This is Appium driver for automating macOS applications using Apple's XCTest framework. The driver operates in scope of W3C WebDriver protocol with several custom extensions to cover operating-system specific scenarios. The original idea and parts of the source code are borrowed from the Facebook's WebDriverAgent project.
Since version 1.0.0 Mac2 driver has dropped the support of Appium 1, and is only compatible to Appium 2. Use the appium driver install mac2
command to add it to your Appium 2 dist.
On top of standard Appium requirements Mac2 driver also expects the following prerequisites:
- macOS 11 or later
- Xcode 13 or later should be installed
should be pointing to<full_path_to_xcode_app>/Contents/Developer
developer directory instead of/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
to runxcodebuild
- Xcode Helper app should be enabled for Accessibility access. The app itself could be usually found at
. In order to enable Accessibility access for it simply open the parent folder in Finder:open /Applications/
and drag & drop theXcode Helper
app toSecurity & Privacy -> Privacy -> Accessibility
list of yourSystem Preferences
. This action must only be done once. testmanagerd
process requires UIAutomation authentication since macOS 12.automationmodetool enable-automationmode-without-authentication
command may help to disable it. This may be particularly useful in CI environments. Apple forum thread.
Since driver version 1.9.0 you can automate the validation for the most of the above
requirements as well as various optional ones needed by driver extensions by running the
appium driver doctor mac2
server command.
Capability Name | Description |
platformName | Should be set to mac |
automationName | Must always be set to mac2 . Values of automationName are compared case-insensitively. |
appium:systemPort | The number of the port for the internal server to listen on. If not provided then Mac2Driver will use the default port 10100 . |
appium:systemHost | The name of the host for the internal server to listen on. If not provided then Mac2Driver will use the default host address . You could set it to to make the server listening on all available network interfaces. It is also possible to set the particular interface name, for example en1 . |
appium:webDriverAgentMacUrl | Appium will connect to an existing WebDriverAgentMac instance at this URL instead of starting a new one. e.g. |
appium:showServerLogs | Set it to true in order to include xcodebuild output to the Appium server log. false by default. |
appium:bootstrapRoot | The full path to WebDriverAgentMac root folder where Xcode project of the server sources lives. By default this project is located in the same folder where the corresponding driver Node.js module lives. |
appium:serverStartupTimeout | The number of milliseconds to wait util the WebDriverAgentMac project is built and started. 120000 by default |
appium:bundleId | The bundle identifier of the application to automate, for example . This is an optional capability. If it is not provided then the session will be started without an application under test (actually, it will be Finder). If the application with the given identifier is not installed then an error will be thrown on session startup. If the application is already running then it will be moved to the foreground. |
appium:arguments | Array of application command line arguments. This capability is only going to be applied if the application is not running on session startup. |
appium:environment | A dictionary of environment variables (name->value) that are going to be passed to the application under test on top of environment variables inherited from the parent process. This capability is only going to be applied if the application is not running on session startup. |
appium:skipAppKill | Whether to skip the termination of the application under test when the testing session quits. false by default. This capability is only going to be applied if bundleId is set. |
appium:prerun | An object containing either script or command key. The value of each key must be a valid AppleScript script or command to be executed prior to the Mac2Driver session startup. See AppleScript commands execution for more details. Example: {command: 'do shell script "echo hello"'} |
appium:postrun | An object containing either script or command key. The value of each key must be a valid AppleScript script or command to be executed after Mac2Driver session is stopped. See AppleScript commands execution for more details. |
appium:noReset | Whether to restart the app whose bundle identifier was passed to capabilities as bundleId value if it was already running on the session startup (false , the default value) or just pick it up without changing the app state (true ). Note that neither of arguments or environment capabilities will take effect if the app did not restart. |
appium:appPath | The path to the application to automate, for example /Applications/ . This is an optional capability, but it requires bundleId to be present until mac2 driver v1.13.0. In earlier versions if bundleId is empty, appPath would be ignored. If the path is invalid or application is damaged/incomplete then an error will be thrown on session startup. This capability could be useful when you have multiple builds of the same application with the same bundleId on your machine (for example one production build in /Applications/ and several dev builds). If you provide bundleId only, the operating system could open any of these builds. By providing appPath you have a guarantee that the specified .app will be launched, rather than a random one. |
