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A package that implements Pull-Down Button from iOS 14 in Flutter. Highly customizable.


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Pull-Down Button from iOS 14 for Flutter

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pull_down_button is an attempt to bring Pop-Up and Pull-Down Buttons from iOS 14+ to Flutter with some additional customisation options.

This package only tries to visually replicate the native counterpart, some parts might be somewhat different.



PullDownButton example

PullDownButton is a widget used to show the pull-down menu.

While the pull-down menu is opened, the button from where this menu was called will have lower opacity.

  itemBuilder: (context) => [
      title: 'Menu item',
      onTap: () {},
    const PullDownMenuDivider(),
      title: 'Menu item 2',
      onTap: () {},
  buttonBuilder: (context, showMenu) => CupertinoButton(
    onPressed: showMenu,
    child: const Icon(CupertinoIcons.ellipsis_circle),
Properties table
Properties Description
itemBuilder Called when the button is pressed to create the items to show in the menu.
buttonBuilder Builder that provides BuildContext as well as showMenu function to pass to any custom button widget.
onCanceled Called when the user dismisses the pull-down menu.
position Whether the pull-down menu is positioned above, over, or under the pull-down menu button.
itemsOrder Whether the pull-down menu orders its items from itemBuilder in downward or upwards way.
buttonAnchor Whether the pull-down menu is anchored to the center, left, or right side of buttonBuilder.
menuOffset Additional offset for the pull-down menu if the menu's desired position.
scrollController A custom menu scroll controller.
animationBuilder Custom animation for buttonBuilder when the pull-down menu is opening or closing.
routeTheme The theme of the pull-down menu box.
animationAlignmentOverride Custom animation alignment used to override default one.
useRootNavigator Whether to use the root navigator to show the pull-down menu.
routeSettings Optional route settings for the pull-down menu.


PullDownMenuItem example

PullDownMenuItem is a widget used to create cupertino-style pull-down menu item.

  onTap: () {},
  title: 'Pin',
  title: 'Forward',
  subtitle: 'Share in different channel',
  onTap: () {},
  icon: CupertinoIcons.arrowshape_turn_up_right,
  onTap: () {},
  title: 'Delete',
  isDestructive: true,
  icon: CupertinoIcons.delete,
Properties table
Properties Description
onTap The action this item represents.
tapHandler Handler to resolve how onTap callback is used.
enabled Whether the user is permitted to tap this item.
title Title of this PullDownMenuItem.
subtitle Subtitle of this PullDownMenuItem.
icon Trailing icon of this PullDownMenuItem.
iconColor Trailing icon's color.
iconWidget Custom trailing widget.
isDestructive Whether this item represents destructive action.
itemTheme The theme of the menu item.


PullDownMenuItem.selectable example

PullDownMenuItem.selectable is a widget used to create cupertino-style pull-down menu item with selection state.

  onTap: () {},
  selected: true,
  title: 'Green',
  icon: CupertinoIcons.circle_fill,
  iconColor: CupertinoColors.systemGreen.resolveFrom(context),
  onTap: () {},
  selected: false,
  title: 'Orange',
  icon: CupertinoIcons.circle_fill,
  iconColor: CupertinoColors.systemOrange.resolveFrom(context),
  onTap: () {},
  selected: false,
  title: 'Indigo',
  icon: CupertinoIcons.circle_fill,
  iconColor: CupertinoColors.systemIndigo.resolveFrom(context),
Properties table

PullDownMenuItem.selectable uses all of PullDownMenuItem properties as well as a boolean value selected, to indicate whether the menu item is selected or not.


PullDownMenuActionsRow example

PullDownMenuActionsRow is a widget used to create cupertino-style pull-down menu row of actions (small or medium size).

  items: [
      onTap: () {},
      title: 'Reply',
      icon: CupertinoIcons.arrowshape_turn_up_left,
      onTap: () {},
      title: 'Copy',
      icon: CupertinoIcons.doc_on_doc,
      onTap: () {},
      title: 'Edit',
      icon: CupertinoIcons.pencil,

PullDownMenuItem is used to populate PullDownMenuActionsRow.items. Depending on PullDownMenuActionsRows size, PullDownMenuItem might be either icon only or icon and title in a vertical array.

Properties Description
items List of PullDownMenuItem.


PullDownMenuDivider example

PullDownMenuDivider.large is a widget used to create cupertino-style pull-down menu large divider.

There is no need in adding PullDownMenuDivider by hand, pull-down menu does it automatically!


PullDownMenuTitle example

PullDownMenuTitle is a widget used to create cupertino-style pull-down menu title (usually at the top of menu).

const PullDownMenuTitle(title: Text('Menu title')),
Properties Description
title Title widget.
titleStyle Title widget text style.


