- map – Transform each element.
- flatMap – Flatten and transform collections.
- filter – Filter elements based on a condition.
- filterNot – Filter elements that don't meet a condition.
- filterNotNull – Filter out null values.
- mapNotNull – Transform non-null elements, remove nulls.
- distinct – Remove duplicate elements.
- sortedBy – Sort by a specific property.
- sortedDescending – Sort in descending order.
- sortedWith
- sortedWithDescending
- reduce – Combine elements into a single result.
- fold – Accumulate a value starting with an initial value.
- sumOf – Sum by a specific property.
- maxBy (maxOf) – Find the element with the max value by a property.
- minBy (minOf) – Find the element with the min value by a property.
- average – Calculate the average of numerical values.
- getOrNull – Safely get an element by index.
- first, firstOrNull – Get the first element or throw an exception.
- last, lastOrNull – Get the last element or throw an exception.
- find, findLast – Find the first element matching a condition.
- elementAtOrNull, elementAtOrElse – Get an element by index safely (return null if out of bounds).
- partition – Split collection into two based on a predicate.
- groupBy – Group elements by a key.
- all – Check if all elements match a condition.
- any – Check if any element matches a condition.
- none – Check if no elements match a condition.
- contains – Check if a specific element is in the collection.
- union – Combine two collections without duplicates.
- intersect – Get common elements between two collections.
- subtract – Get elements in one collection but not in another.
- toList – Convert to a list.
- toSet – Convert to a set.
- toMap – Convert a collection to a map.
- associate, associateWith, associateBy – Convert a collection to a map by a property.
- zip – Combine two collections into pairs.
- unzip – Separate a collection of pairs into two collections.
- plus – Add elements or another collection.
- minus – Remove elements or another collection.
- take – Take the first N elements.
- drop – Skip the first N elements.
- chunked – Split a collection into chunks.
- windowed – Create a sliding window of elements.
- forEach – Iterate over each element.
- onEach – Perform an operation on each element and return the collection.
- iterator – Get an iterator for the collection.
- flatten – Flatten nested collections into a single collection.
- zipWithNext – Create pairs of consecutive elements.
- shuffled – Return a shuffled version of the collection.
- random – Return a random element from the collection.
- orEmpty – Return an empty list if the collection is null.
- requireNoNulls – Ensure no null elements, throw an exception otherwise.
- isEmpty – Check if the collection is empty.
- isNotEmpty – Check if the collection is not empty.
- count – Count the elements in a collection.
- mapOf – Create a read-only Map.
- mutableMapOf – Create a mutable Map.
- put – Add or replace a key-value pair in a mutable map.
- putAll – Add all key-value pairs from another map to the current map.
- remove – Remove an entry by its key.
- get – Get a value by its key.
- getOrDefault – Get a value by key, or return a default if the key is missing.
- getOrElse – Get a value or compute a default value if the key is absent.
- getValue – Get the value of the specified key or throw an exception if absent.
- forEach – Iterate through key-value pairs.
- mapValues – Transform all values while keeping the keys.
- mapKeys – Transform all keys while keeping the values.
- filter – Filter entries based on key-value pairs.
- filterKeys – Filter only the keys.
- filterValues – Filter only the values.
- flatMap – Flatten a map into a sequence of entries.
- containsKey – Check if the map contains a key.
- containsValue – Check if the map contains a value.
- any – Check if any entry satisfies a condition.
- all – Check if all entries satisfy a condition.
- none – Check if no entries satisfy a condition.
- firstNotNullOfOrNull - Finds the first entry that matches a given condition or null.
- keys – Get a Set of all keys in the map.
- values – Get a Collection of all values.
- entries – Get a Set of map entries (key-value pairs).
- plus – Merge two maps.
- minus – Remove a key or multiple keys from a map.
- MutableMap: plusAssign, minusAssign
In progress...