appium:appLocale | A dictionary with the following possible entries: locale (application locale name, for example uk_UA ), language (application language name, for example de ), useMetricUnits (whether to use metric units for the app, if false then imperial units are used), measurementUnits (the name of measurement units to use in the app, for example Inches ). This capability only changes the locale for the app under test, it does not modify the system locale. You can achieve the same effect by providing custom values to reserved app command line arguments like -AppleLanguages or -AppleLocale using the appium:arguments capability. Example: use appLocale = {locale: "de", language: "de_DE"} to start the app in German language (if no German resources are defined in the destination app bundle then the app is started with the default locale, usually en_US). |
appium:appTimeZone | Defines the custom time zone override for the application under test. You can use UTC, PST, EST, as well as place-based timezone names such as America/Los_Angeles. The application must be (re)launched for the capability to take effect. See the List of tz database time zones for more details. The same behavior could be achieved by providing a custom value to the TZ environment variable via the appium:environment capability |
appium:initialDeeplinkUrl | A deeplink URL used to run either the application assigned to appium:bundleId , or the default application assigned to handle the particular deeplink protocol if appium:bundleId is not set. An error is thrown on session init if either the value of the capability is not a valid URL, or XCTest was not able to associate it with any existing app, or the actual Xcode version is below 14.3 |
Mac2 driver supports the following element attributes:
Name | Description | Example |
elementType | Integer-encoded element class. See the official documentation on XCUIElementType enumeration for more details. | '2' |
frame | Coordinates of bounding element rectangle | {x: 1, y: 2.5, width: 100, height: 200} |
placeholderValue | It is usually only present for text fields. For other element types it's mostly empty | 'my placeholder' |
enabled | Contains true if the element is enabled |
'false' |
focused | Contains true if the element has the keyboard input focus |
'false' |
selected | Contains true if the element is selected |
'false' |
hittable | Contains true if the element is hittable |
'true' |
label | Element's label value. Could be empty | 'my label' |
title | Element's title value. Could be empty | 'my title' |
identifier | Element's accessibility identifier. Could be empty | 'identifier' |
value | The value could be different depending on the actual element type. For example, text fields might have their text context there and sliders would contain the float position value, while switches would have either 1 or 0 |
'1.5' |
These attribute values could be retrieved from the page source output and then used for elements location. See the official documentation on XCUIElementAttributes protocol for more details on each attribute.
Mac2 driver supports the following location strategies:
Name | Description | Speed Ranking | Pseudocode |
accessibilityId, id, name | These all strategies are mapped to the same Mac2 driver ByIdentifier lookup strategy. The locator matches the passed value with element's identifer attribute case-sensitively. |
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
AppiumBy.accessibilityId("identifier"),"identifier"),"identifier") |
className | Class name uses stringified element types for lookup | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
By.className("XCUIElementTypePopUpButton") |
predicate | Lookup by predicate is natively supported by XCTest and is as fast as previous lookup strategies. This lookup strategy could only use the supported element attributes. Unknown attribute names would throw an exception. Check NSPredicate cheat sheet for more details on how to build effective and flexible locators. | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
AppiumBy.iOSNsPredicateString("elementType == 2 AND label BEGINSWITH 'Safari'") |
classChain | This strategy is a combination of Xpath flexibility and fast predicate lookup. Prefer it over Xpath unless there is no other way to build the desired locator. Visit Class Chain Construction Rules tutorial to get more knowledge on how to build class chain locators. | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
AppiumBy.iOSClassChain("**/XCUIElementTypeRuler[$elementType == 72 AND value BEGINSWITH '10'$]") |
xpath | For elements lookup XPath strategy the driver uses the same XML tree that is generated by page source API. XPath 2.0 is supported since driver version 1.20.0. All driver versions below 1.20.0 only support XPath 1.0 (based on xmllib2). | ⭐⭐⭐ |
By.xpath("//XCUIElementTypePopUpButton[@value="Regular" and @label="type face"]") |
Check the integration tests for more examples on different location strategies usage.
