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324 lines (237 loc) · 12.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

Types of changes:

  • Added: for new features.
  • Changed: for changes in existing functionality.
  • Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed: for now removed features.
  • Fixed: for any bug fixes.
  • Security: in case of vulnerabilities.


  • IBMQJob now has three new methods: done(), running(), and cancelled(). The methods are used to indicate the job status. (#494)
  • now accepts an optional job_tags parameter. If specified, the job_tags are assigned to the job, which can also be used as a filter in (#511)
  • IBMQBackend now has two new methods: job_limit() and remaining_job_counts(). job_limit() returns the job limit for a backend, which includes the current number of active jobs you have on the backend and the the maximum number of active jobs you can have on it. remaining_job_counts() returns the number of remaining jobs that could be submitted to the backend before the maximum limit on active jobs is reached. Note the job limit for a backend is given for a specific provider (i.e. a specific backend with a specific provider). (#513)
  • IBMQJobManager now has a new method retrieve_job_set() that allows you to retrieve a previously submitted job set using the job set ID. A job set ID can be retrieved using the new job_set.job_set_id() method. (#514)


  • The Exception hierarchy has been refined with more specialized classes. You can, however, continue to catch their parent exceptions (such as IBMQAccountError). Also, the exception class IBMQApiUrlError has been replaced by IBMQAccountCredentialsInvalidUrl and IBMQAccountCredentialsInvalidToken. (#480)

0.4.5 - 2019-12-18


  • IBMQJob now has a new queue_info() method that returns queue information, such as queue position, estimated start/end time, and priority levels for the job. (#467)
  • Python 3.8 is now supported in qiskit-ibmq-provider. (#445)

0.4.4 - 2019-12-09


  • IBMQJob.result() now accepts an optional refresh parameter. If refresh=True is specified, the function re-queries the api for the results, rather than returning those cached. (#469)
  • POST network request are now retried if the status code is among specific safe codes. In the case of the request failing during job submission, more information is now displayed in the INFO and DEBUG log levels. (#475)


  • Python 3.5 support in qiskit-ibmq-provider is deprecated. Support will be removed on the upstream python community's end of life date for the version, which is 09/13/2020. (#445)

0.4.3 - 2019-11-21


  • Fixed an issue where IBMQJob.error_message() may raise an exception if the job fails before execution. (#458)

0.4.2 - 2019-11-18


  • Fixed to correctly return jobs when both start_datetime and end_datetime are specified. Now, when the two parameters are specified, the function will return the jobs after (greater than or equal to) and before (less than or equal to) the two given datetimes. (#452)

0.4.1 - 2019-11-14


  • Fixed job.creation_date() return string format to be the same as that of release 0.3. (#447)


  • and now accept the optional parameters start_datetime and end_datetime. If one is specified, it is used to find jobs whose creation date is after (greater than) or before (less than) the given the date/time, respectively. If both are specified, they are used to find jobs whose creation date is between the two dates. (#443)

0.4.0 - 2019-11-12


  • A new IBMQJobManager class that takes a list of circuits or pulse schedules as input, splits them into one or more jobs, and submits the jobs. (#389, #400, #407)
  • New features to provider.backends:
    • it contains the available backends as attributes. A user can now use provider.backends.<tab> to see a list of backend names, and make use of the attributes as regular IBMQBackend instances. (#303)
    • the methods and provider.backends.retrieve_job() can be used for retrieving provider-wide jobs. (#354)


  • now accepts an optional job_name parameter. If specified, the job_name is assigned to the job, which can also be used as a filter in (#300, #384)
  • now accepts an optional job_share_level parameter. If specified, the job could be shared with other users at the global, hub, group, project, or none level. (#414)
  • The signature of is changed. db_filter, which was the 4th parameter, is now the 5th parameter. (#300)
  • The function now accepts an optional datetime parameter. If specified, the function returns the backend properties closest to, but older than, the specified datetime filter. (#277)
  • The WebsocketClient.get_job_status() method now accepts two optional parameters: retries and backoff_factor. (#341)
  • The IBMQJob class has been refactored:
    • The IBMQJob attributes are now automatically populated based on the information contained in the remote API. As a result, the IBMQJob constructor signature has changed. (#329)
    • IBMQJob.submit() can no longer be called directly, and jobs are expected to be submitted via (#329)
    • IBMQJob.error_message() now gives more information on why a job failed. (#375)
    • IBMQJob.queue_position() now accepts an optional refresh parameter that indicates whether it should query the API for the latest queue position. (#387)
    • The IBMQJob.result() function now accepts an optional partial parameter. If specified, IBMQJob.result() will return partial results for jobs with experiments that failed. (#399)
  • The Exception hierarchy has been refined with more specialized classes, and exception chaining is used in some cases - please inspect the complete traceback for more informative failures. (#395, #396)
  • Some warnings have been toned down to logger.warning messages. (#379)


