A GeoLocation Web Application created using Django Web Framework. Upload a excel file with list of address as input and the web app generates a list of matching co-ordinates (longitudes & latitudes) using MapQuest's Geolocation API.
Demo: https://geolocationapidjangoapp.herokuapp.com/
Software Requirements:
- Python (Version: 3.8.5 or above) & pip.
- Git CLI
- Microsoft Excel (Optional)
- venv (Virtual Environment)
- Django (Version: 2.2.17)
- Requests
- Pandas
Installation Steps:
- Please clone the application using below command on Command Prompt\ Git\ Terminal (as per applicable OS). git clone https://github.com/adityamulik/GeoLocationAPI.git
- Change directory to the downloaded application as per above. cd ..DIRECTORY
- Create a virtual environment using Python3. python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the virual environment. source venv\bin\activate or source venv/Scripts/activate
- Install packages as mentioned in requirements.txt file available in the folder. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Add config file (config.json) to the same folder with below configuration { "SECRET_KEY": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY_TO_RUN_DJANGO_APP", "MAPQUEST_API_KEY": "REGISTER_FOR_MAPQUEST_API_AND_ENTER_THE_SECRET_KEY_HERE" }
- Run migrations and start the application. python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate
- Run the application python manage.py runserver
- Now the application should be running live on localhost on default port 8080. Please check if the port is not in use and run with an alternate port.
- Launch the application on any browser to access it.