Beside of standard W3C APIs the driver provides the below custom command extensions to execute platform specific scenarios. Use the following source code examples in order to invoke them from your client code:
// Java 11+
var result = driver.executeScript("macos: <methodName>", Map.of(
"arg1", "value1",
"arg2", "value2"
// you may add more pairs if needed or skip providing the map completely
// if all arguments are defined as optional
// WebdriverIO
const result = await driver.executeScript('macos: <methodName>', [{
arg1: "value1",
arg2: "value2",
# Python
result = driver.execute_script('macos: <methodName>', {
'arg1': 'value1',
'arg2': 'value2',
# Ruby
result = @driver.execute_script 'macos: <methodName>', {
arg1: 'value1',
arg2: 'value2',
// Dotnet
object result = driver.ExecuteScript("macos: <methodName>", new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{"arg1", "value1"},
{"arg2", "value2"}
Perform click gesture on an element or by relative/absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId ("element" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if x or y are unset |
Unique identifier of the element to perform the click on. Either this property or/and x and y must be set. If both are set then x and y are considered as relative element coordinates. If only x and y are set then these are parsed as absolute coordinates. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
x | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
click X coordinate | 100 |
y | number | if x is set or elementId is unset |
click Y coordinate | 100 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while click is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
Perform scroll gesture on an element or by relative/absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId ("element" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if x or y are unset |
Unique identifier of the element to be scrolled. Either this property or/and x and y must be set. If both are set then x and y are considered as relative element coordinates. If only x and y are set then these are parsed as absolute coordinates. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
x | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
scroll X coordinate | 100 |
y | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
scroll Y coordinate | 100 |
deltaX | number | yes | Horizontal delta as float number. Could be negative | 100 |
deltaY | number | yes | vertical delta as float number. Could be negative | 100 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while scroll is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
Perform right click gesture on an element or by relative/absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId ("element" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if x or y are unset |
Unique identifier of the element to perform the right click on. Either this property or/and x and y must be set. If both are set then x and y are considered as relative element coordinates. If only x and y are set then these are parsed as absolute coordinates. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
x | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
right click X coordinate | 100 |
y | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
right click Y coordinate | 100 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while right click is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
Perform hover gesture on an element or by relative/absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId ("element" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if x or y are unset |
Unique identifier of the element to perform the hover on. Either this property or/and x and y must be set. If both are set then x and y are considered as relative element coordinates. If only x and y are set then these are parsed as absolute coordinates. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
x | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
long click X coordinate | 100 |
y | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
long click Y coordinate | 100 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while hover is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
Perform double click gesture on an element or by relative/absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId ("element" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if x or y are unset |
Unique identifier of the element to perform the double click on. Either this property or/and x and y must be set. If both are set then x and y are considered as relative element coordinates. If only x and y are set then these are parsed as absolute coordinates. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
x | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
double click X coordinate | 100 |
y | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
double click Y coordinate | 100 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while click is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
Perform long click and drag gesture on an element or by absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
sourceElementId ("sourceElement" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if startX , startY , endX and endY are unset or if destinationElementId is set |
Uuid of the element to start the drag from. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
destinationElementId ("destinationElement" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if startX , startY , endX and endY are unset or if sourceElementId is set |
Uuid of the element to end the drag on. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0745 |
startX | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
starting X coordinate | 100 |
startY | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
starting Y coordinate | 110 |
endX | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
end X coordinate | 200 |
endY | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
end Y coordinate | 220 |
duration | number | yes | The number of float seconds to hold the mouse button | 2.5 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while drag is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
- clickForDuration:thenDragToElement (XCUIElement)
- clickForDuration:thenDragToCoordinate: (XCUICoordinate)
Perform long click, drag and hold gesture on an element or by absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
sourceElementId ("sourceElement" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if startX , startY , endX and endY are unset or if destinationElementId is set |
Uuid of the element to start the drag from. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
destinationElementId ("destinationElement" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if startX , startY , endX and endY are unset or if sourceElementId is set |
Uuid of the element to end the drag on. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0745 |
startX | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
starting X coordinate | 100 |
startY | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
starting Y coordinate | 110 |
endX | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
end X coordinate | 200 |
endY | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
end Y coordinate | 220 |
duration | number | yes | The number of float seconds to hold the mouse button | 2.5 |
holdDuration | number | yes | Touch hold duration in float seconds | 2.5 |
velocity | number | no | Dragging velocity in pixels per second. If not provided then the default velocity is used. See official documentation on XCUIGestureVelocity structure for more details | 2500 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while drag is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
- clickForDuration:thenDragToElement:withVelocity:thenHoldForDuration: (XCUIElement)
- clickForDuration:thenDragToCoordinate:withVelocity:thenHoldForDuration: (XCUICoordinate)
This extension performs a swipe gesture on the particular screen element or by given coordinates. The API is only available on macOS since Xcode SDK 13.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId ("element" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | if x or y are unset |
The internal element identifier (as hexadecimal hash string) to swipe on. If both are set then x and y are considered as relative element coordinates. If only x and y are set then these are parsed as absolute coordinates. | fe50b60b-916d-420b-8728-ee2072ec53eb |
x | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
long click X coordinate | 100 |
y | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
long click Y coordinate | 100 |
direction | Either 'up', 'down', 'left' or 'right' | yes | The direction in which to swipe | up |
velocity | number | no | The value is measured in pixels per second and same values could behave differently on different devices depending on their display density. Higher values make swipe gesture faster (which usually scrolls larger areas if we apply it to a list) and lower values slow it down. Only values greater than zero have effect. | 250 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while swipe is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
- swipeDown (XCUIElement)
- swipeDown (XCUICoordinate)
- swipeDownWithVelocity: (XCUIElement)
- swipeDownWithVelocity: (XCUICoordinate)
- ...
