Releases: imranhsayed/nextjs-headless-wordpress
Setup with bash commands
It's very simple to setup the project with just one command and this ./nxtwp configure
One command project setup
The below command is going to set up the project in the interactive mode.
It creates an .env file for front-end next.js project and setsup up frontend and/or backend.
Run this from the root of the project.
./nxtwp configure
It's going to ask you a few of questions.
Q1. Do you already have a WordPress setup that you want to continue with? [y/n]:
: If you would like to use this project's WordPress Docker setup ( In which case make sure to install and active all plugins from [backend/plugins-collection])
: If you want to use your own WordPress setup.
Q2. ✍️ What is your WP backend URL? (defaults to http://localhost:8020):
Leave it blank if you would like to use this project's WordPress Docker setup,
else enter your own WordPress site URL.
✍️ What is your frontend next js URL? (defaults to http://localhost:3000):
Leave this blank for development, as it will be the same as default for next.js
✍️ What is your Disqus comments shortname? (leave blank if you are not using):
Leave this blank if you are not going to use the Disqus comments, else enter your Disqus comments shortname.
That's it!
This is going to automatically:
- Creates the
file in the frontend directory. - Setup WordPress backend with all the plugins via composer (if you chose y for the first question)
- Install npm packages for next.js frontend and start development server.
WordPress Backend will be available on http://localhost:8020
Next.js Backend will be available on port http://localhost:3000
- Make sure to activate all plugins that it has installed via composer.
- Update block registry by going to WordPress Dashboard > GraphQL Gutenberg.
- For more information checkout the project Wiki
First Release
v1.0 Update readme