PullDownMenuHeader example

PullDownMenuHeader is a widget used to create cupertino-style pull-down menu document header (usually at the top of menu).

  leading: ColoredBox(
    color: CupertinoColors.systemBlue.resolveFrom(context),
  title: 'Profile',
  subtitle: 'Tap to open',
  onTap: () {},
  icon: CupertinoIcons.profile_circled,
Properties table
Properties Description
onTap The action this header represents.
tapHandler Handler to resolve how onTap callback is used.
leading Leading widget of this PullDownMenuItem.
leadingBuilder Custom leading widget of PullDownMenuHeader.
title Title of this PullDownMenuItem.
subtitle Subtitle of this PullDownMenuItem.
itemTheme The theme of the menu item.
icon Trailing icon of this PullDownMenuItem.
iconWidget Custom trailing widget.


An alternative way of displaying pull-down menu via a function call.

onPressed: () async {
  /* get tap position and / or do something before opening menu */

  await showPullDownMenu(
    context: context,
    items: [...],
    position: position,
Properties table
Properties Description
context For looking up Navigator for the menu.
items List of PullDownMenuEntry widgets.
position The Rect is used to align the top of the menu with the top of the position rectangle.
itemsOrder Whether the popup menu orders its items from itemBuilder in a downward or upwards way.
menuOffset Additional offset for the pull-down menu if the menu's desired position.
scrollController A custom menu scroll controller.
onCanceled Called when the user dismisses the pull-down menu.
routeTheme The theme of the pull-down menu box.
useRootNavigator Whether to use the root navigator to show the pull-down menu.
routeSettings Optional route settings for the pull-down menu.


Another alternative way of displaying the pull-down menu as a simple widget, with no animations or adding routes to the navigation stack.

  items: [
      title: 'Menu item',
      onTap: () {},
    const PullDownMenuDivider(),
      title: 'Menu item 2',
      onTap: () {},
Properties table
Properties Description
items List of PullDownMenuEntry widgets.
scrollController A custom menu scroll controller.
routeTheme The theme of pull-down menu box.


This package also provides additional customization. By default, the iOS 16 theme is used, but it is also possible to override defaults with widget properties (see above) or with PullDownButtonTheme theme extension.

Light Theme Dark Theme
light default theme example dark default theme example


To use PullDownButtonTheme define it in your ThemeData as follows:

  extensions: [
      routeTheme: PullDownMenuRouteTheme(
        backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
      itemTheme: PullDownMenuItemTheme(
      dividerTheme: PullDownMenuDividerTheme(

PullDownButtonTheme uses a set of sub-themes (for items, dividers, the menu itself, etc.) to define the needed theme. See below for every property each sub-theme provides.

Properties Description
routeTheme Menu container theme (PullDownMenuRouteTheme).
itemTheme PullDownMenuItem theme (PullDownMenuItemTheme).
dividerTheme PullDownMenuDivider theme (PullDownMenuDividerTheme).
titleTheme PullDownMenuTitle theme (PullDownMenuTitleTheme).
Properties Description
backgroundColor The background color of the pull-down menu.
borderRadius The border radius of the pull-down menu.
shadow The pull-down menu shadow.
width Pull-down menu width.
accessibilityWidth Pull-down menu accessibility width.

backgroundColor usually has opacity in the range of 0.7-0.8 so that menu has a blur effect. If backgroundColor is fully opaque (opacity set to 1), no blur effect will be applied.

Properties Description
destructiveColor Color for destructive action.
checkmark Checkmark icon.
textStyle PullDownMenuItem text style.
subtitleStyle PullDownMenuItem subtitle text style.
iconActionTextStyle PullDownMenuItem text style inside of PullDownMenuActionsRow.
onHoverBackgroundColor On hover color of PullDownMenuItem.
onPressedBackgroundColor On pressed color of PullDownMenuItem.
onHoverTextColor On hover color of text of PullDownMenuItem.
Properties Description
dividerColor Small divider color.
largeDividerColor Large divider color.

largeDividerColor is usually lighter than dividerColor.

Properties Description
style PullDownMenuTitle text style.


If defining PullDownButtonTheme in ThemeData is not possible, for example, if you are using CupertinoApp, you can use PullDownButtonInheritedTheme:

  builder: (context, child) => PullDownButtonInheritedTheme(
    data: const PullDownButtonTheme(
    child: child!,
  home: ...,

Here is an example of using PullDownButtonTheme with Material 3 color scheme colors (generated from CupertinoColors.systemBlue with ColorScheme.fromSeed) from Material 3 Menu specs.

Custom Material 3 light theme Custom Material 3 dark theme
light theme example dark theme example


Feel free to contribute to this project.

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature by yourself, feel free to send a pull request.


A package that implements Pull-Down Button from iOS 14 in Flutter. Highly customizable.







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  • Dart 93.5%
  • Swift 6.4%
  • Other 0.1%