Perform press gesture on a Touch Bar element or by relative/absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId | string | if x or y are unset |
Unique identifier of a Touch Bar element to perform the press on. Either this property or/and x and y must be set. If both are set then x and y are considered as relative element coordinates. If only x and y are set then these are parsed as absolute Touch Bar coordinates. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
x | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
long click X coordinate | 100 |
y | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
long click Y coordinate | 100 |
duration | number | yes | The number of float seconds to hold the touch | 2.5 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while the gesture is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
Perform tap gesture on a Touch Bar element or by relative/absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId | string | if x or y are unset |
Unique identifier of a Touch Bar element to perform the tap on. Either this property or/and x and y must be set. If both are set then x and y are considered as relative element coordinates. If only x and y are set then these are parsed as absolute Touch Bar coordinates. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
x | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
click X coordinate | 100 |
y | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
click Y coordinate | 100 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while the gesture is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
Perform double tap gesture on a Touch Bar element or by relative/absolute coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId | string | if x or y are unset |
Unique identifier of a Touch Bar element to perform the double tap on. Either this property or/and x and y must be set. If both are set then x and y are considered as relative element coordinates. If only x and y are set then these are parsed as absolute Touch Bar coordinates. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
x | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
click X coordinate | 100 |
y | number | if y is set or elementId is unset |
click Y coordinate | 100 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while the gesture is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
Perform long press and drag gesture on a Touch Bar element or by absolute Touch Bar coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
sourceElementId | string | if startX , startY , endX and endY are unset or if destinationElementId is set |
Uuid of a Touch Bar element to start the drag from. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
destinationElementId | string | if startX , startY , endX and endY are unset or if sourceElementId is set |
Uuid of a Touch Bar element to end the drag on. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0745 |
startX | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
starting X coordinate | 100 |
startY | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
starting Y coordinate | 110 |
endX | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
end X coordinate | 200 |
endY | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
end Y coordinate | 220 |
duration | number | yes | The number of float seconds to hold the touch | 2.5 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while the gesture is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
- pressForDuration:thenDragToElement: (XCUIElement)
- pressForDuration:thenDragToCoordinate: (XCUICoordinate)
Perform long press, drag and hold gesture on a Touch Bar element or by absolute Touch Bar coordinates
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
sourceElementId | string | if startX , startY , endX and endY are unset or if destinationElementId is set |
Uuid of a Touch Bar element to start the drag from. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
destinationElementId | string | if startX , startY , endX and endY are unset or if sourceElementId is set |
Uuid of a Touch Bar element to end the drag on. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0745 |
startX | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
starting X coordinate | 100 |
startY | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
starting Y coordinate | 110 |
endX | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
end X coordinate | 200 |
endY | number | if sourceElementId and destinationElementId are unset |
end Y coordinate | 220 |
duration | number | yes | The number of float seconds to hold the touch | 2.5 |
holdDuration | number | yes | Touch hold duration in float seconds | 2.5 |
velocity | number | no | Dragging velocity in pixels per second. If not provided then the default velocity is used. See official documentation on XCUIGestureVelocity structure for more details | 2500 |
keyModifierFlags | number | no | if set then the given key modifiers will be applied while the gesture is performed. See the official documentation on XCUIKeyModifierFlags enumeration for more details | `1 << 1 |
- pressForDuration:thenDragToElement:withVelocity:thenHoldForDuration: (XCUIElement)
- pressForDuration:thenDragToCoordinate:withVelocity:thenHoldForDuration: (XCUICoordinate)
Send keys to the given element or to the application under test
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
elementId ("element" prior to Appium v 1.22) | string | no | Unique identifier of the element to send the keys to. If unset then keys are sent to the current application under test. | 21045BC8-013C-43BD-9B1E-4C6DC7AB0744 |
keys | array | yes | Array of keys to type. Each item could either be a string, that represents a key itself (see the official documentation on XCUIElement's typeKey:modifierFlags: method and on XCUIKeyboardKey constants) or a dictionary with key and modifierFlags entries, if the key should also be entered with modifiers. |
['h', 'i'] or [{key: 'h', modifierFlags: 1 << 1}, {key: 'i', modifierFlags: 1 << 2}] or ['XCUIKeyboardKeyEscape'] |
The modifierFlags
argument is of unsigned long
type and defines the bitmask with depressed modifier keys for the given key.
