This is a single command that will install a Complete Media Center package - Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, SABnzbd, qBittorrent, Portainer, Watchtower & Rclone. Ubuntu in Docker.
Copy and Past this command into your terminal -->
sudo git clone && cd Media-Server-with-Docker-Ubuntu && sudo bash
1.On Portainer's first launch create a Username & Password and select local. From this point look around for the tab that says containers it should be self-explanatory from there.
2.This Plex container will NOT support hardware transcoding - it can, you would need to expose the correct hardware to your docker image but every PC is different that is why I left it out. My is up and running well so i can confirm it works very well. I'm happy to share on request.
3.This install is a stock standard install, no special programs here. Changing things would be as docker documentation says.
Good to know info.
To edit the docker-compose.yml file sudo nano ~/Media-Server-with-Docker-Ubuntu/docker-compose.yml
to launch it sudo docker-compose -f ~/Media-Server-with-Docker-Ubuntu/docker-compose.yml up -d
Also the great news about this install is that it is too easy to backup. First off shutdown the program you wish to back up Then go to ~/Documents/Docker and copy the program file to wherever you like.
Portainer: - Docker Management User Interface.
Plex: - Your personal media player.
Sonarr: - Sonarr is a multi-platform app to search, download, and manage TV shows.
Radarr: - Like Sonarr but for movies.
qBittorrent: - qBittorrent is a cross-platform free and open-source BitTorrent client.
SABnzbd: - SABnzbd is a binary newsgroup downloader. The program simplifies the downloading verifying and extracting of files from Usenet.
Jackett: - Jackett is a mass torrent indexer scraper.
Date: 2020/01
This was tested on
DigitalOcean - Ubuntu 18.04.3 (LTS) x64
Local Virtual Machine - Ubuntu Server 18.04 (LTS) x64