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v0.2.533-f91f6a4 (CI/CD)

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@github-actions github-actions released this 10 Sep 21:58
· 58 commits to main since this release

Jonline CI/CD Release


Built by the Server CI/CD GitHub Action Server CI/CD Badge.

Images are available on DockerHub:


Deployments will be brought up-to-date at around the same time as this release is created.

First, (and any other "development" deployments) will be updated.

Then, this release is created (so, should already be updated).

Finally, Bull City Social and Oak City Social (and any other "production" deployments) will be updated.

Deployment Links Deployment Version About, Protocol Docs Development
BullCity.Social BullCity.Social About, Protocol Docs Production
OakCity.Social OakCity.Social About, Protocol Docs Production


This list's Markdown was generated with git log -100 --pretty='- [%h / *%ch*] %B' at release time:

  • [f91f6a49 / 6 minutes ago] UI tweaks

  • [661088b9 / Sat 13:28 -0400] remove react-swipeable

  • [c5fb27b2 / Sat 13:24 -0400] widen things on smaller screens

  • [4c41d91f / Fri 11:20 -0400] markdown code styles -> atomOne

  • [1dd2bbf2 / Fri 11:09 -0400] more build tweaks

  • [5187b3c7 / Fri 11:04 -0400] syntax highlighting for code, various UX improvements

  • [6426734e / Fri 09:19 -0400] timeout CD-powered rollouts after 2mins

  • [db16feaf / Fri 09:08 -0400] build cache keys

  • [fa2e2688 / Fri 09:05 -0400] log when panicking

  • [8349a931 / Fri 09:00 -0400] abort on panic