XCTest defines the following possible bitmasks for modifier keys:
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, XCUIKeyModifierFlags) { XCUIKeyModifierNone = 0, XCUIKeyModifierCapsLock = (1UL << 0), XCUIKeyModifierShift = (1UL << 1), XCUIKeyModifierControl = (1UL << 2), XCUIKeyModifierOption = (1UL << 3), XCUIKeyModifierCommand = (1UL << 4), XCUIKeyModifierFunction = (1UL << 5), // These values align with UIKeyModifierFlags and CGEventFlags. XCUIKeyModifierAlphaShift = XCUIKeyModifierCapsLock, XCUIKeyModifierAlternate = XCUIKeyModifierOption, };
So, for example, if you want Ctrl and Shift to be depressed while entering your key then modifierFlags
should be set to
(1 << 1) | (1 << 2)
, where the first constant defines XCUIKeyModifierShift
and the seconds
one - XCUIKeyModifierControl
. We apply the bitwise or
) operator between them to raise both bitflags
in the resulting value. The left bitshift
) operator defines the binary bitmask for the given modifier key.
You may combine more keys using the same approach.
Retrieves the string representation of the current application
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
format | string | yes | The format of the application source to retrieve. Only two formats are supported: xml (returns the source formatted as XML document, the default value) and description (returns the source formatted as debugDescription output). See the official documentation on XCUIElement's debugDescription method for more details. |
description |
The source of the current page in a string representation
Start an app with the given bundle identifier or activates it if the app is already running. An exception is thrown if the app with the given identifier cannot be found. This API influences the state of the Application Under Test.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
bundleId | string | no | Bundle identifier of the app to be launched or activated. Either this argument or the path one must be provided | |
path | string | no | Full path to the app bundle. Either this argument or the bundleId one must be provided |
/Applications/ |
arguments | array | no | the list of command line arguments for the app to be be launched with. This argument is ignored if the app is already running. | ['--help'] |
environment | dictionary | no | Environment variables mapping. Custom variables are added to the default process environment. This argument is ignored if the app is already running. | { myEnvVar: 'value' } |
Activates an app with the given bundle identifier. An exception is thrown if the app with the given identifier cannot be found or if the app is not running. This API influences the state of the Application Under Test.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
bundleId | string | no | Bundle identifier of the app to be activated. Either this argument or the path one must be provided | |
path | string | no | Full path to the app bundle. Either this argument or the bundleId one must be provided |
/Applications/ |
Terminate an app with the given bundle identifier. An exception is thrown if the app cannot be found. This API influences the state of the Application Under Test.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
bundleId | string | no | Bundle identifier of the app to be terminated. Either this argument or the path one must be provided | |
path | string | no | Full path to the app bundle. Either this argument or the bundleId one must be provided |
/Applications/ |
if the app was running before being terminated
Query an app state with given bundle identifier. An exception is thrown if the pp cannot be found.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
bundleId | string | no | Bundle identifier of the app to be queried. Either this argument or the path one must be provided | |
path | string | no | Full path to the app bundle. Either this argument or the bundleId one must be provided |
/Applications/ |
An integer value representing the application state. See the official documentation on XCUIApplicationState enumeration for more details.
Executes the given AppleScript command or a whole script based on the
given options. Either of these options must be provided. If both are provided
then the command
one gets the priority.
Note that AppleScript command cannot contain line breaks. Consider making it
to a script in such case.
Note that by default AppleScript engine blocks commands/scripts execution if your script
is trying to access some private entities, like cameras or the desktop screen
and no permissions to do it are given to the parent (for example, Appium or Terminal)
process in System Preferences -> Privacy list.
See AppleScript Commands Execution for more details.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
command | string | yes if script is not provided |
AppleScript command to execute | do shell script "echo hello" |
script | string | yes if command is not provided |
AppleScript script to execute | do shell script "echo hello"\ndo shell script "echo hello2" |
language | string | no | Overrides the scripting language. Basically, sets the value of -l command line argument of osascript tool. If unset the AppleScript language is assumed. |
JavaScript |
timeout | number | no | The number of seconds to wait until a long-running blocking command is finished. An error is thrown if the command is still running after this timeout expires. | 60000 |
cwd | string | no | The path to an existing folder which is going to be set as the working directory for the command/script being executed. | /tmp |
The actual stdout of the provided script if its execution was successful (e.g. got zero return code).
