RESOURCE_GROUP="rg_azconlab" # Reousrce Group Name
REGION="eastus" # Region Name: eastus,japaneast,etc
$ az group create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -l $REGION
CLUSTER_NAME="myazconlabs" # AKS Cluster Name
$ az aks create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--kubernetes-version 1.11.2 \
--node-vm-size Standard_D2_v2 \
--node-count 3 \
--enable-addons http_application_routing \
- This tutorial assumes that you create the AKS cluster named
(node count3
, Kubernetes cluster version1.11.1
) under the resource group nameduser-akstest
- If you already have a ssh key generated and you want to use it instead of generating new key, specify your SSH key with --ssh-key-value option instead of --generate-ssh-keys in creating AKS Cluster. Please see azure CLI command reference for az aks create for more details
Run the following command to configure kubectl to connect to your Kubernetes cluster, run the following command:
$ az aks get-credentials -g $RESOURCE_GOURP -n $CLUSTER_NAME
Finally, check if you can connect to the cluster by running the following command:
$ kubectl get nodes
aks-nodepool1-40291275-0 Ready agent 21m v1.11.1
aks-nodepool1-40291275-1 Ready agent 21m v1.11.1
aks-nodepool1-40291275-2 Ready agent 21m v1.11.1