This Symfony 4.x & 5.x Bundle allows you to authenticate and connect to OroPlatform based applications API via the OAUth2 protocol.
This bundle extends the league/oauth2-client
dependency and will be automatically installed. Fur further information about the dependency, visit the url
- OroPlatform 4.x & 5.x with OAuth Server active on OroPlatform side
- Symfony 4.x | 5.x
Via composer:
composer require diglin/oauth2-oro-provider:^1.0
The default configuration of DiglinOAuth2OroBundle is illustrated below:
# Default configuration for extension with alias: "diglin_oauth2_oro"
# Url of the Oro Application, without trailing slash
url: ~ # Required
# Client ID: see documentation to get the value
client_id: ~ # Required
# Client secret: see documentation to get the value
client_secret: ~ # Required
# Username: required if grant_type = password
username: null
# Password: required if grant_type = password
password: null
# grant_type possible values: client_credentials or password
grant_type: client_credentials # Required
Create a file at the path config/packages/diglin_oauth2_oro.yaml
(you can set also this file at environment level, like into the prod or dev folder.) with the following content example:
'env(OROCRM_URL)': ''
url: "%env(OROCRM_URL)%"
client_id: '%env(OROCRM_CLIENT_ID)%'
client_secret: '%env(OROCRM_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
username: ~ # value only if grant_type = password
password: ~ # value only if grant_type = password
grant_type: "client_credentials" # client_credentials or password
: should looks like
: you can get the value from OroPlatform - see
: can bepassword
is recommended
As stated in Oro Documentation:
The Client Credentials type is used for machine-to-machine authentication (e.g. in a cron job that performs maintenance tasks over an API) and Password is used by trusted first-party clients to exchange the credentials (username and password) for an access token. OAuth advises to use client_credentials
Create an Endpoint implementing the \Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\Endpoints\EndpointInterface
interface. Your class can looks like this:
namespace Acme\Oro;
use Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\ClientOAuthInterface;
class MyEndpoint implements \Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\Endpoints\EndpointInterface
const ENDPOINT_CUSTOMER = '/api/users';
const TYPE = 'users';
public function __construct(private ClientOAuthInterface $client)
public function get()
return $this->client->request(ClientOAuthInterface::REQUEST_GET, $this->getEndpoint());
// When creating a new entity entry
public function put(array $data = ['my_attribute' => 'my value'])
$myJsonData = \json_encode([
'data' => [
'type' => self::TYPE,
'attributes' => $data
return $this->client->request(ClientOAuthInterface::REQUEST_PUT, $this->getEndpoint(), ['body' => $myJsonData]);
// When updating existing entity entry
public function post(array $data = ['my_attribute' => 'my value'])
$myJsonData = \json_encode([
'data' => [
'type' => self::TYPE,
'attributes' => $data
return $this->client->request(ClientOAuthInterface::REQUEST_POST, $this->getEndpoint(), ['body' => $myJsonData]);
public function getEndpoint(): string
Then in your code you can do the following (be aware, the code below should be adapted of course)
// require autoloader + Symfony bootstrap in this example
$parameters = $container->get('diglin_oauth2_oro.api');
$settings = new Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\ClientOAuthSettings($parameters['url'], $parameters['client_id'], $parameters['client_secret'], $parameters['client_credentials'], $parameters['username'], $parameters['password']);
$factory = new \Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\ClientOAuthFactory(\Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\ClientOAuth::class, $settings);
$endpoint = new \Acme\Oro\MyEndpoint($factory->create());
$users = $endpoint->get();
To get the list of available endpoints on your Oro Application, you can request the url
(if you use OroCommerce, there is a difference between frontend and backend, in this case the admin url for backend API may looks like this
Run ./vendor/bin/phpcs -p src --standard=PHPCompatibility --runtime-set testVersion 8.1
- Storage of the API token and take in account the use of the refresh token
- Diglin GmbH
- @diglin_
- Follow us on github!