Record the display in background while the automated test is running. This method requires FFMPEG to be installed and present in PATH. Also, the Appium process must be allowed to access screen recording in System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Screen Recording. The resulting video uses H264 codec and is ready to be played by media players built-in into web browsers.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
deviceId | number | yes | Screen device index to use for the recording. The list of available devices could be retrieved using ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i command. |
1 |
videoFilter | string | no | The video filter spec to apply for ffmpeg. See for more details on the possible values. | Set it to scale=ifnot(gte(iw\,1024)\,iw\,1024):-2 in order to limit the video width to 1024px. The height will be adjusted automatically to match the actual ratio. |
fps | number | no | The count of frames per second in the resulting video. The greater fps it has the bigger file size is. The default vale is 15 |
10 |
preset | string | no | One of the supported encoding presets. Possible values are: ultrafast , superfast , veryfast (the default value), faster , fast , medium , slow , slower , veryslow . A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio. A slower preset will provide better compression (compression is quality per filesize). This means that, for example, if you target a certain file size or constant bit rate, you will achieve better quality with a slower preset. Read for more details. |
fast |
captureCursor | boolean | no | Whether to capture the mouse cursor while recording the screen. false by default |
true |
captureClicks | boolean | no | Whether to capture mouse clicks while recording the screen. false by default |
true |
timeLimit | number | no | The maximum recording time, in seconds. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes) | 300 |
forceRestart | boolean | no | Whether to ignore the call if a screen recording is currently running (false ) or to start a new recording immediately and terminate the existing one if running (true , the default value). |
true |
Stop recording the screen. If no screen recording has been started before then the method returns an empty string.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
remotePath | string | no | The path to the remote location, where the resulting video should be uploaded. The following protocols are supported: http/https, ftp. Null or empty string value (the default setting) means the content of resulting file should be encoded as Base64 and passed as the endpoint response value. An exception will be thrown if the generated media file is too big to fit into the available process memory. | |
user | string | no | The name of the user for the remote authentication. | myname |
pass | string | no | The password for the remote authentication. | mypassword |
method | string | no | The http multipart upload method name. The 'PUT' one is used by default. | POST |
headers | map | no | Additional headers mapping for multipart http(s) uploads | {"header": "value"} |
fileFieldName | string | no | The name of the form field, where the file content BLOB should be stored for http(s) uploads. file by default |
payload |
formFields | Map or Array<Pair> |
no | Additional form fields for multipart http(s) uploads | {"field1": "value1", "field2": "value2"} or [["field1", "value1"], ["field2", "value2"]] |
Base64-encoded content of the recorded media file if remotePath
parameter is falsy or an empty string.
Retrieves a screenshot of each display available to macOS.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
displayId | number | no | Display identifier to take a screenshot for. If not provided then all display screenshots are going to be returned. If no matches were found then an error is thrown. Use the system_profiler -json SPDisplaysDataType Terminal command to list IDs of connected displays or the macos: listDisplays API. |
1 |
A list of dictionaries where each item has the following keys:
: Display identifierisMain
: Whether this display is the main onepayload
: The actual PNG screenshot data encoded to base64 string
Opens the given URL with the default or the given application. Xcode must be at version 14.3+.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
url | string | yes | The URL to be opened. This parameter is manadatory. |, myscheme:yolo |
bundleId | string | no | The bundle identifier of an application to open the given url with. If not provided then the default application for the given url scheme is going to be used. | com.myapp.yolo |
Initiates a new native screen recording session via XCTest. If the screen recording is already running then this call results in noop. A screen recording is running until a testing session is finished. If a recording has never been stopped explicitly during a test session then it would be stopped automatically upon the test session termination, and leftover videos would be deleted as well. Xcode must be at version 15+.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
fps | number | no | Frame Per Second setting for the resulting screen recording. 24 by default. Higher FPS values may significantly increase the size of the resulting video. | 60 |
codec | number | no | Possible codec value, where 0 means H264 (the default setting), 1 means HEVC |
1 |
displayId | number | no | Valid display identifier to record the video from. Main display ID is assumed by default. Use the system_profiler -json SPDisplaysDataType Terminal command to list IDs of connected displays or the macos: listDisplays API. |
1 |
The information about the asynchronously running video recording, which includes the following items:
Name | Type | Description | Example |
fps | number | Frame Per Second value | 24 |
codec | number | Codec value, where 0 means H264 (the default setting), 1 means HEVC |
1 |
displayId | number | Display identifier used to record this video for. | 1 |
uuid | string | Unique video identifier. It is also used by XCTest to store the video on the file system. Look for $HOME/Library/Daemon Containers/<testmanager_id>/Data/Attachments/<uuid> to find the appropriate video file. Add the .mp4 extension to it to make it openable by video players. |
startedAt | number | Unix timestamp of the video startup moment | 123456789 |
Fetches the information of the currently running native video recording. Xcode must be at version 15+.
