- 🌍 We are based in Kerala, India
- ✉️ You can contact us @ hexametatech@gmail.com
- 📄 Know about our projects @ hexameta.in
Welcome to the official GitHub organization of Hexameta Technologies. We are an innovative IT service company committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions and services to our clients. This repository serves as a central hub for our open-source projects, providing transparency, collaboration, and access to our codebase.
Hexameta Technologies is dedicated to providing high-quality IT services to meet the evolving needs of our clients. We specialize in:
- Software Development
- Web Application Development
- Mobile App Development
- Cloud Solutions
- Data Analytics
- Cybersecurity
- DevOps and Infrastructure Management
- and more!
Our team is comprised of talented and passionate professionals, and we are excited to share our work and collaborate with the broader developer community through this GitHub organization.
Our organization is driven by a team of skilled and dedicated professionals who are committed to delivering excellence in every project. Our team members are actively contributing to various open-source projects.
- Muhammed Riyas K H (CEO & Co-Founder) Github
- Mohammed Yaseen (MD & Co-Founder) Github
- Muhammed Asif (Director & Co-Founder) Github
- Jino Manoj John (CTO) Github
All the code and content within our GitHub organization are the intellectual property of Hexameta Technologies. You are welcome to use, fork, and build upon our open-source projects for personal or non-commercial purposes, following the license specified in each project's repository.
However, we strictly prohibit the unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of our code for commercial purposes without our explicit written consent. We take the protection of our intellectual property seriously and will take legal action against those who violate our terms.
Thank you for understanding and respecting our policies. If you have any questions or concerns, please Contact Us.
© 2023 Hexameta Technologies. All rights reserved.