By @LAG-jara & @ElPatatin
cub3d is a simple 3D game engine project that uses the Raycasting technique. It is inspired by the classic game Wolfenstein 3D. The project is part of the 42 Network curriculum.
- Raycasting for rendering a 3D perspective
- Textured walls and sprites
- Basic movement controls (forward, backward, strafe left, strafe right)
- Basic mouse camera rotation (must mantain the mouse button 1 pressed)
- Collision detection with walls
- Support for reading map configurations from a file
- Basic error handling and reporting
Requirements for MacOs
- clang
- make
- This native version no longer uses, XQuartez or X11 but uses Mac OSX's Cocoa (AppKit) and modern OpenGL features.
Requirements for Linux
- MinilibX only support TrueColor visual type (8,15,16,24 or 32 bits depth)
- gcc
- make
- X11 include files (package xorg)
- XShm extension must be present (package libxext-dev)
- Utility functions from BSD systems - development files (package libbsd-dev)
- e.g. sudo apt-get install gcc make xorg libxext-dev libbsd-dev (Debian/Ubuntu)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Build the project:
- Run the cub3d executable:
./cub3d path/to/map.cub
Replace path/to/map.cub with the path to your map configuration file.
- Enjoy playing around with the simple 3D engine!
cub3d uses a simple map configuration file with specific parameters. Refer to the provided basic.cub file for an example.
- W: Move forward
- S: Move backward
- A: Strafe left
- D: Strafe right
- ←: Look left
- →: Look right
- ESC: Exit the game
- Mouse:
- ←: Look left
- →: Look right
This project is licensed under the MIT License.