Either null
if no native video recording is currently active or the same map that macos: startNativeScreenRecording returns.
Stops native screen recording previously started by macos: startNativeScreenRecording and returns the video payload or uploads it to a remote location, depending on the provided arguments. The actual video file is removed from the local file system after the video payload is successfully consumed. If no screen recording has been started before then this API throws an exception. Xcode must be at version 15+.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
remotePath | string | no | The path to the remote location, where the resulting video should be uploaded. The following protocols are supported: http/https, ftp. Null or empty string value (the default setting) means the content of resulting file should be encoded as Base64 and passed as the endpoint response value. An exception will be thrown if the generated media file is too big to fit into the available process memory. | |
user | string | no | The name of the user for the remote authentication. | myname |
pass | string | no | The password for the remote authentication. | mypassword |
method | string | no | The http multipart upload method name. The 'PUT' one is used by default. | POST |
headers | map | no | Additional headers mapping for multipart http(s) uploads | {"header": "value"} |
fileFieldName | string | no | The name of the form field, where the file content BLOB should be stored for http(s) uploads. file by default |
payload |
formFields | Map or Array<Pair> |
no | Additional form fields for multipart http(s) uploads | {"field1": "value1", "field2": "value2"} or [["field1", "value1"], ["field2", "value2"]] |
Base64-encoded content of the recorded media file if remotePath
parameter is falsy or an empty string.
Fetches information about available displays.
A map where keys are display identifiers represented as strings and values are display infos containing the following items:
Name | Type | Description | Example |
id | number | Display identifier | 12345 |
isMain | boolean | Is true if the display is configured as a main system display |
false |
The Mac2 driver has the concept of Application Under Test
. This is the app, whose bundle identifier has been passed as bundleId
capability or as an argument to macos: activateApp
or macos: launchApp
If this application is unexpectedly terminated during test session execution then an exception is going to be thrown upon any following session command invocation. In such case the driver assumes the application under test is crashed and it is impossible to proceed.
Also, the Application Under Test
is going to be terminated when the testing session quits (unless canceled by skipAppKill
It is possible to reset the Application Under Test
value to none by executing macos: terminateApp
helper and providing the bundle identifier of this app to it. Also, macos: activateApp
or macos: launchApp
calls can change Application Under Test
value if a bundle identifier different from the current one is provided to them.
There is a possibility to run custom AppleScript
from your client code. This feature is potentially insecure and thus needs to be
explicitly enabled when executing the server by providing apple_script
key to the list
of enabled insecure features. Check Appium Security document for more details.
It is possible to either execute a single AppleScript command (use the command
or a whole script (use the script
argument) and get its
stdout in response. If the script execution returns non-zero exit code then an exception
is going to be thrown. The exception message will contain the actual stderr.
If the script is a blocking one then it could only run up to 20 seconds long. After that the script
will be terminated and a timeout error will be thrown. This timeout could be customized by
providing the timeout
option value.
You could also customize the script working directory by providing the cwd
Here's an example code of how to get a shell command output:
// java
String appleScript = "do shell script \"echo hello\"";
System.println(driver.executeScript("macos: appleScript", ImmutableMap.of("command", appleScript)));
In theory it is possible to emulate a mouse gesture of any complexity with W3C actions. However, there is a set of "standard" gestures, where each operating system has its own requirements, like clicks, double clicks, etc. All such action parameters must comply with these requirements to be recognized properly. Here is a short list of examples for the most common macOS pointer gestures:
{"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 10, "x": 100, "y": 100},
{"type": "pointerDown", "button": 0},
{"type": "pause", "duration": 100},
{"type": "pointerUp", "button": 0}
The duration of mouse button suppression should be 0-125 ms.
{"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 10, "x": 100, "y": 100},
{"type": "pointerDown", "button": 2},
{"type": "pointerUp", "button": 2}
The duration of mouse button suppression should be 0-125 ms.
{"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 10, "x": 100, "y": 100},
{"type": "pointerDown", "button": 0},
{"type": "pointerUp", "button": 0},
{"type": "pause", "duration": 1000},
{"type": "pointerDown", "button": 0},
{"type": "pointerUp", "button": 0}
The duration between two clicks should be 600-1000 ms.
