A Kubernetes Operator based on the Operator SDK for installing and reconciling managed products.
An Integreatly Operator can be installed using three different flavours: managed-api
or multitenant-managed-api
To switch between the three you can use export the INSTALLATION_TYPE
env or use it in conjunction with any of the make commands referenced in this README
The operator installs the following products:
- 3scale
- RHSSO (both a cluster instance, and a user instance)
- Marin3r
- 3scale
- RHSSO (cluster instance)
- Marin3r
- operator-sdk version v1.21.0.
- go version 1.19+
- moq
- oc version v4.6+
- yq version v4.30+
- jq
- promtool
- Access to an Openshift v4.6.0+ cluster
- A user with administrative privileges in the OpenShift cluster
After installation, the following commands must be run to avoid a known issue related to the Moq package:
make code/compile
go install github.com/matryer/moq
Ensure that the cluster satisfies minimal requirements:
- RHOAM (managed-api and multitenant-managed-api): 18 vCPU. More details can be found in the service definition under the "Resource Requirements" section.
Only if you haven't already cloned. Otherwise, navigate to an existing copy.
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/integr8ly
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/integr8ly
git clone https://github.com/integr8ly/integreatly-operator
cd integreatly-operator
For development work the required vcpu and ram can be lower than that stated in the service definition. Different quotas require different values. Table belong are typical requested values needed for RHOAM on a cluster with cluster storage set to True.
Quota | vCPU | RAM |
100 Thousand | 6.5 vCPU | 22 Gb |
1 Million | 6.5 vCPU | 22 Gb |
5 Million | 8 vCPU | 24 Gb |
10 Million | 8.5 vCPU | 24 Gb |
20 Million | 9.5 vCPU | 24 Gb |
50 Million | 14 vCPU | 26.5 Gb |
If you are working against a fresh cluster it will need to be prepared using the following.
Ensure you are logged into a cluster by oc whoami
. See here about this and other optional configuration variables.
INSTALLATION_TYPE=<managed-api/multitenant-managed-api> make cluster/prepare/local
If you are running RHOAM against a cluster which is smaller than the requirements listed above, you should use the IN_PROW variable, otherwise the installation will not complete. If you have a cluster which meets the requirements, this step can be skipped. Please see the table below for other configuration options.
INSTALLATION_TYPE=managed-api IN_PROW=true USE_CLUSTER_STORAGE=<true/false> make deploy/integreatly-rhmi-cr.yml
Variable | Options | Type | Default | Details |
INSTALLATION_TYPE | managed-api or multitenant-managed-api |
Required | managed-api |
Manages installation type. managed-api for RHOAM. multitenant-managed-api for Multitenant RHOAM. |
IN_PROW | true or false |
Optional | false |
If true , reduces the number of pods created. Use for small clusters |
USE_CLUSTER_STORAGE | true or false |
Optional | true |
If true , installs application to the cloud provider. Otherwise installs to the OpenShift. |
if you haven't already exported it.
The operator can now be run locally:
INSTALLATION_TYPE=<managed-api/multitenant-managed-api> make code/run
If you want to run the operator from a specific image, you can specify the image and run make cluster/deploy
IMAGE_FORMAT=<image-registry-address> INSTALLATION_TYPE=managed-api make cluster/deploy
Note: if the operator doesn't find an RHMI cr, it will create one (Name: rhoam
Variable | Options | Type | Default | Details |
PRODUCT_DECLARATION | File path | Optional | ./products/installation.yaml |
Specifies how RHOAM install the product operators, either from a local manifest, an index, or an included bundle. Only applicable to RHOAM |
Use following commands to validate that installation succeeded:
(managed-api): oc get rhmi rhoam -n redhat-rhoam-operator -o jsonpath='{.status.stage}{"\n"}'
For RHOAM Multitenant
(multitenant-managed-api): oc get rhmi rhoam -n sandbox-rhoam-operator -o jsonpath='{.status.stage}{"\n"}'
Once the installation completed the command wil result in following output:
If you installed RHOAM locally or via OLM then you can uninstall one of two ways:
- for local installation use the namespace that the RHMI CR was created in.
- for OLM installation use the
redhat-rhoam-operator Namespace
A) Create a configmap and add a deletion label (Preferred way of uninstallation).
oc create configmap managed-api-service -n <NAMESPACE>
oc label configmap managed-api-service api.openshift.com/addon-managed-api-service-delete=true -n <NAMESPACE>
B) Delete the RHOAM cr.
oc delete rhmi rhoam -n <NAMESPACE>
In both scenarios wait until the RHOAM cr is removed and then run the following command to delete the namespace.
oc delete namespace <NAMESPACE>
make cluster/cleanup && make cluster/cleanup/crds
More info can be found in the docs folder and at the Integreatly Read the Docs site.