- Use this command to download jq, curl and screen if not available
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends screen curl jq || { echo "Installation failed"; exit 1; }
- After that, create a screen session and name it anything, in my case I will name it
, u can use any name in the place of hemi-fee-updater
screen -X -S hemi-fee-updater quit
screen -S hemi-fee-updater
- Use this command to delete any existing fee updater script
if ps aux | grep "[h]emifee.sh" > /dev/null; then
ps aux | grep "[h]emifee.sh" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
- Now run this script using below command
[ -f "hemifee.sh" ] && rm hemifee.sh; curl -sSL -o hemifee.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zunxbt/pop-mining/refs/heads/main/hemifee.sh && chmod +x hemifee.sh && ./hemifee.sh
- Now press
+ A
+ D
(VERY IMP) after that u can close your VPS
- DONE, it will automatically fetch the fee and will update in the service file in every 10 mins