ENZO IS AN OPEN SOURCE CODE. We encourage you to take it, inspect it, use it, and contribute back any changes you have made. We strive to make the the Enzo community a community of developers.
Enzo's main webpage is:
Enzo is developed in the open on github.com:
Documentation, including instructions for compilation, can be found at:
Please subscribe to the Enzo Users' mailing list at:
If you are interested in Enzo development, you may want to sign up for the Enzo Developer's mailing list as well:
If you have received this source code through an archive, rather than the git version control system, we highly encourage you to upgrade to the version controlled source, as no support can be provided for archived ("tarball") sources.
- C/C++ and Fortan90 compiler
- MPI (such as OpenMPI, MPICH, or IntelMPI) for multi-processor parallel jobs
- HDF5 (serial version) for data outputs
- yt for data analysis and visualization (highly recommended)
- Grackle, a chemistry and radiative cooling library with support for Enzo
- KROME, a chemistry and microphysics library with support for Enzo
Many people have contributed to the development of Enzo -- here's just a short list of the people who have recently contributed, in alphabetical order:
- Tom Abel tabel@stanford.edu
- Gabriel Altay gabriel.altay@gmail.com
- James Bordner jobordner@ucsd.edu
- Greg Bryan gbryan@astro.columbia.edu
- Corey Brummel-Smith cdbs3@gatech.edu
- Iryna Butsky ibutsky@uw.edu
- Renyue Cen cen@astro.princeton.edu
- Duncan Christie duncanchristie@gmail.com
- Dave Collins dcollins4096@gmail.com
- Lauren Corlies lcorlies@lsst.org
- Brian Crosby crosby.bd@gmail.com
- Philipp Edelmann pedelmann@mpa-garching.mpg.de
- Andrew Emerick aemerick11@gmail.com
- Ethan Fisk emf@lanl.gov
- Forrest Glines forrestglines@gmail.com
- Nathan Goldbaum ngoldbau@ucsc.edu
- Philipp Grete grete@pa.msu.edu
- John Forbes jcforbes@ucsc.edu
- Yusuke Fujimoto yusuke.fujimoto.jp@gmail.com
- Oliver Hahn hahn@phys.ethz.ch
- Robert Harkness harkness@sdsc.edu
- Elizabeth Harper-Clark h-clark@astro.utoronto.ca
- Cameron Hummels chummels@gmail.com
- Peter Iannucci iannucii@mit.edu
- Ji-hoon Kim mornkr@tapir.caltech.edu
- Daegene Koh dkoh30@gatech.edu
- Shuo Kong skong.astro@gmail.com
- Claire Kopenhafer clairekope@gmail.com
- Alexei Kritsuk akritsuk@ucsd.edu
- Michael Kuhlen kuhlen@gmail.com
- James Larrue james.larrue@diopolis.com
- Eve Lee elee@cita.utoronto.ca
- Miao Li ml3322@columbia.edu
- Xinyu Li xl2359@columbia.edu
- Yuan Li yuan@astro.columbia.edu
- Greg Meece meecegre@msu.edu
- Yuu Niino yuuniino@ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- Michael Norman mlnorman@ucsd.edu
- JS Oishi jsoishi@gmail.com
- Boon Kiat Oh bkoh@roe.ac.uk
- Brian O'Shea oshea@msu.edu
- Pascal Paschos ppaschos@minbari.ucsd.edu
- Molly Peeples molly@stsci.edu
- Carolyn Peruta perutaca@msu.edu
- John Regan johnanthonyregan@gmail.com
- Alex Razoumov razoumov@gmail.com
- Dan Reynolds reynolds@smu.edu
- Munier Salem msalem@astro.columbia.edu
- Devin Silvia devin.silvia@gmail.com
- Christine Simpson csimpson@astro.columbia.edu
- Samuel Skillman samskillman@gmail.com
- Stephen Skory s@skory.us
- Britton Smith brittonsmith@gmail.com
- Geoffrey So gsiisg@gmail.com
- Elizabeth Tasker tasker@astro1.sci.hokudai.ac.jp
- Pascal Terjan pterjan@gmail.com
- Jason Tumlinson tumlinson@stsci.edu
- Matthew Turk matthewturk@gmail.com
- Rick Wagner rwagner@physics.ucsd.edu
- Peng Wang penwang@nvidia.com
- John Wise jwise@physics.gatech.edu
- Hao Xu haoxu.physics@gmail.com
- Alvaro Zamora alvarozamora@stanford.edu
- Fen Zhao fenzhao@stanford.edu