Releases: Markavian/tile-merger
Releases · Markavian/tile-merger
Tile Merger 1.1.0
- Merged XtheOne's Numeric Sorting branch
- Created Key files F1.png through to F16.png
- Example Key files F1 to F16 now are ordered correctly:
- F1 -> F9, F10, F11, instead of F1, F10, F11, F2 -> F9
Previous issue using 1.0.0 version of Tile Merger:
- 1s come before 2, 3, 4, etc.
Applied new Numeric Sorter code from XtheOne, ordering is now correct:
- Files are correctly arranged by number using the left to right arrangement:
- Files are correctly arranged by number using the top to bottom arrangement:
Tile Merger 1.0.0
- Added command line arguments
- Fully migrated to Github
- Fixed bug with tiling direction to work as intended
Tile Merger 1.0
Supported arguments:
--src="<path>" Source folder to find files in; also used as base directory to find relative imgs
--imgs="f1.png,f2.png" Comma separated list of files, works in tandem with src; file list will still be filtered
--dest="<path>" Destination file path to output to, defaults to ./ TiledImages_x{ cols}_{ td | lr}.png
--filter="string" Filter string, inclusive match
--cols=6 Number of columns before wrapping
--td=lr|tb Tiling Direction - left-right (lr) or (top-bottom) (tb)
--help Show help and version info
See for example commands, sample outputs, and sample tileable images.
Release c1
Release b1
Last known good release, from a world before I knew how to source control.
Mergers a folder full of tile based images into a single images, based on a supplied filter.
Version history
Release b1
- Added filter text box
- Added a tooltips to number of columns and filter boxes
- Asks for file target if Not set
- Added process label to display number of files processed
- Fixed series of crashing bugs
- Filters out non-image files when processed
Release a1
Initial release
- Source folder
- Target file
- Number of columns
- Remember settings