Stop writing redudant css and don't reinvent the wheel each time. With mote, you write css in a simple and fast 3-char-code syntax. Today the website had to look like this and tomorrow like that. And if we try to use the old code, there is not a lot that we can use again without investing some time.
mote says: stop writting css, set classes as usually.
Everyone is welcomed to make this project rocket safer.
- sass based preprocessor
- easy customizable with settings and hooks
- small *.css filesize
- auto generate webfont
- responsive grid
- optional components like: tooltip, button, pagination, taglist and many more
- only one file for each page
- no css differences between test variations
- easy old code remove
$ git clone https://github.com/fluse/mote-css
$ cd mote-css/
$ sh install.sh
$ which os? (linux/mac)
$ node tasks
select first entry "First Install"
- docroot
- mote
- css
- themes
- {theme}
- {theme}
- concats
- dist
- {theme} * mote.css * mote.min.css
$ node tasks
select first entry "Theme -> Create"
To use mote in your website, simply drop the stylesheet into your document's <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/dist/{theme}/mote.min.css">
write css fast with 3-char-code syntax
classname | description |
grd | grid |
mgn | margin |
pdg | padding |
psn | position |
bxs | box-shadow |
brs | border style |
clr | color |
csr | cursor |
flt | floating |
txt | text-decoration |
bgc | backround-color |
bgt | background transparency |
csr | cursor |
ani | animation |
txt | text |
fsi | font-size |
fsc | font-scale |
dsp | display |
flw | overflow |
wdt | width in % |
wds | width in px |
hgt | height in px |
lnh | line-height rem |
zdx | z-index |
<div class="frm mgn-top-5 bgc-gry grd-each-4 cnr">
<div class="pdg-10 pdg-no-top">1</div>
<div class="fsi-20 txt-nln">2</div>
<div class="frm grd-each-each fsi-30 mgn-top-10 bgc-red cnr zdx-1">
name | description |
-each | each element on first level |
-scd | each element on second level |
-owl | each element on first level without first element |
.each > * {
attr: prop;
<div class="mgn-25-each">
select all elements in second depth width -scd
.scd * > * {
attr: prop;
<div class="mgn-25-scd">
with -owl
you can select all child's from first level excluded first element
.class * + * {
attr: prop;
<div class="mgn-25-owl">
[hidden] {
display: none;
<span hidden>Where i'm</span>
label disable if input is disabled
input:disabled ~ label {
opacity: 0.5;
require symbole after label
label.req:after {
content: " *";
color: #c73434;
markup example
<label class="req">You need to fill me. hihi!</label>
trimmed to long text
.cut {
display: inline-block;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
-o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
max-width: 100%;
-moz-binding: url("/ellipsis.xml#ellipsis");
markup example
<div class="cut">
i'am cutted, but iam so lovely long
i'am cutted...
add blur or grayscale filter
markup examples
<div class="filter-grayscale">
i'am gray scaled
<div class="filter-blur">
i'am blurred
generate a responsive grid with an configurable count of columns
markup example
<div class="frm grd-each-4">
... grd-12
set padding and / or margin as spacings between elements:
mgn = margin
pdg = padding
you can add the position of padding
mgn-top = top
mgn-rgt = right
mgn-btm = bottom
mgn-lft = left
mgn-vrt = vertical
mgn-hzn = horizontal
mgn-5 = 0.5rem = 5px
mgn-10 = 1rem = 10px
mgn-15 = 1.5rem = 15px
mgn-top = top
class example
set the font-size with fsi-[size] like:
<h3 class="fsi-18">I'am 1.8rem big</h3>
<p class="fsi-13">let me tell you some funny things</p>
you can set your needed sizes to following variable into /themes/default/settings.scss
"font-size-list": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45"
all sizes will generated in rem, with px fallback
brs = border-style
-sld = solid
-dtd = dotted
-top = top
-btm = bottom
-lft = left
-rgt = right
s, m, l, xl
<div class="brs-sld-top-s">
brc = border-color
-grn = green
-drk = dark
- usw. usw. usw.