  • Support for the legacy Quantum Experience and QConsole is fully deprecated. Only credentials from the new Quantum Experience can be used. (#344)
  • The circuits functionality has been temporarily removed from the provider. It will be reintroduced in future versions. (#429)

0.3.3 - 2019-09-30


  • Fixed an issue where proxy parameters were not fully passed to the final sessions, leading to incomplete proxy support. (#353)

0.3.2 - 2019-08-20


  • Pin version of nest_asyncio requirement. (#312)

0.3.1 - 2019-07-23


  • The function now has a default limit of 10 results, and in the IBM Q Experience v2 will automatically perform several API calls in order to retrieve the specified number of jobs, if higher. (#263)


  • load_accounts dispatches to load_account if v2 credentials are stored, allowing for backward compatibility. (#273)

0.3.0 - 2019-07-15


  • Fixed Circuits status checks according to latest API changes. (#95)
  • Fixed an authentication issue with the backend_status endpoint when using the new api. (#101)


  • The package defaults to connecting to the IBM Q Experience v2 by default, and to using a single token and URL for accessing all the remote capabilities.
    • an IBMQ.update_account() added for helping transitioning. (#209)
    • qiskit.IBMQ is no longer a Provider: providers for the individual projects can be obtained via IBMQ.get_provider(). (#214)
    • the qiskit.IBMQ account-management methods have been revised, and act on a single account. (#186)
    • the qiskit.IBMQ backend-management methods have been moved to the individual AccountProvider instances. (#186, #212).
  • Updated detection of classic vs. new api based on version endpoint. (#95)
  • The requires_qe_access decorator, previously in terra, is now included in this package. (#128)
  • IBMQJob.job_id() now accepts an optional timeout parameter, for allowing users finer control over the waiting time. (#238)


  • Added support for pooling job status via websockets. Note this is only available when using the new API authentication. (#100)
  • Added support for using object storage when submitting and retrieving jobs. Note this is only available when using the new IBM Q Experience v2. (#110)
  • Added support for custom qx-client-application request header via the environment variable QE_CUSTOM_CLIENT_APP_HEADER when using the new IBM Q Experience v2. (#165)
  • and backend.defaults() now accept a refresh flag. When False, cached data will be returned. (#224)


  • Support for the legacy IBM Q Experience and Qconsole is on the process of being deprecated. They will still be supported during the 0.3.x versions, but we encourage transitioning to the new IBM Q Experience. (#232)
    • the IBMQ.load_accounts() and account-management methods are replaced by methods that work on a single token and URL.
    • the IBMQ.backends() method has been moved to the provider instances: provider = IBMQ.get_provider(); provider.backends().
    • the IBMQ.get_backend(name) method has been moved to the provider instances: provider = IBMQ.get_provider(); provider.get_backend(name).

0.2.2 - 2019-05-07


  • Fixed Circuits parameter validation. (#89)

0.2.1 - 2019-05-06


  • Improved compatibility with older setuptools versions. (#85)

0.2.0 - 2019-05-06


  • The IBMQProvider supports connecting to the new version of the IBM Q API. Please note support for this version is still experimental. (#78)
  • Added support for Circuits through the new API. (#79)


  • Fixed incorrect parsing of some API hub URLs. (#77)
  • Fixed noise model handling for remote simulators. (#84)

0.1.1 - 2019-05-01


  • The backend configurations now return instances of specialized BackendConfiguration classes (ie. QasmBackendConfiguration). (#74).


  • Fixed signature mismatch during job.cancel(). (#73)

0.1 - 2019-04-17


  • The connector get_job() methods accepts two new parameters for including and excluding specific fields from the response. (#6)
  • Added backend.defauls() for retrieving the pulse defaults for a backend through a new endpoint. (#33)
  • Added for retrieving the backend properties for a job through a new endpoint. (#35)


  • The IBMQ Provider has been moved to an individual package outside the Qiskit Terra package.
  • The exception hierarchy has been revised: the package base exception is IBMQError, and they have been grouped in .exception modules. (#5)
  • Ensured that retrieved jobs come from their appropriate backend. (#23)
  • Job error_message() function now summarizes the problems that made the job to fail. (#48)
  • no longer emits a warning for pre-qobj jobs. (#59)


  • Support for non-qobj format has been removed. (#26, #28)