- Vim and zsh should be installed firstly
- If NOT, please run script such as
apt-get update && apt-get install -y vim zsh
on linux orbrew install zsh
on mac - Set zsh as default shell if you want
command -v zsh | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
sudo chsh -s "$(command -v zsh)" "${USER}"
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/alexya/envconfig.git
cd envconfig
bash setup.sh
- Copy my own customized .vimrc
- Install plug-in management tool of vim through Vundle
- Install some useful plug-ins for vim
- Install oh-my-zsh and use my own configuration
- More plug-ins could be found from here: http://vimawesome.com/
- Oh-my-zsh https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
- posh-git-sh https://github.com/lyze/posh-git-sh
- Git clone the current repo
- Go to the local folder and run the command(s)
chmod +x ./mac_install.sh ./mac_install.sh
- The following softwares will be installed
nvm nodejs wget ripgrep python fzf lazygit neovim alacritty iterm2 kdiff3 font-meslo-lg-nerd-font Xcode Command Line Tools
- Git clone the current repo
- Go to the local folder and start a powershell command window with admin privilege, or a normal powershell window and open the privilege manually
- run the command
- If you meet the error like "cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system", please run the command
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Usage: .\win_install.ps1 [-tools] [-font] [-nvim] [-python] [-zip7] [-kdiff3] [-sourcegit] [-chrome] [-vsc] [-vs] [-vcredist] [-help] [-all]
-tools Install the following tools through Scoop:
everything, alacritty, handbrake, lazygit, mkcert, posh-git, cmder-full,
neovim@0.9.5, yarn, nvm, wget, ripgrep, fzf, make, cmake, gcc, sysinternals-suite
-font Install the following developer-friendly Nerd Mono fonts:
Hack, Agave, Meslo, FiraCode, Inconsolata, CascadiaMono, JetBrainsMono, DejaVuSansMono
-nvim Configure for the neovim and alacritty
-python Install Python
-zip7 Install 7-zip
-kdiff3 Install KDiff3 and configure it for git
-sourcegit Install SourceGit, a GUI client for git
-chrome Install Google Chrome browser
-vsc Install Visual Studio Code
-vs Install Visual Studio
-vcredist Install vcredist 2005~2023
-all Install all above
-help Print this help message
- NOTE: failed to build the LuaSnip plugin so far, refer to LunarVim/LunarVim#4045 (comment)
Refer to: https://github.com/josean-dev/dev-environment-files/tree/main/.config/nvim
This is distributed under the GNU GPL v2.0.