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Adam Shaw edited this page Aug 26, 2013 · 2 revisions


Do you want to help the FullCalendar project move forward? FullCalendar has become rather popular over the past few years and there is a lot to be done. Any time and effort you are willing to contribute is greatly appreciated! Here are the ways you can contribute:

Answering StackOverflow Questions

FullCalendar has a lot of configuration options and some complex behavior, and often times people need help achieving what they want. FullCalendar uses StackOverflow as a support forum. If you have experience with FullCalendar, answering other peoples' questions is a great way to contribute.

Visit the StackOverflow fullcalendar tag

Issue Tracker Triage

The issue tracker gets submissions that are often not very useful in their initial form. They need to be fleshed out in some way:

  • A bug that is not fully reproducable. The submitter needs help following the bug report instructions.
  • A feature request that is not sufficiently described, according to the feature request instructions
  • A report that already exists and should be marked as "Duplicate". This is not as easy as it sounds, as there are hundreds of issues!
  • An issue that is not really an issue and should be marked as "Invalid". Example: a question that should be asked on StackOverflow instead.

The goal is to make every issue actionable, so that its need is established and its implementation clear.

If you know what you're doing with issue triage, and would like to contribute, please contact me and I'll set you up with the correct permissions.

Writing Code

FullCalendar uses GitHub for source code collaboration. Pull requested are accepted (albeit a little backed up right now). Plans are in the works for improving this process.

There is currently no official style guide. For now, simply try to mimic the style of the existing code. Look at the repo's readme for getting started with development.

Visit FullCalendar on GitHub

Improving the Docs

The documentation needs some love, especially with providing examples. An official process is not yet in place, but if you are interested in helping at some point, please contact me.

Writing Tests

The goal is to reach complete code coverage with unit tests. A testing framework is not yet in place, but if you are interested in writing tests in the future, please contact me.