- Fix seeded_auth_token to accept arguments of str type
- Fix DotDict.setdefault() to return value (previously it always returned None)
- Update to work with Python 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
- Drop support for Python <= 2.6
- Add new lib for configuration filtering
- Add support and docs for generating public configuration.
- Add DotDict support for getting & setting values using dotted keys
- Generated configuration.json no longer has trailing whitespace.
- Fix a bug in the DotDict __getattr__ method so it fails with an AttributeError if the attr is not found. This arose because, during a deepcopy, the getattr was mapped to dict.getitem and dict does not have a __deepcopy__ attribute
- Allow replacing None with other types.
- Add --build option to produce build-time configurations for tests.
- Fixes bug where generating configuration without --local resulted in missing configuration values
- Inject the app name as yoconfigurator.app.
- Overridden configuration gets sourced too.
- Renamed to yoconfigurator.
- MissingValues can be replaced with dicts.
- MissingValues get a name provided automatically.
- Add DeletedValue.
- Use a hostname-local source when run with --local.
- Change the default search paths for configurator.py
- Add an initial hostname source.
- Initial release.