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Releases: Gwing97/postgis


07 Mar 18:34
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The modification in Beta0.1 didn't help anything. Database even crashed every time raster was inserted.
So I have a try, changed FLT_EPILSON in libtrcore.h for all the code.

After testing, all of these two releases are valid. Now MODIS raster tiles passed restrains, and can be viewed in QGIS normally.
Database crashed just because I forgot excuting SQL code "ALTER DATABASE database SET postgis.enable_outdb_rasters = true; ALTER DATABASE database SET postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers TO 'ENABLE_ALL';", when used out-of-db option to input rasters.


07 Mar 17:20
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When I tried to insert MODIS rasters into database installed with PostGIS 3.2.1, an error occurred as "The rasters (pixel corner coordinates) are not aligned".
So I changed the float tolerance of rt_raster_same_alignment() function, and wish then the MODIS raster tiles can be determined as aligned.