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Custom Rules

Maik Riedlsperger edited this page Oct 14, 2019 · 4 revisions


Article status

Only articles with status 2 (ready to ship) will be considered, when the weight is calculated. If there are no status 2 articles, it takes the weight of all articles together.

Extra weight for packaging

If there are no custom packages ("Packetstücke"), 300 grams will be added to the packages weight for packaging material.

Missing weight

If the articles have no weight, the weight is automatically set to 4 kilograms, which is the heaviest packet-option at DHL.

0.001 rule

If the weight is 0.001 kilograms, the weight is set to 4 kilograms automatically.

High weight rule

If the weight is bigger than 30 kilograms, set it to 30 kilograms instead.


3 second rule

If the program was run, you have to wait 3 seconds until you can run it again. This prevents double printing of labels, when users "accidentally" start the program two or more times.