{"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 10, "x": 100, "y": 100},
{"type": "pointerDown", "button": 0},
{"type": "pause", "duration": 600},
{"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 10, "x": 200, "y": 200},
{"type": "pointerUp", "button": 0}
The longer is the duration of the second pointerMove
action the lesser is the drag velocity
and vice versa. One could add more pointerMove
actions before releasing the mouse button
to simulate complex cursor moving paths. Mac2Driver terminates action execution with a timeout
error if the duration of it exceeds 5 minutes.
{"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 10, "x": 100, "y": 100},
{"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 1000, "x": 200, "y": 200}
This snippet tells the mouse pointer to hover over [100, 100, 200, 200] area for 1 second.
In general, hover action will be performed every time if there is no preceding pointerDown
to the current pointerMove
one or the preceding pointerDown
action has been ended by
the pointerUp
Mac2Driver supports Appium Settings API. Along with the common settings the following driver-specific settings are currently available:
Name | Type | Description |
boundElementsByIndex | boolean | Whether to use elements binding by index (true ) or by accessibility identifier (the default setting, false ). It makes sense to switch the binding strategy to workaround stale element reference errors containing Identity Binding text in their descriptions. See the corresponding Stack Overflow discussion to know more details on the difference between these two binding strategies. |
useDefaultUiInterruptionsHandling | boolean | Whether to use the default XCTest UI interruptions handling (true , the default setting) or to disable it for the Application Under Test (false ). It makes sense to disable the default handler if it is necessary to validate the interrupting element's presence in your test or do some other actions on it rather than just closing the view implicitly. Check this WWDC presentation from Apple to get more details on the UI interruptions handling. |
The Mac2 driver supports the following scripts:
Run appium driver run mac2 open-wda
to open the bundled WebDriverAgentMac source in Xcode and to print the path to the main .xcodeproj file into the Terminal.
"WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner is from unidentified developer" system alert is shown on session startup
This is a macOS security feature and it cannot be disabled. The only way to workaround this behavior is to configure digital signing for WDA. Check the Stackoverlow thread for more details on how to do it. Use the open-wda driver script to quickly open WebDriverAgent sources in Xcode.
# Python3 + PyTest
import pytest
from appium import webdriver
# Options are available in Python client since v2.6.0
from appium.options.mac import Mac2Options
from appium.webdriver.common.appiumby import AppiumBy
def driver():
options = Mac2Options()
options.bundle_id = ''
# The default URL is in Appium1
drv = webdriver.Remote('', options=options)
yield drv
def test_edit_text(driver):
edit_field = driver.find_element(by=AppiumBy.CLASS_NAME, value='XCUIElementTypeTextView')
edit_field.send_keys('hello world')
assert edit_field.text == 'hello world'
assert edit_field.text == ''
def test_sending_custom_keys(driver):
edit_field = driver.find_element(by=AppiumBy.CLASS_NAME, value='XCUIElementTypeTextView')
flagsShift = 1 << 1
driver.execute_script('macos: keys', {
'keys': [{
'key': 'h',
'modifierFlags': flagsShift,
}, {
'key': 'i',
'modifierFlags': flagsShift,
assert edit_field.text == 'HI'
Parallel execution of multiple Mac2 driver instances is highly discouraged. Only one UI test must be running at the same time, since the access to accessibility layer is single-threaded. Also HID devices, like the mouse or the keyboard, must be acquired exclusively.
The server part of the driver recognizes the following environment variables:
: enables automatic XCTest screenshots. These screenshots are stored in the same folder where WDA test logs are located and are taken automatically. This feature is disabled by default. Only enable it if you know what you are doing otherwise these screenshots may quickly fill up the free disk space.ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_SCREEN_RECORDINGS
: enables automatic XCTest screen recordings. These screen recordings are stored in the same folder where WDA test logs are located and are taken automatically. This feature is disabled by default. Only enable it if you know what you are doing otherwise these videos may quickly fill up the free disk space. The native screen recording feature only works on Xcode 15+.USE_PORT
. If enabled then the server listens on the given port. Otherwise, a random free port from the 10100..10200 range is selected. By default, the port is selected by the driver (see theappium:systemPort
capability description).VERBOSE_LOGGING
. If enabled then server logs should include various verbose details. Disabled by default.
This module uses the same development tools as the other Appium drivers.
Check out the source. Then run:
npm install
Execute npm run test
to run unit tests and npm run e2e-test
to run integration tests.
- W3C actions support is limited (only mouse actions are supported). You could also use
extension APIs to cover your test scenarios