Federated server for getting, pushing, and auditing data on untrusted nodes. Primarily used for capacity tests for Test Group B , as well as federated server based file transfer.
How to install and run on a clean install of Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS):
# install dependencies apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib authbind apt-get install -y python-virtualenv screen git python3 libpq-dev python3-dev # clone project git clone https://github.com/Storj/dataserv cd dataserv # setup virtualenv and install required python packages virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 env source env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt # init db and start server cd dataserv python app.py db upgrade python app.py runserver curl
Registration of farmers into the database. All farmers must register with the node before they can perform any other actions.
GET /api/register/<bitcoin address>/<(optional)payout address>
Success Example:
GET /api/register/12guBkWfVjiqBnu5yRdTseBB7wBM5WSWnm RESPONSE: Status Code: 200 Text: {"last_seen": 0, "btc_addr": "12guBkWfVjiqBnu5yRdTseBB7wBM5WSWnm, "height": 0, "payout_addr": "12guBkWfVjiqBnu5yRdTseBB7wBM5WSWnm"} GET /api/register/12guBkWfVjiqBnu5yRdTseBB7wBM5WSWnm/1BZR9GHs9a1bBfh6cwnDtvq6GEvNwVWxFa RESPONSE: Status Code: 200 Text: {"last_seen": 0, "btc_addr": "12guBkWfVjiqBnu5yRdTseBB7wBM5WSWnm", "height": 0, "payout_addr": "1BZR9GHs9a1bBfh6cwnDtvq6GEvNwVWxFa"}
Fail Examples:
GET /api/register/notvalidaddress RESPONSE: Status Code: 400 Text: Registration Failed: Invalid BTC Address. GET /api/register/12guBkWfVjiqBnu5yRdTseBB7wBM5WSWnm RESPONSE: Status Code: 409 Text: Registration failed: Address already is registered. GET /api/register/1BZR9GHs9a1bBfh6cwnDtvq6GEvNwVWxFa RESPONSE: Status Code: 401 Text: Registration failed: Invalid authentication headers.
The farmer must maintain a rudimentary keep-alive with the node. This way we know if the farmer has gone offline, and that we should not issue more challenges.
GET /api/ping/<bitcoin address>
Success Example:
GET /api/ping/191GVvAaTRxLmz3rW3nU5jAV1rF186VxQc RESPONSE: Status Code: 200 Text: Ping accepted.
Fail Examples:
GET /api/ping/notvalidaddress RESPONSE: Status Code: 400 Text: Ping failed: Invalid Bitcoin address. GET /api/ping/1EawBV7n7f2wDbgxJfNzo1eHyQ9Gj77oJd RESPONSE: Status Code: 404 Text: Ping Failed: Farmer not found.
This API call was built to be human readable rather than machine readable. We get a simple list of the all the farmers, their addresses, and their advertised heights. All of this is ordered by height. We only display farmers that have done a ping in the last online_time minutes, which by default is 15 minutes.
GET /api/online
Success Example:
GET /api/online RESPONSE: Status Code: 200 Text: 18RZNu2nxTdeNyuDCwAMq8aBpgC3FFERPp | Last Seen: 3 second(s) | Height: 7634 137x69jwmcyy4mYCBtQUVoxa21p9Fxyss5 | Last Seen: 7 second(s) | Height: 6234 14wLMb2A9APqrdXJhTQArYLyivmEAf7Y1r | Last Seen: 10 second(s) | Height: 431 1CgLoZT1ZuSHPBp3H4rLTXJvEUDV3kK7QK | Last Seen: 13 second(s) | Height: 245 1QACy1Tx5JFzGDyPd8J3oU8SrjhkZkru4H | Last Seen: 14 second(s) | Height: 88 1NeV1z5BMmFpCXgotwVeZjuN5k124W76MA | Last Seen: 14 second(s) | Height: 10
This API call was built to be human readable rather than machine readable. We get a simple list of the all the farmers, their addresses, and their advertised heights. All of this is ordered by height. We only display farmers that have done a ping in the last online_time minutes, which by default is 15 minutes. Last seen is the amount of seconds since we have last seen an API call from the farmer.
GET /api/online/json
Success Example:
GET /api/online RESPONSE: Status Code: 200 Text: { "farmers": [ { "btc_addr": "1JdEaubcd36ufmT64drdVsGu5SN65A3Z1L", "height": 0, "last_seen": 30 }, { "btc_addr": "1JdEaubcM36ufmT64drdVsGu5SN65A3Z1A", "height": 0, "last_seen": 2 } ] }
Display the unique address used for authentication for the node.
GET /api/online RESPONSE: { "address": "16ZcxFDdkVJR1P8GMNmWFyhS4EKrRMsWNG" }
Get the total number of terabytes currently being managed by the node.
GET /api/total
Success Example:
GET /api/total RESPONSE: Status Code: 200 Text: 35 TB
Allows the user to let the node know how much space they have generated via the client side generation scheme.
GET /api/height/<bitcoin address>/<height>
Success Example:
GET /api/height/191GVvAaTRxLmz3rW3nU5jAV1rF186VxQc/50 RESPONSE: Status Code: 200 Text: Height accepted.
Fail Examples:
GET /api/height/notvalidaddress/50 RESPONSE: Status Code: 400 Text: Ping Failed: Invalid Bitcoin address. GET /api/height/1EawBV7n7f2wDbgxJfNzo1eHyQ9Gj77oJd/50 RESPONSE: Status Code: 404 Text: Ping Failed: Farmer not found.