Export gearman metrics in Prometheus format.
See Releases for pre-built binaries.
./gearman-exporter --help
Gearman metrics exporter
gearman-exporter [flags]
--addr string listen address for metrics handler (default "")
--gearmand string address of gearmand (default "")
When running, a simple healthcheck is availible on /healthz
A docker image is published from the Travis build to Docker Hub.
docker run -p9418:9418 gearmanexporter/gearman-exporter --addr
Metrics will be exposed on /metrics
curl http://localhost:9418/metrics
# HELP gearman_jobs number of jobs queued or running
# TYPE gearman_jobs gauge
gearman_jobs{function="bar"} 0
gearman_jobs{function="foo"} 0
# HELP gearman_jobs_running number of running jobs
# TYPE gearman_jobs_running gauge
gearman_jobs_running{function="bar"} 0
gearman_jobs_running{function="foo"} 0
# HELP gearman_jobs_waiting number of jobs waiting for an available worker
# TYPE gearman_jobs_waiting gauge
gearman_jobs_waiting{function="bar"} 0
gearman_jobs_waiting{function="foo"} 0
# HELP gearman_workers number of capable workers
# TYPE gearman_workers gauge
gearman_workers{function="bar"} 1
gearman_workers{function="foo"} 1
# HELP gearman_up is gearman up
# TYPE gearman_up gauge
gearman_up 1
# HELP gearman_version_info gearman version
# TYPE gearman_version_info gauge
gearman_version_info{version="1.1.18"} 1
Requires Go. Tested with Go 1.8+.
Clone this repo into your GOPATH
by default) and run build:
mkdir -p $HOME/go/src/github.com/bakins
cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/bakins
git clone https://github.com/bakins/gearman-exporter
cd gearman-exporter
make build
You should then have two executables: gearman-exporter.linux.amd64 and gearman-exporter.darwin.amd64
You may want to rename for your local OS, ie mv gearman-exporter.darwin.amd64 gearman-exporter
For testing you might want to run a gearman server with Docker:
docker run -p 4730:4730 cargomedia/gearman
While the server is running you could attach a worker function "foo" like this:
docker exec $(docker ps -qf ancestor=cargomedia/gearman) gearman -t9999 -wnf foo
- Push a tag
to Github - Travis will build the program and create a Github release