The application is stored on and consists of various parts as described below:
Runs the application and is connected to Shopify via the Application Dashboard (API Configuration Section)
Automated Deployments:
- Image Building: Docker images are built automatically via GitHub Actions. The build process triggers on code changes and commits.
- Deployment Notification: GitHub Actions will ping Jelastic via a REST API call with deployment details once the build is complete.
- Tagging: Use branch-sha_commit tags (e.g., main-2d478ef) to keep track of versions.
- Access logs in the run.log file within the Docker container for troubleshooting.
Environment Variables:
- Configure necessary environment variables using the Variables popup in Jelastic.
- Port Configuration: Configure Nginx to listen on relevant application port (HTTP) and proxy traffic to the appropriate internal nodes based on IP addresses via HTTPS.
- SSL Configuration:
- Ensure Nginx is set up to handle SSL communication internally.
- Use the ssl.conf configuration file to set up SSL keys for secure communication between components.
Stores the internal data store
- Links: Ensure proper linking between the Postgres container and other components.
- Certificates: Use certificates to secure communication between the Postgres container and other services.
- Simplest way is to clone Environment by using the Jelastic environment cloning feature to duplicate the current setup.
- This will create an exact replica of your existing environment.
- Post-clone, adjust the following settings:
- Update environment-specific settings, such as IP addresses, secrets, and environment variables.
- Ensure any environment-specific configurations (e.g., database URLs, API keys) are updated.