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This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 27, 2020. It is now read-only.


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An application to create, edit and delete polls that can be answered in real time. In this repository, you'll find the codebase of the mobile application of the system.

This software is developed as semester project (PRO) at HEIG-VD, academic year 2019/20.

Development team:

Matthieu Burguburu (ass. project lead)
David Dupraz
Clarisse Fleurimont
Alexandre Piveteau (project lead)
Guy-Laurent Subri


This project uses Gradle and the Android SDK will be needed.


You can install the app via the Google Play store, which we highly encourage you to do. Alternatively, you can build it yourself.

Building the release version

The release version can only be built by specific users who are allowed to sign the app. If you need this access, please contact Alexandre and/or Guy-Laurent.

Building the development version

The development version of the app will not include Firebase Crashlytics, but instead will output debug information.

To build the app locally, you need to launch ./gradlew clean assembleDebug to build two .apk file. Those apk will be located at :

  1. app/build/outputs/apk/developmentAPI/debug/app-developmentAPI-debug.apk
  2. app/build/outputs/apk/productionAPI/debug/app-productionAPI-debug.apk

The app-productionAPI-debug.apk version will be built so that the app can communicate with our backend (i.e. The app-developmentAPI-debug.apk version will be built so that you can run your own version of the backend locally.

If you wish to use the backend locally, you will need to have a file at the root of the project directory. It should contain the address and the port of your backend instance.

For example:

## This file must *NOT* be checked into Version Control Systems,
# as it contains information specific to your local configuration.
# Location of the SDK. This is only used by Gradle.
# For customization when using a Version Control System, please read the
# header note.

# Necessary for building the release version

Finally, whichever version you chose, you will need to transfer it to your phone and install it manually. Please note that you may need to change your security settings to allow installing applications from unknown sources.