Rise Prize SDC phase I
We are participating in Mahindra Rise Prize to create India's first Driver-less Car. The SDC(self driving car) will be our primary aim after IGVC 2014. We will make the car and we will make it cheaper and sturdier and sleeker than anyone has made before.
The work for the first phase should be completed before the mid-semester exams starts next semester. h…
We are participating in Mahindra Rise Prize to create India's first Driver-less Car. The SDC(self driving car) will be our primary aim after IGVC 2014. We will make the car and we will make it cheaper and sturdier and sleeker than anyone has made before.
The work for the first phase should be completed before the mid-semester exams starts next semester. http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/downloads/acad_cal201415.pdf