A simple, exemplary C2MON DAQ module for publishing metrics about the current host using the OSHI library.
See the current reference docs.
Please report issues on GitLab via the issue tracker.
Please have a look into the CHANGELOG.md file.
Find here the complete list of all existing version milestones.
C2MON uses a Maven-based build system.
Git and JDK 11 or later
Be sure that your JAVA_HOME
environment variable points to the jdk-11
extracted from the JDK download.
git clone git@github.com:c2mon/c2mon-daq-hostmetrics.git
mvn package -DskipDockerBuild -DskipDockerTag --settings ./settings.xml
Make sure that your C2MON server is running before launching the Hostmetrics DAQ.
In the example commands below we assume that C2MON is running on localhost
To start the Hostmetrics DAQ from your preferred IDE, specify as main class cern.c2mon.daq.DaqStartup
and add the following VM argument:
First you need to download the latest stable distribution tarball.
The c2mon-daq-hostmetrics tarball release can be downloaded from CERN Nexus Repository
Please check here for the latest stable releaes version.
Download the latest stable distribution tarball
Note, that the tarball does not include a root folder, so you have to create this yourself before extracting it:
mkdir c2mon-daq-hostmetrics; tar -xzf c2mon-daq-hostmetrics-1.0.x-dist.tar.gz -C c2mon-daq-hostmetrics
Once you have installed your distribution tarball run the following command:
${DAQ_HOME}/bin/daqprocess.sh start P_HOST01
docker run --rm --name daq-hostmetrics -it --net=host -e "C2MON_PORT_61616_TCP=tcp://localhost:61616" \
gitlab-registry.cern.ch/c2mon/c2mon-daq-hostmetrics bin/C2MON-DAQ-STARTUP.jvm -f P_HOST01
C2MON is released under the GNU LGPLv3 License.