobank::Resources::Personal::Statement)
statement = statements.first
statement.class # Monobank::Resources::Personal::Statement # String, transaction ID
statement.time # Integer, Unix time in sec (use
statement.description # String, transaction description
statement.mcc # Integer, Merchant Category Code, (ISO 18245)
statement.hold # Boolean, Lock status
statement.amount # Integer, Amount in cents
statement.operation_amount # Integer, Amount in cents
statement.currency_code # Integer, ISO 4217
statement.commission_rate # Integer, commission amount in cents
statement.cashback_amount # Integer, cashback amount in cents
statement.balance # Integer, balance in cents
statement.attributes # Hash with all fields above
API Method: personal-webhook
POST /personal/webhook
Sends json ~ {type:"StatementItem", data:{account:"...", statementItem:{#StatementItem}}}
webhook = Monobank.set_webhook(token: YOUR_MONO_TOKEN, url: WEBHOOK_URL)
webhook.class # Monobank::Resources::Personal::Webhhok
webhook.status # String, "ok" if ok :)
webhook.attributes # Hash with all fields above
Error object with code and description.
error.class # Monobank::Resources::Error
error.code # Integer, (e.g. 429 for Too many requests)
error.error_description # String, Error description
error.attributes # Hash with all fields above
For now please use specs as a documentation - MonobankCorporate Spec
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
Feel free to contribute:
- Fork it (
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Copyright © 2020 Yaro & Tolik.
That's all folks.