you can define all colors inside themes/{theme}/colors.json
<div class="brs-sld-top-m brc-grn">
use predefined element positions
psn = position
-fxd = fixed
-rel = relative
-abs = absolute
-stc = static
-cnr-top = inner top center
-cnr-btm = inner bottom center
-top = top: 0;
-top-rgt = top: 0; right: 0;
-top-lft = top: 0; left: 0;
-rgt = right: 0;
-btm = bottom: 0;
-btm-rgt = bottom: 0; right: 0;
-btm-lft = bottom: 0; left: 0;
-lft = left: 0;
out = outer positions
-out-cnr-top = outer top center
-out-cnr-btm = outer bottom center
-out-top = bottom: 100%;
-out-rgt = left: 100%;
-out-btm = top: 100%;
-out-lft = right: 100%;
<div class="psr">
<span class="psn-out-cnr-top-abs">I'm top outside related to my parent. Thats fun!</span>
<span class="psn-out-cnr-btm-abs">I'm bottom outside related to my parent. Wohoo!</span>
wrap your markup betwen this noscript tag to set different behaviors and styles, if javascript is deactivated
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mote.css">
<noscript><div class="nojs"></noscript>
<!-- your markup -->
declaire your different css behaviors inside nojs.scss
$ vim sass/src/base/nojs.scss
.nojs div {
/* example*/
load a font from google with with your config
"font-google-list": {
"Roboto": "100 300 400",
"Fontname": "fontWeight1 fontWeight2"
<button class="btn">
<span class="bgc-grn">
<a href="#" class="btn">
<span class="bgc-grn">
set the number of active stars with following additioning:
{include file="component/stars.tpl count=5 half=true}
set the position of the half star
full: 5 of 5
<span class="sts-5"><i></i></span>
half: 4,5 of 5
<span class="sts-4 sts-haf"><i></i></span>
blank: 0 of 5
<span class="sts-0"><i></i></span>
{include file="component/pagination.tpl from=1 to=4 active=2 prefixUrl="/results/" suffixUrl=".php" css="cnr"}
<ul class="pagination cnr">
<li class="edg-prev">
<a href="/results/1.php">prev
<a href="/results/1.php">1
<li class="active">
<a href="/results/2.php">2
<a href="/results/3.php">3
<a href="/results/4.php">4
<li class="edg-next">
<a href="/results/3.php">next
{include file="component/tag.tpl list="{array}" css="txt-rgt"}
<ul class="tag-list brs-t-1-each bgc-wht-each pdg-5 brc-gry-each brs-sld-t-1 brc-wht rnd-each brc-gry-drk-each">
<li>tagname <i class="glyph-xxxs bgc-grn-txc rnd">v</i></li>
<li>tagname <i class="glyph-xxxs bgc-grn-txc rnd">v</i></li>
{include file="component/tip.tpl position="top" content="hello world" translation="hover me" css="txt-rgt"}
<span class="element-with-text tip-rgt" data-tip="hello world!">
hover me
- top
- rgt
- btm
- lft
{include file="components/toggle.tpl" id="toggle" name="toggle" translation="click_me" css="wdt-20"}
<div class="toggle">
<input type="checkbox" id="toggle" name="toggle />
<label for="toggle">Click me</label>
setup your theme
$ grunt theme -name=name
this duplicate all default settings from default theme into given theme name folder
$ sass/themes/flat/**/*.scss
create a new listOfFiles.scss or /folder/listOfFiles.scss into:
/sass/concats/$ touch {folder}/{file}.scss
import all needed files from following folders:
-base -ui -components -vendor
@import "%path%/src/ui/font";
path tag will be replaced with relative sass path
to ../../
or deeper (relative to concat depth
$ grunt compile
all existing theme will be merged with each concat files relative to folders depth
$ grunt compile -theme={name}
$ grunt font -name={name}
will generate an font with all icons from:
$ deliver/font/{name}/*.svg
- add.svg
- remove.svg
- check.svg
- magnify.svg
you can use all icons like:
<i class="icn-add"></i>
<i class="icn-remove"></i>
<i class="icn-check"></i>
<i class="icn-magnify"></i>
$ grunt clean
$ grunt clean -folder
- Chrome 18+
- Firefox 3+
- Safari 5+
- IE 8 partial / 9+
MIT © mote