Pulls data from excel, csv or any delimited text, json, or a regex and parses it into a database. It is a builder, command line app and a reference. Import settings are saved in a config file.
It's a library, it's a command line executable, it's a windows app. It's also complicated to use, I do what I can.
Save a config file then call it like :
Or call it within code like:
String filename = Server.MapPath(".") + "/" + testul.uploadPath + "/" + afilename;
var di = new DataImporter.DataImporter();
di.fileName = filename;
//Set the connection string Using the one in web.config
di.connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
//Save the reuslts to a single string. Will give inserted, updated and deleted record count.
var results = di.statusList.Replace("\n", "<br/>");
results += di.errorList.Replace("\n", "<br/>");