- Web App for Containers Labs: Spring Boot app + CosmosDB
- Todo App (SprintBoot)
In this labs, you're running this workthrough on Azure Cloud Shell Bash. For a user who haven't used Azure Cloud Shell, please check 'Open Azure Cloud Shell' and 'Verify Subscription' section in the module.
Get labs materials from Github
git clone https://github.com/yokawasa/azure-container-labs.git
cd azure-container-labs/apps/todo
Open env.sh
file, add values for each variable except COSMOSDB_URI
# CosmosDB Configuration
export COSMOSDB_NAME=<put-your-COSMOS-DB-name-here>
# Web App for Containers Configuration
export RESOURCE_GROUP=<put-your-resource-group-name-here>
export WEBAPP_NAME=<put-your-Webapp-name-here>
export REGION=<put-your-REGION-here>
export APP_SERVICE_PLAN_NAME=<put-your-app-service-plan-name>
# Azure Container Registry Configuration
export ACR_NAME=<put-your-acr-name>
Read them into environmental variables
source env.sh
You need to create a couple of Azure resources for this labs
az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $REGION
Create Cosmos DB Instances and get CosmosDB key using Azure CLI command
# Create Azure Cosmos DB with DocumentDB kind
az cosmosdb create --kind GlobalDocumentDB -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $COSMOSDB_NAME
# Get your Azure Cosmos DB key, get the primaryMasterKey of the DocumentDB you just created.
az cosmosdb list-keys -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $COSMOSDB_NAME
Create Azure Container Registry (ACR) and enable ACR admin user using Azure CLI command
# Create an Azure Container Registry
az acr create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $ACR_NAME --sku Basic
# Get the registry's login server
az acr show -n $ACR_NAME --query "{acrLoginServer:loginServer}" -o table
# AcrLoginServer
# -------------------------
# yoichikaacr001.azurecr.io
# Enable the admin user for an existing registry
az acr update -n $ACR_NAME --admin-enabled true
# Show credential of ACR admin user
az acr credential show -n $ACR_NAME -o table
# ------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
#yoichikaacr001 rZjZMzOLKg2fTzQg3=d6D0UUe7whY3S0 CT27TDJChkLz9yTE1qs/XXsRiIyWi3NA
Create an App Service Plan (Linux Plan) to which you'll create your web app using Azure CLI command
az appservice plan create \
--is-linux \
-l $REGION \
--sku S1 \
--number-of-workers 1
Create an Azure service principal using azure CLI command
# az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "<display name of service principal>"
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "sp-webappcon-java"
"appId": "********-a4c9-4490-9a09-7dd3bab43520",
"displayName": "sp-webappcon-java",
"name": "http://sp-webappcon-java",
"password": "********-d882-4b6f-9218-191dc8935fca",
"tenant": "********-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47"
Please take note of the values of appId
, password
, and tenant
from this JSON response. You will use them in configuring the Maven plugin to deploy your container to Azure.
Let's see directory tree under apps/todo
dir. This is base dir for the labs
$ tree
├── Dockerfile
├── README.md
├── checkstyle.xml
├── env.sh
├── env.sh.sample
├── pom.xml
├── settings.xml.sample
└── src
├── main
│ ├── java
│ │ └── com
│ │ └── microsoft
│ │ └── azure
│ │ └── sample
│ │ ├── TodoApplication.java
│ │ ├── controller
│ │ │ └── TodoListController.java
│ │ ├── dao
│ │ │ └── TodoItemRepository.java
│ │ └── model
│ │ └── TodoItem.java
│ └── resources
│ ├── application.properties
│ └── static
│ ├── Scripts
│ │ ├── app.js
│ │ ├── homeCtrl.js
│ │ ├── todoListCtrl.js
│ │ └── todoListSvc.js
│ ├── Views
│ │ ├── Home.html
│ │ └── TodoList.html
│ └── index.html
└── test
├── java
│ └── com
│ └── microsoft
│ └── azure
│ └── sample
│ ├── TodoApplicationTest.java
│ └── model
│ └── TodoItemTest.java
└── resources
└── test.properties
Open env.sh
file, add values for COSMOSDB_URI
# CosmosDB Configuration
export COSMOSDB_URI=<put-your-COSMOS-DB-documentEndpoint-URI-here>
export COSMOSDB_KEY=<put-your-COSMOS-DB-primaryMasterKey-here>
export COSMOSDB_DBNAME=<put-your-COSMOS-DB-name-here>
Read them again into environmental variables
source env.sh
FYI, these environment variables are used in application.properties
in the TODO list app, and in pom.xml
, a model file for this maven project
NOTE: You can put variables in the propertie file and set their values in system environment variables:
. Then maven will substitute them during the build phase.
