Last updated: Mar 07 2019
This instructions list subdirectory names for each step for easier locating of relevant files.
Brief high-level overview of contents in this repository.
├── 01_setup
│ ├── 01_setup-dihedrals.tcl
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── minimize.inp
│ └── psfgen
│ ├── psfgen-02
│ ├── psfgen-03
│ └── psfgen.tcl
├── 02_analysis
│ ├── 01_atom-labels
│ ├── 02_parse-diheds
│ └── view_namd_scan.tcl
├── dihed_namd
│ ├── 0
│ └── 5
├── dihed_psi4
│ ├── 0
│ │ ├── dihed-0.pdb
│ │ └── mp2-631Gd
│ └── 5
│ ├── dihed-5.pdb
│ └── mp2-631Gd
├── init_namd
├── init_psi4
├── psf_from_charmm
└── slurm_scripts
19 directories, 65 files
Drew structure in MarvinSketch.
- Saved as Tripos mol2 for CGenFF.
] Uploaded to CGenFF, and downloaded resulting .str file.- Unchecked "Guess bond orders from connectivity"
- Unchecked "Include parameters that are already in CGenFF"
- Unchecked "Use CGenFF legacy v1.0"
- Edited the name after
(use the resname code you want) - NOTE: CGenFF website summary page says current FF version is 3.0.1 but this is NOT correct according to str header and Mackerell website.
] Generate PDB file for NAMD.-
python -i gbi-neutral-cgenff.mol2 -o gbi-neutral-cgenff.pdb
- Checked out the structure in VMD. Marvin did not generate a very good starting structure.
- Edited PDB to have resname and segname of
] Generate PSF file for NAMD.- Command:
vmd -dispdev none gbi-neutral-cgenff.pdb -e psfgen.tcl > psfgen.out
- NOTE: See
directory in this repo for an alternate approach.
- Command:
] Label atom numbers in VMD. Generate image to refer to later when altering atom types or choosing atoms for dihedral scan.- Modify displayed label at Graphics > Labels > Properties > Format to
- Did this one by one but probably could write Tcl script if larger ligand, based on
label textformat Atoms 15 { %a::%t }
- Do not render as (Tachyon, Postscript) since messes up label location. Cluster super slow, so I just screenshotted.
- Modify displayed label at Graphics > Labels > Properties > Format to
NOTE: This section walks through NAMD minimization before QM minimization.
If you want QM calcns on your input structure to CGenFF, the init_psi4/
script may be helpful.
It uses the Quanformer package:
However, instead of installing the package, you can download the relevant modules from Github and call similar to here.
] Minimize in NAMD.- Do this prior to full scan bc starting Marvin coordinates are garbage.
Analyze minimized MM structure in VMD. This will be used as input for QM.
- Load the
file and minimized.coor
file. - If structure needs manual rearrangement (e.g., if not planar when you know it should be, or if you want to consider additional conformations)
- VMD move atom: press
, click atom, move atom with mouse. - VMD move group of atoms: create new representation (
) with selected atoms, press9
, rotate/translate with mouse. - VMD manual
- VMD move atom: press
- For each structure,
>Save coordinates
> selectall
atoms. Save as.pdb
- Load the
] Geometry minimize with QM using Psi4.- Directly lifted coordinates from previous step for Psi4 input file.
Compare minimized structures from steps 6 and 8 in VMD.
- Based on agreement of minima structures, you may need to change atom types. In that case, remember to regenerate the psf file (step 4).
- When I added improper terms in str file, it wasn't recognized by psfgen. So I modified the generated PSF directly.
- In the
2 !NIMPHI: impropers
subheading, I added the atom numbers for new impropers (4 atoms/improper). - Also incremented subheader value next to NIMPHI by number of impropers added.
- See example in
comparing the PSF inpsfgen-02
- In the
- Also had to fix some of the atom name columns in the last column of generated PDB file bc some were missing.
Analyze molecule to prepare for dihedral scan.
- Identify atoms to be rotated.
- Example: H9, N5, C8, N4, H8, H7, H6, not N3
- Identify PDB numbers corresponding to above.
- Example: 22 13 11 12 21 20 19
- Determine which atoms will define dihedral angle.
- Example: N2 C7 N3 C8 (8 9 10 11)
- Identify atoms to be rotated.
] Generate structures for dihedral scan.- Subtract 1 from PDB numbers for use in Tcl script with VMD, and for NAMD
- But use the PDB numbers as in when restraining in Psi4
- Edit and run
- Name of input PDB
- Where output PDBs are written
- Atom numbers of whole group to be rotated
- Atom numbers of the four atoms to define dihedral.
- NOTE: Order matters. Atoms should be listed in order, with central atoms in middle. If [A B C D] does not work, try [D C B A].
- Edit and run
- Main directory location
- Name of theory subdirectory
- Atom numbers to be frozen
- Method and basis set used
- Any other desired QM parameters
- Edit and run
- Main directory location
- Name of reference input file
- Atom numbers of the dihedral for restraint
Run the QM and MM jobs.
] Analyze scans.- Get NAMD dihedral output angle from .coor files.
vmdt -e ../12_analysis/get_namd_diheds.tcl -args /DFS-B/DATA/mobley/limvt/3_neutral/11_setup-namd/psfgen-03/gbin_psfgen.psf 7 8 9 10
- May want to sort resulting dat file (in vim:
:sort n
- Compute/draw the profiles.
python --qdir /path/to/qm_results/ --qfile output.dat --mdir /path/to/mm_results/ --mfile minimize.out --show --save
- Get NAMD dihedral output angle from .coor files.
] View results.- TODO: add view scripts
Sources of example materials:
- PSF:
- PDB:
- init NAMD input:
- init Psi4 input:
- dihed NAMD input:
- dihed Psi4 input: