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Adam Shaw edited this page Sep 10, 2013 · 4 revisions

Report a Bug

Do you think something is broken with FullCalendar's existing behavior? If so, please carefully follow these steps for reporting a bug:

Step 1: Isolate the bug on your end

More often than not, the problem is with your code, not with FullCalendar. To determine this, remove as much of your code as possible:

  • Remove all unrelated stylesheets and JS files
  • Remove all unrelated 3rd party libraries
  • Remove all server-side logic. Use static HTML and JSON files instead.

For more info on this technique, read Reduced Test Cases.

Step 2: Post a public demonstration of the bug

Use a service like JSFiddle or JSBin to demonstrate the bug online. Enter your JS, CSS, HTML, and JSON and wire up all the relevant dependencies (jQuery, jQuery UI, etc). Here are some JSFiddle templates to help you get started:

Instructions: Fork the fiddle, click Update when you're done, then Share the link.

Step 3: Describe the bug

Please describe the correct desired behavior and how the buggy behavior differs from that. Please describe, in detail, the exact steps that are needed to reproduce the bug.

Screenshots are extremely helpful. For bugs that require complicated user interaction, please post a recorded video screencast if possible.

Step 4: Use the issue tracker

At this point, anyone should be able to open up your JSFiddle demonstration, read your description, and reproduce your bug in less than 1 minute!!!

If this is true, please move on to the issue tracker (requires a Google account). It is a good idea to search through the list to see if someone has already reported your bug. If so, simply star it to receive notifications about progress.

Please enter only one bug per issue and do not combine issues.

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