<!-- configurable properties -->
<!-- azure.containerRegistry: the name of your Azure container registry -->
<!-- docker.image.prefix: the URL of your Azure container registry -->
<!-- Azure Web App Plugin for Maven -->
<!-- for deploying to Azure Web App for Containers -->
<!-- <appName>${azure.app.name}</appName> -->
<!-- <imageName>${docker.image.prefix}/${project.artifactId}:latest</imageName> -->
Add your ACR access info and Service principal info to your Maven user setting file settings.xml
[NOTE] possible settings.xml location would be like:
Please see https://maven.apache.org/settings.html
<!-- Your Azure Container Registry access settings -->
<!-- id: The name of Azure container registry -->
<!-- username: user name of your ACR -->
<!-- password: password of your ACR -->
<!-- Your Azure service principal settings -->
<!-- id: A unique name for your security setting -->
<!-- for deploying your app to Azure web app -->
<!-- client: the appId of your service principal -->
<!-- tenant: the tenant of your service principal -->
<!-- key: the password of your service principal -->
First, package the project using mvn
mvn clean package
Then, run the project with this mvn command
mvn spring-boot:run
NOTE: you can also run the project by directly using java command like this
java -jar target/todo-app-java-on-azure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Finally, open http://localhost:8080, you'll be able to see the web pages to show the todo list app
open http://localhost:8080
As an alternative way for running the app locally, you can run it as a container app with docker. Suppose you've already build the package using mvn, build a container image for the project and run locally using docker like this:
Here is an example docker command:
# Docker build
docker build -t todo-app-java:$IMAGE_TAG .
# Docker run
docker run \
-it --rm -p 8080:80 \
# Test access
open http://localhost:8080
# Build an image
mvn clean package docker:build
# Build an image and push it to the registry
mvn clean package docker:build -DpushImage
# Simply push the image you just built to the registry
mvn docker:build -DpushImage
Once you push the image, you can check the repository with az acr repository
# Show list of repositories
az acr repository list -n $ACR_NAME -o table
# Show list of tags in a repository
az acr repository show-tags -n $ACR_NAME --repository $REPO_NAME -o table
As an alternative way for pushiing the image to ACR, you can do with docker command like this:
# Docker login to ACR Login Server using username and password
docker login $ACR_NAME.azurecr.io -u <USERNAME>
# Push the images
# here is an example of pushing an image that has specific image tag, and the one with latest tag
docker tag todo-app-java:$IMAGE_TAG $ACR_NAME.azurecr.io/todo-app-java:latest
docker tag todo-app-java:$IMAGE_TAG $ACR_NAME.azurecr.io/todo-app-java:$IMAGE_TAG
docker push $ACR_NAME.azurecr.io/todo-app-java:$IMAGE_TAG
docker push $ACR_NAME.azurecr.io/todo-app-java:latest
azure-maven-plugin allows you to deploy the app to Azure with a very simple command like this:
mvn azure-webapp:deploy
If a target web app doesn't exist, the plugin create a new web app with the following message:
[INFO] Target Web App doesn't exist. Creating a new one...
[INFO] Successfully created Web A
[INFO] No resources specified in pom.xml. Skip artifacts deployment.
[INFO] Successfully deployed Web App at https://todo-app-190702110612612.azurewebsites.net
As an alternative way for the deployment, you can deploy the app to Azure directly using Azure CLI command like this:
# Create a web app
az webapp create \
-i $ACR_NAME.azurecr.io/todo-app-java:latest
# Configure web app with a custom Docker Container from Azure Container Registry.
az webapp config container set \
--docker-registry-server-url https://$ACR_NAME.azurecr.io
NOTE: if you're deploying the container image from private registry, you need to add credential info for the registry using
like this:az webapp config container set \ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \ --name $WEB_APP_NAME \ --docker-registry-server-url https://<registry-url> \ --docker-registry-server-user <registry_user> \ --docker-registry-server-password <registry_password>
You can enable a built-in continuous deployment for custom docker images in Azure Portal. If the repository is Azure Container Registry (ACR), a webhook to trigger the CD is automatically created on the ACR. Please see the following page:
You can use Azure CLI command for this but currently it may have an issue (See issue: Enabling CD for custom Docker images with Azure CLI command does not create a webhook on relevant ACR)
az webapp deployment container config \
-e true
Docker container logging is not enabled by default. You can enable with the following Azure CLI Command or in Azure Portal
az webapp log config -n $WEB_APP_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--web-server-logging filesystem
Once this is done, you can then tail the log live from the cloud:
az webapp log tail -n $WEB_APP_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP
Here is how you enable the logging in Azure Portal. See also
Also, you can inspect the log files from the browser at
- Get started with Application Insights in a Java web project
- https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java
- Configure a Spring Boot Initializer app to use Application Insights
You can manually scale out:
az appservice plan update --number-of-workers 2 \
--name ${WEBAPP_PLAN_NAME} \
--resource-group <your-azure-group-name>
- Buy and configure an SSL certificate for Azure App Service
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/overview-inbound-outbound-ips
- Integrate your app with an Azure Virtual Network
- Azure CLI Commands samples for Azure App Services
- Azure CLI Commands for Managing Web App for Containers
- Azure CLI Commands for Managing Azure Container Registry
- Azure App Service on Linux FAQ
- docker-maven-plugin
- azure-maven-plugin
- https://github.com/microsoft/spring-data-cosmosdb
- How to use the Spring Boot Starter with the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API
- java-jdk-docker-images