Group Butler helps people administrate their groups, and includes many other useful tools.
Group Butler was born as an otouto v3.1 (@mokubot
), but it has since been turned into an administration bot.
- branch:
- channel:
- branch:
- branch:
- channel:
- branch:
First of all, take a look at your bot settings
- Make sure privacy is disabled (more info can be found by heading to the official Bots FAQ page). Send
to @BotFather to check the current status of this setting.
Create a plain text file named .env
with the following:
to the authentication token that you received from@BotFather
as a JSON array containing your numerical Telegram ID. Other superadmins can be added too. It is important that you insert the numerical ID and NOT a string.Set
(the ID of the chat where the bot will send all the bad requests received from Telegram) and yourLOG_ADMIN
(the ID of the user that will receive execution errors).
Your .env
file should now look somewhat like this:
- docker 18.02.0-ce
- docker-compose 1.21.0
- Optional: Docker Swarm cluster for deployment
Run make dev_polling
. Docker will pull and build the required images, so the first time you run this command should take a little while. After that, the bot should be up and running.
Code is mounted on the bot container, so you can make changes and restart the bot as you normally would.
Redis default port is mounted to host, just in case you want to debug something using tools available at the host.
The redis container is set to not persist data while in dev mode.
There’s a number of ways you can use docker for deploying into production.
Files named docker-compose.*.yml
are gitignored, just in case you feel the need to override docker-compose.yml
or write something else entirely.
The bot also supports reading Docker Secrets (may work with other vaults too). Check lua/config.lua
to see which variables can be read from secrets.
You can deploy Group Butler by running:
make easy_deploy
Assuming you have deployed redis into, for instance staging
(docker stack deploy …
or docker service create …
) and exported the required environment variables (like $TG_TOKEN
…), you could deploy Group Butler by running:
docker stack deploy staging -c docker-compose.yml
List of required packages:
You will need some other Lua modules too, which can be (and should be) installed through the Lua package manager LuaRocks.
You can easily install Group Butler by running the following commands:
# Tested on Ubuntu 16.04
$ wget
$ bash
# Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04 and 16.04, Debian 7, Linux Mint 17.2
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libssl-dev lua5.1 liblua5.1-dev git make unzip redis-server curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev
# We are going now to install LuaRocks and the required Lua modules
$ wget
$ tar zxpf luarocks-2.2.2.tar.gz
$ cd luarocks-2.2.2
$ ./configure; sudo make bootstrap
$ sudo luarocks install luasec
$ sudo luarocks install luasocket
$ sudo luarocks install redis-lua
$ sudo luarocks install lua-term
$ sudo luarocks install serpent
$ sudo luarocks install lua-cjson
$ sudo luarocks install Lua-cURL
$ cd ..
# Clone the repository and give the launch script permissions to be executed
# If you want to clone the beta branch, use git clone with the [-b beta] option
$ git clone
$ cd GroupButler
$ sudo chmod +x
Before you start the bot, you have to start the Redis process.
# Start Redis
$ sudo service redis-server start
To start the bot, run ./
. To stop the bot, press Control CTRL+C twice.
You may also start the bot with ./polling.lua
, however it will not restart automatically. You will also need to find another way to export the required environment variables.
- You can change some settings of the bot. All the settings are placed in
, in thebot_settings
: the permanence in seconds of the adminlist in the cache. The bot caches the adminlist to avoid to hit Telegram limitsnotify_bug
: iftrue
, the bot will send a message that notifies that a bug has occurred to the current user, when a plugin is executed and an error happenslog_api_errors
: iftrue
, the bot will send in theLOG_CHAT
all the relevant errors returned by an api request toward Telegramstream_commands
: iftrue
, when an update triggers a plugin, the match will be printed on the console
- There are some other useful fields that can be added to .env you can find in
, for instanceREDIS_DB
: the selected Redis database (if you are running Redis with the default config, the available databases are 16). The database will be selected on each start/reload. Default: 0
- Other things that may be useful
- Administrators commands start for
. They are not documented, look at the triggers ofplugins/admin.lua
plugin for the whole list - If the main function of a plugin returns
, the bot will continue to try to match the message text with the missing triggers of theplugins
table - You can send yourself a backup of the zipped bot folder with the
command - The Telegram Bot API has some undocumented "weird behaviours" that you may notice while using this bot
- In supergroups, the
method returns always a positive response if theuser_id
has been part of the group at least once, it doesn't matter if the user is not in the group when you use this method - In supergroups, the
method returns always a positive response if theuser_id
has been part of the group at least once, it doesn't matter if the user is not in the group or is not in the group blacklist
- In supergroups, the
- Administrators commands start for
Everything is stored on Redis, and the fastest way to edit your database is via the Redis CLI.
You can find a backup of your Redis database in /etc/redis/dump.rdb
. The name of this file and the frequency of saves are dependent on your redis configuration file.
If you want to help translate the bot, follow the instructions below. Parts of Group Butler use tools from gettext. However we don't use binary format *.mo
for the sake of simplicity. The bot parses the *.po
files in the locales
directory at runtime.
We recommend contributing translations to our Crowdin project.
Note for developers: update the POT file whenever you change a string, and don't forget to use the i18n()
function so it's translatable. In order to update the POT file you will need to install gettext and then run:
make pot
Topkecleon, for the original otouto
Iman Daneshi and Tiago Danin, for Jack-telegram-bot
Cosmonawt, for his Lua library for the Bot API
Yago Pérez for his telegram-bot
The Werewolf guys, for aiding the spread of the bot
Lucas Montuano, for helping me a lot in the debugging of the bot
All the Admins of our discussion groups about Group Butler
All the people who reported bugs and suggested new stuff
Le Laide