Thank you for visiting my GitHub account - Welcome!
- 🔭 Check out my portfolio updated with recent projects and achievements.
- 👨💻 I’m currently advancing in: Java Spring Framework, MVC, Agile methodologies, and diving into Cloud Technologies. Enhancing problem-solving skills through LeetCode.
- 👯 I’m aiming to collaborate on innovative projects with tech professionals and communities.
- 🥅 2024 Goals: Secure a full-time role in software development to begin my professional career. Focus on making impactful contributions to projects and further enhance my technical skills. Expand my professional network and seek mentorship opportunities within the tech industry.
- 🏃♂️ Fun activities: Currently I really enjoy solving leetcode questions, reading, and going to the gym. My newest hobby is running which allows me to clear my mind and stay healthy. I also enjoy playing video games with friends and family.